The boss is abusing the scum again

Chapter 196 The Clone Works

"Does it need to be said? The idea you came up with is too good. Mrs. Jiang has plenty of money. In order to encourage you to think more coups, it must be rewarded!"

"In this way, I still have to thank you." Yang Liu snorted this sentence from his nose.Very contemptuous.

"Yangliu, let me tell you, you also know our family's influence. Those who want more money are the ones who want more money. If you start cooperating with me today, it will be to your advantage."

"Of course I also like money, and I want to cooperate with you too, but I'm afraid that the two of them and Mrs. Jiang, how could he let me go?"

"For example, can I take a break now?" Wan'er dropped the bucket.

"Of course you can take a break." Yang Liu looked around, and then at the windows of other buildings.No one really paid attention here.Only then did Wan'er be allowed to rest.

Wan'er, now her hands are blistered and her waist is too tired to straighten up. She really hopes to get dark soon.Let Yangyang send that clone to replace him.

Suddenly, Wan'er thought.Can't leave like this.We must get the core secrets of the Jiang Group.And evidence of their deceit.

Because before Wan'er came here, she did nothing but save her mother.Another purpose is to steal the core information of the Jiang Group.Control the lifeblood of their operation.Break them down and avenge your unborn child.

Seeing that it was getting dark, Wan'er thought of a way to see how to send Yangliu away: "Sister Yangliu, are you hungry? I'll give you an IOU for 1000 yuan, and you go to the kitchen and get me some delicious food, why don't you?" Sample?"

"Who knows if your IOU will work or not?"

"Don't worry about this. I will accept this account, or you can take the IOU to Sister Wang to ask for money when you have a chance to leave the villa."

"is this real?"

"Of course it's true!"

"Okay, I'll get you something delicious, but you have to put on a show here, don't let others catch you being lazy here."

"Understood, you go, I will finish 1/10 when it gets dark."

Yang Liu ran to the's getting dark.Yangyang carried a clone on his shoulders.He flew down from the big tree outside the yard, then circled around the flowers and came to the pool.

"Lin Wan'er, here comes the delicious food. I hope the IOU you said will be honored." Yang Liu said as she came over with a plate of food.

Wan'er looked at the cloned person and said anxiously: "Hide it first, don't let Yang Liu see it."

Yangyang hides the cloned person among the flowers.

At this time, Yang Liu had already walked in front of him.He held a tray in his hand.There are two fried eggs, a piece of cake, and a cup of soy milk on the tray!She handed the tray to Wan'er and asked strangely: "I seem to have heard someone talking here just now."

"I'm afraid your ears are stuffed with straws?" Wan'er hastily covered up, "Open your eyes and see, is there anyone there?"

"No one is the best. You can't play any tricks. This is what you want. Eat it quickly. Wait a while, and others will see that we both can't get off the stage."

Wan'er happily took the tray.After winning the first battle, it seems that money can turn ghosts around.

"Don't bother eating it! You have to find a way to get this water out. Get 1/10 out."

"Don't worry, it's all trivial to me."

"Just brag! I'm on duty tonight, and it's night anyway. I'm going to take a video to collect evidence."

"Yang Liu, let me tell you a secret."

"What secret?" Yang Liu looked around and saw no one.He leaned in front of Wan'er.

"This secret is actually not a secret? It's an open secret. You know that I am the only heir to the Lin family. How much money will I have in the future? Can you imagine? I'm here for the time being, Mrs. Jiang, and I still want to resolve the relationship between our mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. I let him torture me willingly. You go tell that Xiaoyun, and Yu’er, so that they can be more or less self-aware. No matter what the reason is, you have to put yourself in the right place.”

"Pu Wan'er, no matter how much money your family has, it's your money, and it has nothing to do with us. We are now subject to Mrs. Jiang. Money helps people eliminate disasters. So our task is to torture you and make you scoop water, This job is the best. Don't pick and choose, I will let you go as soon as I can, and I will never be the same as those two stupid women. "

"In that case, thank you, Sister Yangliu."

"Lin Wan'er. Come on, those bums, write me an IOU now, and I'll find a way to sneak out tomorrow, if I can't get the money. You, don't even think about being carefree here."

finished.Get out this and that and start writing IOUs.

"Sister Yangliu, I shouldn't be the one who wrote the IOU, right? Why did you write it yourself?"

"Stop talking nonsense, I've finished writing, you just need to sign."

After speaking, Yang Liu handed the written note to Wan'er.Wan'er looked at the light by the pool: IOU.Lin Wan'er borrowed 1000 yuan in cash from Yang Liu.With this IOU, you can go to Lin Wan'er's beauty salon to get money from Sister Wang.

"Are you relieved now?" Wan'er signed and returned the IOU to Yang Liu.

"I'm still worried about you, it's best to call Sister Wang now."

