The boss is abusing the scum again

Chapter 67 Sit in Prison

Director: Which crime?There are many!I don't want to argue with you!

At this time, Director Fat's cell phone rang, and Xiao Yun sent a text message: Honey.Did you get any money from her?
The director closed the phone when he saw the message.Said to the people around: This old lady leave him alone.Just bring this Zhang and this Zheng Zheng to the institute!

Upon hearing this, Sister Zhang was taken to the institute again.Angrily roared loudly: Why?Why did you bring us here?

No one cares!The fat director had a cold smile on his face!

Two auxiliary policemen came over like wolves and grabbed her and stuffed her into the police car...

A lot of spectators came from outside.Wan'er knew it would be impossible if she didn't go.So I went to the police car by myself.The beauticians were scared to stay in the room and dare not come out.

In the presence of the public, Fu's mother turned pale with anger and her lips trembled.Can't say a word.Dash back to the back room to find the phone.Called Shu Beibei's phone number.

Mama Fu: Officer Su, I am Mama Fu...

voice choked...

Su Beibei asked nervously: "What's wrong with Fu's mother?"What's the matter?
Mother Fu said in a trembling voice, "Son, are you in the institute?"Something went wrong, come and have a look.

Su Beibei's nervous heart jumped into his throat: Is something wrong, mom, don't worry, just speak slowly.

Fu's mother said: Wan'er was taken away by your director!

Su Beibei: What!This damn director!No wonder I was sent on a business trip, and I was looking for Wan'er again.This bastard beast!Fu mom, don't worry, I'll find a way!
Mom Fu went to the studio to comfort the girls.Wan'er and Sister Zhang were taken to the police station.

Sister Zhang still yelled and cursed angrily all the way.As a result, he was handcuffed.Pulled to the interrogation room.

Wan'er didn't know what happened when Sister Zhang brought her to the interrogation room.Wan'er was taken to the director's office!

The director's fat body moved to Wan'er's side.He stretched out his hand to pinch Wan'er's face.

Wan'er twisted away in disgust.The director said coercively, "You little girl, why don't you know anything about current affairs, and you follow me to guarantee you a popular, hot-drinking beauty salon that is booming."But you just want to fight against me, this is the end of fighting against me!

Wan'er didn't want to say a word to the director.I kept cursing indignantly in my heart: bastard.Damn it, I'll put you in jail sooner or later!shoot!
Seeing that Wan'er didn't speak, the fat director just stood there in a daze, thinking that the little girl had given in.Then he put on a hypocritical look and said: That's right.Why bother?The arms cannot twist the thighs.I don't know what you're trying to do with me, hurry up and follow me!
Wan'er glared at the director and still didn't say a word, staring at the director so hairy!There is a saying that silence is the best resistance.

The fat director said angrily, "You little girl, I won't let you try something powerful."You don't know my methods.

Then he said to his subordinates: Put handcuffs on me.Take him to the interrogation room, in a single room, and let him enjoy the feeling of wearing handcuffs in a black room.

Wan'er: What law have I committed? You need to handcuff me.

Director: Obstructing official duties and suspected of pornographic gambling... What's the matter?Not convinced?
Wan'er said: No matter what crime you accuse me of.You will release me after 24 hours of locking me up!Otherwise, I will sue the city and the province.I don't believe it!Do you have your backstage all over the country!
Director: You sue, sue!Go and sue.

After finishing speaking, he ordered an auxiliary policeman: Come in!Go and block the so-called scumbag groups and beauty salons.Tell everyone that Zheng Waner is suspected of breaking the law!
The auxiliary police promised and took people to seal up Wan'er's beauty salon...

Wan'er was taken into a dark room.No windows no lights.There was an interrogation chair, and an auxiliary policeman forced Wan'er into the interrogation chair, and the chair was also locked.

In fact, Wan'er is not afraid at all, what he is afraid of is that sister Zhang will suffer.He wants to remove this so-called director.Just get some evidence,
So Wan'er mobilized the robot in her palm and brain.Let it run at the same time.Recorded everything.

Wan'er thought to herself: Director Fei will not give up, and will come to make trouble again.

About half an hour later, Director Fat really came!Wan'er was handcuffed, and her body was fixed on the interrogation chair, unable to move.The director came into the house and closed the door.Wan'er felt that the danger factor was increasing!The director is about to lay a black hand on Wan'er.

So Wan'er secretly directed the robot to emit an abnormal light, and the whole room was suddenly illuminated.The director stood there in surprise.

The robot controls the director's brain.Wan'er asked: Sir, why did you put handcuffs on me and lock me up here.

The director is now out of control.Said: Why don't you be my lover.OK, that's the second question.Why do you fine me every day?One penalty pays so much.

Director: I want to get money for my little lover.

Wan'er: The third question, what are you doing here now?

Director.Impatiently said: I came to do that with you.

Wan'er asked again: Have you harmed many good women?And framed a lot of people for no reason!

Director: Yes, yes.

Wan'er: Then tell me one by one!
Wan'er had already turned on the video recording function.The fat director told all the bad things he did one by one like pouring beans.

After talking for more than an hour, I still haven't finished.Wan'er turned off the video recording function.Open the handcuffs and interrogation chair with intelligent robots!Standing up, he said viciously to the fat director: Mr. Director, you just wait to die.

