Yu'er was still standing next to Sister Wang.Miss Wang thought for a while.He looked at Yu'er's face.Yu'er found that Sister Wang was looking at her, and her face turned red.This change was discovered by Sister Wang.

"Yu'er, do you really want to resign? I'll criticize you first. I'll pay you the bill later, and you can leave."

"Ah..." Yu'er was stunned.

"What? Didn't you say you were going to resign?" Sister Wang asked back.

"I meant to resign, but both Yang Liu and Xiaoyun said they wanted to resign, why should I be the only one to criticize and not them?" Yu'er said a lot in one breath!

"This is my own business." Sister Wang continued without anger or anger, "Actually, you are very serious in what you do. You have a good temper. I am reluctant to leave you, but if you insist on leaving, I will Don't force me to stay either!"

"Everyone has his own aspirations. I wish you had a better future!" Sister Wang added.

Yu'er really regrets listening to what Xiaoyun and Yangliu said.I don't know how to say it for a while.Sister Wang saw Yu'er's face was cloudy and uncertain, and she understood half of it in her heart.

Deliberately giving Yu'er a step down: "If you haven't found a good job, you can work here first. If you have a good job in the future, I will send you away at any time."

After hearing this, Yu'er sighed with relief and said, "Thank you, Sister Wang, I'm off to work."

Yu'er returned to her workshop.His face was distorted with anger.Yangliu and Xiaoyun used themselves as arrows.I made a note of this account.Yu'er thought of this and didn't want to work.He strode out of the work room to the front desk, and told Sister Wang exactly what Yang Liu and Xiao Yun had forced her to resign.

Sister Wang had guessed seven or eight points a long time ago, but she was still surprised when Yu'er said it herself.These girls are really outrageous.I don't want to work hard, but I think about making troubles and punishing people all day long!

She asked Yu'er to go to work!pick up the phone.I called Yangliu and Xiaoyun respectively and told them that it was okay to resign and it was approved.

Now Xiaoyun and Yang Liu panicked.Anyway, losing your job is not a good thing.

The four stayed at the same hotel in Dongshi yesterday.Xiaoyun and Li Dajun came to Yang Liu and Lan Shucheng's room.

Xiaoyun scolded Lan Shucheng.Li Dajun took Xiaoyun's hand and said, "Xiaoyun, why are you so angry? I'm taking care of you now that you're out of work."

"Okay, you are raising me, you buy me a house first and then a car." Li Dajun doesn't want to do this now, just because you are an idiot?So shut up.

At this moment, Yang Liu asked Lan Shucheng with a white face: "Brother Lan, the guy from your family fired me. You should keep me."

"I can afford to raise you. The key is that it will be terrible if our family finds out." Lan Shucheng implied that, how could I raise you?
"Hmph! Don't ask me to come out next time." Yang Liu snorted.Pull Xiaoyun to sit in front of the mirror.I took the liquid makeup and foundation I carried with me and shaveped a thick layer on my face like porcelain.Cover the bruise from last night's beating.Anxiously, Li Dajun drove them back to the ancient town.

The two returned to the beauty salon.I was embarrassed to apologize to Ms. Wang.Sister Wang also took the opportunity to teach them a few words!
After this incident, the beauty salon has finally calmed down for a few days since Wan'er came in and made a mess.

Everyone does their own thing, tacitly.On the surface, it looks peaceful.

Since opening a project for men to do cervical and lumbar spine massage.There are also more and more men coming to beauty parlors.

Sister Wang is thinking about expanding the store.More people are needed, and job postings have been posted on the gate for days.

An unknown visitor came this morning.Look at him wearing a black suit worth more than 1000 yuan.Tie on white shirt.Tall and handsome.The black leather shoes were polished to a shine.Looks like he's in his 30s.He walked into Sister Wang's beauty salon in a grand manner.

Sister Wang received him.His name is Bai Chengzhou.He is the technical director of the Queen brand manufacturer.This time I came to Dongshi to develop the market.It was recommended by someone to visit Sister Wang in the ancient town.Because although Sister Wang's beauty salon is in the ancient town, it is also very famous!Many foreigners drive all the way here to admire the name.

This time Bai Chengzhou came here to invite Sister Wang to bring a beautician to the conference.There are special trainings at the venue, food and housing are in charge, and no money is charged, and master-level customer extension programs are also taught.Sister Wang will definitely not give up this learning opportunity.

She agreed to Bai Chengzhou's invitation without thinking.And paid a deposit of 200 yuan.The 200 yuan deposit was agreed to be refunded at the venue.

This day I have to go to the venue, but no one knows how to drive.Sister Wang called Lan Lan Shucheng and asked him to drive everyone there.Come to the Railway Station Hotel.After Lan Shucheng parked the car, Wang Jie asked Lan Shucheng to go up with everyone.

Lan Shucheng glanced at Yang Liu and said, "Okay, but, maybe I have to leave when I have something to do."

Sister Wang said: "It's okay, you can leave anytime if you have something to do, as long as you pick us up after the evening meeting." After speaking, everyone took the elevator to the fourth floor of the hotel.

The staff welcomed them warmly.It was Wan'er's first time participating in such a study, so she was very serious.Yang Liu and Lan Shucheng sit side by side.Sitting on the other side of Lan Shucheng is Sister Wang, and next to Sister Wang is Wan'er.

The meeting started and the staff did a dance on stage.Then, the boss of the manufacturer gave a speech, and director Bai spoke.Then there is the endless introduction of the products by the professional teachers of the manufacturers.

