The young man smiled charmingly, took out a bottle of mineral water that had already been unscrewed, and handed it to Wan'er.

Wan'er took the water and drank half of the bottle without hesitation.

Not long after drinking the water, Wan'er fell to the ground.

The young man smiled wickedly, and couldn't wait to pick up Wan'er and throw her on the bed...

Then, the young man took off his clothes in twos and threes in a hurry.Wearing only a small underwear.Just about to take off Wan'er's clothes.Seeing Wan'er's face froze.

Wan'er, who was just a beautiful woman just now, has distorted facial features.Ugly!What's even more frightening is that Shui Lingling's big eyes just now are not only smaller, but also full of white eyeballs.Just the little white eyes blinked at the young man, his face was full of bumps and bumps like toad skin.

The young man screamed in fright.Fall backwards!The young man fainted from fright.

This loud cry awakened Wan'er from her hazy hallucinations.He saw himself on this young man's bed.For some unknown reason, he quickly got up.And saw the young man fall to the ground.Just wearing underwear, I seem to understand something in my heart.Then he saw that his clothes were still on his body, and he relaxed from his tense mood.

However, Wan'er saw her own face in the dressing table at this time.The heart is pulled up again.Almost scared myself to death.In a panic, he ran out the door and ran towards the house.

Anyway, at noon on the street, everyone was taking a lunch break, there were not many people, and no one noticed Wan'er.

Wan'er ran home in a hurry to find the cosmetic mirror hidden in the quilt.Hastily put the mirror on the face, strange, the face at this time is clearly the beautiful face after plastic surgery.This time Wan'er was confused.

Just listen to the computer voice in the mirror and say: "What are your orders?" This mirror can also speak intelligently to humans?
"Why did I become so ugly just now?"

"This is a protective film for women in beauty mirrors. It is a high-tech product, and anyone who has undergone plastic surgery with this mirror will be given this protective film."

"What is the protective film for?"

"It's connected to your biological body. If it senses that you are in danger, it will appear naturally! Frighten off dangerous people. It will automatically disappear when you are not in danger."

"Will he kill people?" Wan'er was both excited and frightened.

"will not."

"Then what will he do?" Wan'er kept asking.

"What kind of IQ are you? It's annoying, why are people in your century so stupid?"

"How did you get here?"

"When I was traveling in space with a woman, she found a plastic mirror that was better than mine, and threw me in the garbage bin. The space garbage station, when transporting the garbage out for destruction, accidentally threw me Fall into a time tunnel."

"Oh! God!"

"What's your name?" Beauty Mirror asked Wan'er.

"Are you alive? Are you afraid of pain?"

"I have no life, I'm just an intelligent plastic mirror robot!"

"That's good." Wan'er said happily.


"If you have life, you have to eat. If you eat, I can't feed you."

"Of course I have to eat. As long as you put me in the sun for an hour, you can use electricity for three days. I consume electricity all the time."

"That's great." Wan'er exclaimed happily again, "Since you're so smart, what kind of work do you think I can do?"

"I'm just doing cosmetic surgery. Speaking of work, what education do you have and what are your specialties?"

"I have nothing, I just know how to read."

"It's ridiculous, then go to the beauty salon."

"What?" Wan'er looked curious.

"No reason, it's just that there is no education required. There is no requirement for special skills, as long as the mouth can speak. There are majors!"

"But I can't do anything."

"You just need to know how to use a mirror. Help others get plastic."

After speaking, pictures appeared on the mirror.There are noses, eyes, and mouths.

Wan'er spent an afternoon learning how to use the beauty mirror!
The next day, I found a job in a beauty salon called "Qiu Shui Liren" in the city.

The owner of the beauty salon is surnamed Wang, and everyone calls her Miss Wang.

It's just around the corner on Valentine's Day.To do activities in the store requires a lot of manpower.

Wan'er saw the recruitment notice, and when she went in to apply for the job, Sister Wang happened to be there too.She caught Wan'er's appearance at a glance.How many customers will this naturally beautiful appearance bring to me?
"What do you know?"

"I can do plastic surgery with bare hands." Wan'er said confidently!
Have this ability?This startled Ms. Wang.Wan'er was asked to demonstrate the technique on the spot.Wan'er followed the steps in the video taught yesterday in the mirror.Let a beautician named Xiaoyun lie on the bed.Wan'er asked for disinfectant and washed her hands.On Xiaoyun's nose, he deliberately pinched it back and forth.After a while, he took out the beauty mirror from his pocket.The mirror has been turned to silent mode.

"Close your eyes, everyone!" Wan'er said to Sister Wang and other beauticians who were watching.

"Why do we close our eyes?"

"At the critical moment, my technique is a secret skill passed down from my ancestors, and I will not teach it to anyone."

"Just close it." Sister Wang said to everyone.Everyone closed their eyes.

Wan'er took out the mirror and switched it to the nose shaping mode.Take a picture of Xiaoyun!

But the mirror ran out of power halfway through!Xiaoyun's nose has only been trimmed in half, with one nostril higher and the other lower.

Anxious Wan'er was sweating profusely.Click left and right, the mirror just doesn't work.

"Are you ready?" Everyone couldn't help opening their eyes.


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