Yang Liu was thinking helplessly, what should I do?
The phone rang again.She stood up slowly to answer the phone: "Hi! I'm the little apple from just now."

"The two of us have settled, what are you looking for me for?"

"You want to joke, how can 4000 yuan be used to send a person? I forgot to ask you to pay for mental damage."

"You scumbag!"

"Hehehe!" The other party was still not angry, and let out a smug laugh.

Only now, Yang Liu began to regret it.Why should my youth get into the eyes of money?Don't care about anything for money.While hating himself for not living up to expectations, at the same time hating Lan Shu for being a bastard.

Thinking of Lan Shucheng, he dialed the phone.As if they knew he was going to make a call, they kept shutting down the phone.

Just as he hung up the phone, Apple's number called again, and Yang Liu also got on the line at this time, but he didn't answer.

Little Apple hit it a dozen times.Yang Liu just didn't pick it up.

At this time, I heard the phone ding, and a short message came.The short message was followed by a video.

Yang Liu couldn't help but pick up the phone and take a look.

"What are you, Yang? See how happy I am with Big Brother Lan now!"

In the video, are Little Apple and Lan Shucheng really together?
The phone dinged again and a message came.

"You are limited to transfer another 10 yuan within 5000 minutes. Otherwise, I will publish all the nude photos to the public."

Yang Liu suddenly thought: hum!Treat me, and I can cure you too.

Thinking of this, she took the initiative to call Little Apple and said, "I will also publish your video on various websites."

Little Apple said: "You are stupid, Lan Shucheng and I are going to get married now. Because Sister Wang and him have obtained a divorce certificate long ago. Besides, Brother Lan and I also have children. At best, you are a little paparazzi messing with other people's privacy You will be fined for violating other people’s privacy.”

"I don't believe it! You let Big Brother Lan answer the phone!"

Then Lan Shucheng's voice came from the phone.

"Liu'er, I'm sorry, forget about me. Just transfer 5000 yuan to Little Apple."

"You bastard, you scumbag!" Yang Liu was furious, and his spirit suddenly collapsed.Transfer all the money in the phone to Apple.

Thinking of my lack of people and money, my reputation being ruined, I was under extreme anxiety and despair!She wanted to die!
So I searched around in the private room, and found the eyebrow trimming knife on the trolley.Although the eyebrow knife is only a few centimeters in size, it is extremely sharp.Yang Liu picked up the eyebrow trimming knife, aimed at the main artery of his arm, and cut it off without hesitation.A stream of blood spurted out.Yang Liu groaned and fell to the ground.

Just now Xiaoyun tried to persuade her at the door, but Yang Liu just refused to open the door!I got angry and went to other private rooms to play.

There are no customers now, and four people (Yuer, Xiaoyu, Xiaoyun and Juzi) are playing poker in another private room.

Life in a beauty salon is actually like this. When you are busy, you will be busy for a while, and when you are done, you will have free time.So we all get together and play.

Wan'er is a hardworking person, even if there are no customers, she still cleans every corner of the beauty salon.Never idle for a moment.

Right now she is cleaning the window sill outside the private room.When she finished wiping the window sills of other private rooms.When I came to Yangliu's private room, I put the basin on the ground and wrung out the rag.My hand just touched the window sill and wiped it.

I heard a faint voice coming from inside the private room.

"Um...um... woo..." The voice came from Yang Liu, and at first he fell to the ground with the mentality of dying, and Ren You's blood flowed out.Now there is only a faint humming sound.

She suddenly didn't want to die anymore, but she had lost the strength to call for help!
Wan'er heard a strange sound.I froze for a while.Want to open the door to see.It suddenly occurred to me that Yang Liu often played and played with men in this private room.He gave up the idea of ​​going in.

She quickly wiped the rag back and forth on the window sill.After a while I was ready to leave.

But the humming inside has not stopped.Wan'er suddenly thought that nothing would happen, right?So I went to push the door.

After pushing hard several times, I realized that the door was locked from the inside.

"Yangliu, are you in there? Sister Wang is looking for you." Wan'er said such a sentence in a hurry.

There is no movement inside, except for a faint hum!
Wan'er thought to herself: According to Yangliu's violent temper, she was yelling at the door, and she would have jumped out to scold her a long time ago.Today is indeed a bit abnormal, besides, when that little apple came in to look for Yangliu, Wan'er also saw it.Nothing will happen!

"Come on, come on!" Wan'er couldn't help shouting.

"Someone is going to kill you or something? Shout out there!" Xiaoyun scolded while running.The other three also followed.

"What's the matter, what's the matter?" Xiao Yu asked.

Wan'er said, "Is nothing wrong with Yangliu?"

"I think you think she has something to do!" Yu'er said.

"Everyone, don't stand here in a daze, open the door and see what's going on with Yangliu." Orange is the oldest, and doesn't panic when things happen.

After hearing what the oranges said, everyone started banging on the door.

Several girls bumped into each other in turn but failed to break away.

Wan'er is by the window sill.Pulled on the window.The glass window was not locked.

She jumped onto the windowsill.This movement looked so graceful to Xiaoyu.Among these few people, only Xiao Yu thinks Wan'er is the kindest person.

Wan'er jumped onto the window sill and jumped into the room regardless of the danger.Before he had time to look at the willow lying on the ground, he went to open the door first.

Everyone scrambled to squeeze in the door.Seeing Willow lying on the ground in a pool of blood, his face already pale.