"My mobile phone card was confiscated. I can't make calls at all. I can't charge it, so I can't contact you for a long time. If you want to see if you can get money for this IOU? Very good. The beauty salon is still working overtime. You Quietly go out from the back door of this garden. Go and see if Sister Wang will give you money? Isn’t this the best time? Besides, Yu’er and Xiaoyun are not here. Isn’t this a good time?”

A few words moved Yang Liu's heart.

"What you said is so reasonable, I'm going to ask for it now. If they give me money, it means that my vision is correct. If they go, they will not accept the account and wait for me to come back to deal with you."

"Don't worry, go and come back quickly. To save Yu'er and Xiaoyun from coming to spy on you, it's troublesome."

Yang Liu took the IOU.I went out to find Sister Wang through the back door.This gold digger doesn't care whether Wan'er works or not?Just ask for money.

Willow is gone.Only then did Yangyang pull out the clone that was hidden just now.

It turned out that this person had an activation switch after he was cloned.Yangyang had started it on the roof of the Lin family's villa. For the convenience of transportation, the automatic starting device was turned off.

"Yangyang, you are amazing, you actually made a person exactly like me. I just don't know how intelligent he can be?"

"Sister Wan'er, don't underestimate this clone. He has about the same intelligence as you. I copied all the data in the chip in your brain into his brain. To put it bluntly, I am an intelligent robot. But , in the future era. I have an advanced brain, which is Jiang Feng's mobile phone. The key is that now we can't find the space-time tunnel to go back."

"So, what do you think? I don't understand."

"So. The intelligent robot I created is definitely far worse than the factories that produce robots in our future era."

"Let's talk wherever you go! It makes you look like a human being."

"Of course I'm human. I'm just a robot."

"By the way, Yangyang, I forgot to ask, did you install a waterproof device on him?"

"All his structures are the same as your human body. Water can't penetrate into her body. The difference between him and me is that I fall into the water and it's easy to short circuit. It doesn't matter if he falls into the water. He is a clone. .At that time, your hair was used to check DNA.”

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time. Yangliu will come back soon. Hurry up. Activate its device. I feel more at ease when you say that."

Yang Yang agreed.Start to activate the automatic response switch on the clone.

Yangyang found a small switch the size of a pinhole on the clone's hair.Then start.

I saw this cloned fake Wan'er stretching her arms, stretching her legs and blinking her eyes, all her expressions and movements were exactly the same as Wan'er's.

"Sister Wan'er, why haven't you left yet? I came here to suffer for you."

"How can this work? How can I let you suffer for me?"
"I'm fine, I won't hurt."

"Why do you call me sister?" Wan'er went up to hold the clone's hand.

"That's how I remember it. You and I are twins."

"There are a lot of bad people here. I don't know. Do you know them?"

"Sister Wan'er, don't worry. You know how developed my brain is. He knows all your memories and experiences. It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's go!" Yang Yang dismissed Wan'er's Gu Li.

"Goodbye, my dear twin sister, I have worked hard for you here, so please don't reveal your secrets!"

"No. Let's go quickly." Yangyang said, holding Wan'er's hand.He also went out from the back garden gate.

Fortunately, there were no bodyguards at the gate of the back garden, and the two left the garden.Walk carefully to the opposite road.A taxi was found.Go straight to your own villa.

The driver asked several questions.In the end, Lin Wan'er was reconciled.Yang Yang sent home.

Back home, Sister Wang and Sister Zhang Juzi Xiaoyufu's mother were there.

"Wan'er, you're finally back. Look, I'm the one who tortured you there." Mother Fu came over to hold Lin Wan'er's hand, blaming herself with distress.

Wan'er then reported all the recent events, including the fact that there is now a cloned version of herself in Jiangfu.Said everything that was not buried at all.

sisters.Had a good reunion dinner.

The next day, Wan'er went to see her mother first.I went to the company and chatted with my father for a while.Then I went to work in the beauty salon.But when she went to the beauty salon, she asked Yang Yang to give her another face shape.

This will not arouse suspicion from others.Back in the beauty salon, Wan'er had a long-lost feeling?What a relief.until now.I feel that at the beginning.He foolishly agreed to their unequal treaty, but luckily Yangyang created a dummy, otherwise he would be there.Might be tortured to death.

Wan'er and everyone started to get busy in the beauty salon.

Let's talk about fake Wan'er.In order to fulfill the promise of scooping up 1/10 of the water.Pull out the water plug at the lowest point in the swimming pool directly.

As soon as the water plug was pulled out, the water in the swimming pool rushed down the plug.

Seeing that the flow of water was almost in line with their requirements, Kung Wan'er plugged the plug.

"How is this possible? You stay up all night alone? You can't scoop out 1/10 of this water."

"Lin Wan'er, don't you play some tricks!"


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