The director seemed to wake up suddenly, watched Wan'er go out of the room, and asked in panic: How did you unlock the handcuffs and the interrogation chair?Wait a minute, what did I just say.

Wan'er: Sir, you didn't say anything just now.

The director chased him out and shouted to the outside: Come here quickly!The prisoner ran away.

A group of auxiliary police came to arrest Wan'er again.Wan'er activates the robot's face-changing mask function.All of a sudden, the director's head became a big pig's head.A group of auxiliary policemen were too scared to move, Wan'er pointed at them and said: Whoever dares to move again will turn them all into pig heads.Then he pointed to the youngest auxiliary policeman and said: Don't do anything, help the bad guys bully the common people, you all wait for me to die!After finishing speaking, he pointed to another small auxiliary policeman and said, "Tell me where Sister Zhang has gone, go and release Sister Zhang to me!"The auxiliary police did not dare to move without the director's order!

Wan'er: You don't want to go, right? Wan'er turned on the robot and immediately turned his head into a pig's head.

A group of people were so scared that they almost peed their pants.

Another person said: I will go!I go!That person hurried to the interrogation room to unlock Sister Zhang's handcuffs.The two walked away.

Not long after the two left, Su Beibei came to the office with a dozen police officers.At this time, the director and the little auxiliary policeman had returned to their human appearance.He was standing in the yard giving a lecture to a group of auxiliary police: How did you let the two women go?

Su Beibei led people into the courtyard of the police station, and two people went up and put handcuffs on the director without saying a word.

How is this going?The director yelled at Su Beibei.

Su Beibei's face was so cold that water gushed out.He said flatly: Mr. Director, do you think that when I was transferred to the ancient town office, I really came to be your subordinate?Let me tell you the truth.I was sent by the Provincial Public Security Bureau to investigate you.Now the evidence is conclusive!You just wait to go to jail!

Director: I just wait to go to jail?Are you mistaken?
The director still wanted to struggle and was escorted into the police car by two police officers, and the rest of the auxiliary police looked at each other in blank dismay!Slumped on the ground.They were all taken away by people from the Public Security Bureau.

Su Beibei consulted the Public Security Bureau!The bureau temporarily dispatched a leader to temporarily manage the work of the ancient town.

The news of the director's arrest seemed to have grown wings not long ago, and everyone in the town knew about it!It became a joke after dinner.The people all clapped their hands and applauded.Live under the majesty of this director.What a pain.A certain mayor of the ancient town government was also arrested together!These people are all grasshoppers on the same rope as the director of Guzhen Fatty.Once one is caught, no one can jump on the same rope.

Wan'er also provided all the evidence to Su Beibei!He took these evidences plus the previous collection, and the confession of the fat director during the interrogation.And each of these people was sentenced to life.

Not only the people in the ancient town, but also the people in the East City.It was spread all over the place, and everyone drank to celebrate the punishment of corrupt officials!
But Wan'er's beauty salon in the ancient town can't continue to open, because the traffic here is limited.In addition, I was disturbed by the fat director several times.Business is slow!
I had to go to Dongcheng District.But he thought that Jiang Feng's company was there in Dongshi.

Although Jiang Feng had repented, Yu'er couldn't drive him away.Take the video recorded by Jiang Feng bumping into her cell phone.Every now and then, he would sue Jiang Feng for a hit-and-run!He had no choice but to leave her in the company indifferently.But just ignore her.

This is also a kind of harm to Wan'er.I think Jiang Feng is too uncertain.Although the burn on the arm has healed, the scar left in the bottom of my heart is not so easy to remove.

After much deliberation, he listened to Su Beibei's suggestion to go to Wucheng, the provincial capital, to set up a larger beauty salon.

Wan'er discussed with Fu's mother.Saying goodbye to Sister Wang, I came to Wucheng from the ancient town of Dongshi. Because the work tasks of Jiangsu Beibei were completed, they have been transferred to the Provincial Public Security Bureau.

With the help of Su Beibei, Wan'er quickly found a facade.Start the renovation.This offended Jiang Feng!I think Wan'er ran away with Su Subei!

The misunderstanding between the two deepened!
On this day, Wan'er was in the renovated facade, looking at the workers' decoration design plans.

Suddenly received a call from Xiao Yu.Xiaoyu said on the phone: Wan'er, I'm sorry, I did some things that I'm sorry to you.However, Xiaoyun is Xiaoyun, I am me, and now I tell you a bad news.Miss Wang was arrested.

Wan'er listened to the phone and asked, "Xiao Yu."thank you.There was no deep hatred between the two of us.However, who do you think Miss Wang was arrested by?

Xiaoyu: Sister Wang was arrested by the police.

Wan'er: What's the matter?

Xiao Yu: Why don't you come back and have a look.I don't know either.I still heard what Xiaoyun mentioned in their conversation, and I can't say more.Come back and see for yourself.

Xiao Yu hung up the phone!

Wan'er also hung up the phone, but she was a little dazed.How is this going?Sister Wang, why was she arrested by the Public Security Bureau?

She told the decoration boss!Hurry back to the house I just bought, discuss with Sister Zhang and my mother, and prepare to go back to the ancient town at night!

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