Everyone stood there in shock for a long time.Xiao Yun cried loudly: "Yang Liu, what are you doing?"

"Wake up!" Yang Liu's ideology was clear, but he couldn't speak.

Everyone just shouted and cried.It was a mess all of a sudden.

"Juzi, call Sister Wang, I'll call 120."

"Okay!" Juzi promised to call Sister Wang.

The nearest 120 car in the town came within a few minutes. The doctor asked the girl in the beauty salon, who will follow to pay?
A few people, you look at me, I look at you, and look at each other.Even Xiaoyun lowered his head.Everyone stood still.

"What's the matter with you? Isn't she your colleague? No one followed?" A male doctor yelled!

"I'll go!" Wan'er stood up and followed the doctor.

The rest of the girls looked at Wan'er's back.Each of them is playing small Jiujiu in their hearts!
Yang Liu never thought that when she needed help the most.It turned out to be his enemy who stood up.Xiaoyun, who was usually called his sister, didn't come along?
This incident overturned Yang Liu's three views.

After a while, Miss Wang hurried to the beauty salon.I asked everyone about the situation.He rushed to the hospital without stopping.

At this time, the hospital is vigorously rescuing Yang Liu.Blood transfusion is required due to excessive blood loss.

There is no blood bank in the health center in the town.It is to transfer Yangliu to Dongshi People's Hospital, or transfer the blood.It was too late.Either way, it takes over 40 minutes on the road.time is life.

The hospital called on doctors and nurses to donate blood to save lives.It's unlucky that no one's blood type matches Yang Liu's.

Just when the doctor was running around like ants on a hot pot.Wan'er had a European blood test.

So blood was drawn to save the life, and Yang Liu's life was saved.

Sister Wang paid the medical bills and called Yang Liu's family members.Yang Liu's parents came all the way.He didn't say anything, but he was very grateful to Wan'er and Sister Wang.

This toss down.It was almost 5:6 p.m. and almost [-]:[-] p.m.

Sister Wang and Wan'er, who were physically and mentally exhausted, found a small coffee shop.

The two sat down and ordered two cups of coffee.Talk slowly.

"Who is that little apple who came to look for Yangliu today?" Sister Wang asked.

"I really don't know, I just saw that little apple came looking for Yang Liu. Later she shut herself in the room.

Wan'er also narrated the whole process to Sister Wang.

"I think Yang Liu must have thought it was her that I saw last night. That's why she humiliated herself like this."

"Sister Wang, your thinking is too simple." Wan'er said, "Now only the person named Little Apple will know what's going on."

"But where to find them?"

"Look for Yangliu, ask Yangliu himself." Wan'er said!

"She would rather commit suicide than tell anyone, so it's hard to tell."

"Go back and ask Xiaoyun. The two of them are often together!"

"Xiaoyun won't tell us easily, unless we do!" Wan'er whispered a few words in Sister Wang's ear.

Wan'er is also struggling with what Jiang Feng said. It is not necessarily a good thing to hide some things.But if you say what happened to Yang Liu and Lan Shu from your own mouth.Sister Wang will definitely blame herself for not telling her.

"Don't be dazed, let's ask Xiaoyun the way you said."

After Sister Wang finished speaking, she walked out of the coffee shop with Wan'er.Back to the beauty salon again.

None of the girls dared to leave the beauty salon.Everyone sat in the lobby anxiously waiting for the news.Ignore the high-tech gadgets cell phones.

"Sister Wang, how is Yangliu? Are you okay?" Xiaoyun was the first to ask.

Sister Wang's eyes turned red instantly!He didn't say a word, just sat down on the chair at the bar in a daze.

Juzi and Xiaoyu asked Wan'er in unison: "How is Wan'er? Is Yangliu all right?"

"Don't ask Yang Liu, she has already left."

"Ah?!" the girls shouted!Sitting there weeping silently!
"Don't cry. I think Yangliu must have been wronged." Sister Wang looked at Xiaoyun deliberately and said, "Whoever knows something inside should report it to me quickly. I can avenge her!"

At this moment, Yu'er pointed to Xiaoyun and said, "Yang Liu usually plays with Xiaoyun every day."

"Don't talk nonsense there." Xiao Yu protected Xiao Yun!

"Xiaoyun. If you know something, tell it. When the provincial police station comes to investigate, you will be implicated!"

Sister Wang explained the stakes.Although Xiaoyun is young, he hasn't experienced too many things.But they still didn't mention anything about Yang Liu and Lan Shucheng.It only said that Little Apple and Lan Shucheng had an affair and were bumped into by Yang Liu.Little Apple came to threaten Yangliu.But none of us know where Little Apple lives.

Wan'er next to her was stunned for a while.This is too editable!

Even though it only talked about the success of Little Apple and Blue Book.

Sister Wang's face turned green with anger.

Wan'er thought: things have become more complicated.It turned out there was another third party.

"Everyone can't leave tonight. Let's catch Lan Shucheng together. Want him to tell Little Apple what kind of vixen it is?"

"But Yangliu..." Xiaoyun said.

"You don't need to worry about Yang Liu. She is out of danger!"

"Didn't you say you're leaving?" Everyone looked at Sister Wang and Wan'er in surprise.

"I mean he can walk."


"The matter of Yangliu must have something to do with Lan Shucheng. As long as you find Lan Shucheng, you can find Little Apple."

Miss Wang made up her mind.Tonight, Lan Shucheng was tortured to extract a confession.


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