Everyone was listening with great interest, but unexpectedly there was a snoring sound.A snoring was so loud that everyone followed the snoring.But Lan Shucheng fell asleep.Everyone looked over at the same time, and Sister Wang blushed so embarrassingly.

She pinched Lan Shucheng vigorously with her hands. "What's the matter, what's the matter? Liuer?"

Sister Wang's heart skipped a beat when she said Liu'er.

"Who is Liu'er?"

Yang Liu secretly stomped Lan Shucheng's foot!

"Ah!" Lan Shucheng yelled in pain.Drowsiness is gone.

"The man below, can you please go out?" The teacher on the stage was not happy, and politely asked Lan Shucheng to go out.

Lan Shucheng had to leave the venue, and Sister Wang regretted it to death.If I knew it was so disappointing, why did I let him in?
But the woman's sixth sense made Sister Wang feel a little uncomfortable.Who was Liu'er in his mouth just now?

Wan'er has been watching Sister Wang carefully from the side, and seeing that Sister Wang is suspicious, she gently persuades: "Sister Wang, don't think too much. Brother is just asleep and talking in sleep, don't take it to heart." ah."

"I just want to know who Liu'er is in his mouth."

"It's just talking in your sleep." Wan'er continued.

The teacher who was talking about the product on the stage glanced at them.

The two shut their mouths, and it was difficult to talk anymore.Yang Liu next to her was sweating in her palms.Hearing Wan'er's advice to Sister Wang, she was not grateful.Instead, blame Wan'er Gou for meddling in the rat's business!She always thought that Sister Wang didn't pay much attention to this matter, but that Wan'er's talkativeness caused Sister Wang to be more concerned.

The most exciting moment of the venue has come.

Seckill products are an inevitable procedure for every manufacturer to hold a business promotion meeting.The teacher of the manufacturer stands on the stage holding the product, and the people in the audience see who runs fast and who gets more.

On the stage stood a row of ten beauty guides from manufacturers.Director Bai announced.

"Let's count down to five together to see who is the first to rush to the front. There are ten sets of boxes in the hands of every beauty guide teacher on the stage. Whoever grabs it will get it. Only pay four-tenths of the product price .Now let’s count together!” Everyone below the stage was ready to rush up.

Some people even set up a posture to rush.Yang Liu, who was sitting in front, turned around and exchanged glances with Xiao Yun.

At this time, everyone started counting down with Director Bai.

"five four three two one!"

Just after counting one, there was a splash under the stage like water being released from a gate.Everyone rushed to the stage together.

Yang Liu and Xiaoyun seemed to be inadvertently.Wan'er followed one after the other.

Taking advantage of the surging crowd, shouting and snatching, Xiao Yun pushed Wan'er forward from behind!Wan'er staggered and fell forward.He inadvertently pulled Yang Liu's clothes.

Yang Liu raised her left foot, which was wearing a pointed high-heeled shoe, and stepped on Wan'er's right foot vigorously.I heard Wan'er shouting. "Oops, step on my foot!"

"You were the one who stepped on." Yang Liu scolded in her heart, but a sneer of contempt flashed across her mouth and said, "Oh, I'm sorry, why are you behind me?"

Wan'er felt as if her toes had fallen off.She limped on one foot and jumped out of the crowd!Pull over a stool and sit against the wall.Take off your shoes and socks to check.A piece of skin from the stepped on second toe fell off.The redness is severe.

"Fool, go on stage and ask for products directly! The company is not running a den of bandits." Jiang Feng sent a voice transmission to Wan'er through the magic mirror.

Wan'er thought to herself: I dare not go.The magic mirror felt it.Angrily scolded: "Go quickly, or you won't come back."

Wan'er was angry.Yeah, I'm afraid of what they're doing.My foot was trampled and the company should be responsible.Although they are all adults, it must be caused by them.

Wan'er thought of this, put on her shoes and socks, and walked up the side of the stage with a limp.He took a microphone from the workbench and said loudly: "Everyone, don't grab it. If you grab it, you will pay the original price."

The noisy crowd suddenly fell silent.Director Bai hurriedly walked to Wan'er.

"Hi beauty, which beauty salon are you the president of?"

"I'm not a president, I'm just a part-time worker."

"Working beautician."

"This little girl is quite courageous."

"Then which beauty salon are you a beautiful teacher?" Director Bai said!
Sister Wang blinked anxiously at Wan'er from below, for fear that she would say the name of the beauty salon.

Wan'er saw it!Actually she won't say it.

"Director Bai, please forgive me, don't care which beauty salon I belong to. What's the difference between you and a bandit who rob you like this?"

"Beauty, I'm sorry, because the products are limited."

"But who wouldn't come to snatch you like this?"

"So what do you mean now, beauty?"

"You can ask questions about the product, and rewards will be awarded to those who answer. You can also play games, or play lottery. Why do you have to grab it? Now my foot is trampled, what do you think?"

"Beauty, I'm sorry, you hurt your foot. You were not careful! Our company can't take responsibility."

"Okay, since you don't accept your responsibility, I'll call 315 now!"

"Director Bai. Forget it! How about our manufacturer rewarding this beauty with 20 sets of boxes?" A man who looked like a boss came up to the stage and said.

"Since the boss has spoken, okay."

"No, we want it, we want it too."

"We want too."

There was chaos under the stage.The situation was once out of control.Finally, the boss made a promise to everyone.Everyone has a share.

Wan'er just stepped off the stage.The venue took control of the situation.

Bai Chengzhou was so angry.Who is this girl, I must find a way to find her out.Recover your losses today.

A product launch breaks up badly.Now it's dinner time.Bai Chengzhou looked around the restaurant for Wan'er who was making trouble in the afternoon.


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