"Let's let the past go. What happened yesterday is yesterday. We have to look to tomorrow."

"Wan'er. I have arranged training for you guys. You can start training after a few days of rest."

"Chairman Lin. Oh, no, Dad. What do you want me to train?"

"We have contacts with all kinds of high-end training and schools of various skills. I wonder what you want to learn, Wan'er?"

"I think it's better for me to work in a beauty salon."

"Then how about this, you talk to your sisters first. Take part in military training to exercise your will first."

"Thank you dad."

"What should you do with the mother Fu you brought over?"

"Mom Fu is actually a rich boss, and she only retires when she gets old."
"I'm almost 70, and I'm still busy with you in the beauty salon every day. This mother met you by chance. She is really a good person. We must respect her."

"You live in a villa with your friends, let Fu's mother live with you. I have a lot of things to do with your mother, so I live alone with him!"

Everything is in order.Lin Waner, Sister Wang, Sister Zhang, Xiaoyu and Juzi were sent to the military training class.First learn the ability of collective cooperation and coordination.

Everyone will be given a set of military uniforms first.It's not that you can't drink water or go to the toilet after class.All are divided into a small team, a small team, and then, a score-style PK.

Strict military training is completed.Then there was skill training, and Wan'er was called to use the little time she had.Do management training.

It's hard to wait for all the training to end.Wan'er's father invested in a large beauty club for them.

Everything seemed to be calm and developed smoothly.But the dark tide is raging, this is the suffocating calm before the high tide of the sea!

Wan'er, I just want to do a good job in this beauty salon.I want to use my own ability to make beauty salons to the scale of chain stores all over the world!
But it just doesn't follow people's wishes.Several cosmetics factories of the Lin Group were knocked down for no reason...

because.Workers and most supervisors left abruptly.Unable to find workers for a while, the factory had to suspend production.How many billions will be lost in one day of production stoppage!

It was indeed Jiang Feng who did it.Because he said he wanted to make a complete change, he never contacted Lin Wan'er again.Mom asked him to show his sincerity.

Jiang Feng thought casually a few times.So he pried the corner of Lin's Group's cosmetics manufacturer with a high salary.

This incident made Lin's father very angry.

"It's too much. The grievances between the two adults have not yet been settled. Jiang Feng will take action now." Papa Lin complained to Wan'er.

"Wan'er, look at how the boyfriend you're talking about treats us? Anyway? You should also look at your face. How can you pry my corner with such a detrimental trick behind your back?" Mom was also very angry .

"Mom and Dad, don't be angry anymore, I will definitely find a way to make him return a thousand times and a hundred times." Wan'er was also very puzzled, why did Jiang Feng suddenly become like this?

In fact, Wan'er didn't know that the chip in Jiang Feng's brain was suddenly infected with a virus.This virus in the input through the program.It was Jiang Feng's mother who specially hired someone to develop it, and then.Then write the program into the chip of Jiang Feng's brain through the mobile phone.Let Jiang Feng treat Wan'er like an enemy.

On that day, Jiang Feng's mother brought a group of people.When I came to the beauty salon.The program writing master he invited passed the mobile phone signal.Transfer the program to the mobile phone, and then through the mobile phone.It was directly connected to Jiang Feng's brain.

The person in charge of developing the program did not know that the program virus he developed had directly entered Jiang Feng's brain.What kind of machine did you think it was connected to?

So all of this happened without anyone noticing.therefore.To not change Jiang Feng's other memories is to set Wan'er as an enemy.

So Jiang Feng started a frenzied act of revenge against his avengers.The first step is to pry away the workers and supervisors in several factories of the Lin Group.

Wan'er couldn't imagine Jiang Feng's change.Reminiscent of the past.Wan'er saw Jiang Feng through this time.She made up her mind and decided that she must confront Jiang Feng tit for tat in the future and not let him in the slightest.

In other respects, Wan'er is not familiar with him. This time, what his father focused on training him was all about the beauty industry.On this day, Wan'er received a notice to attend the Beauty Expo.

Although there was a problem with the cosmetics factory of Staring Group, it did not affect the status of the group.

Therefore, the booth of the Lin Group is still in the most conspicuous and front hall.

Wan'er brought all the sisters from the beauty salon to the booth to help.

There are many people who come to visit and inspect the beauty expo.Her father told her that she must seize the opportunity to develop customers and strive to show her talents in the beauty industry. If she does well, the cosmetics industry will be handed over to Wan'er as a whole.

Although Wan'er doesn't want to take over the entire cosmetics family business that her father said, but in order to fight Jiang Feng, she still has to bite the bullet and hold on?
The most luxurious and conspicuous first position of the diamond booth is the Lin Group.The second position is the Jiang Group.

This made Jiang Feng's mother very unhappy.The first day of exhibiting.Mrs. Jiang is worried.So I also came to the booth of the Beauty Expo.

Enter the door of the exhibition hall.She caught a glimpse of the big word "Lin's Group" for the first time.My heart skipped a beat.

"Hmph. My son will knock you all down soon. You are still occupying the number one position here, showing off your might."

Mrs. Jiang walked to the booth with a heartbroken heart, and when she saw Wan'er leading a group of people busy inside, she became very angry.

"It's going to close down soon, what are you still doing here?"

"Auntie. Does the older generation have to put the grievances of the younger generation on our younger generation? What do you think is the point?" Wan'er heard the words and looked up to see Jiang Feng's mother. Of course she was also very angry, but there were many customers at the scene who had to feel wronged replied.

"Who is your aunt? You can't seduce my son. Now you are trying to get close to me again. Pooh, stay away from me."

"Auntie, you're really funny. I didn't pester you. You came to my booth to fawn on me." Wan'er was neither angry nor angry, deliberately annoyed Mrs. Jiang.

Mrs. Jiang's face turned red, yes, she ran to someone else's booth.She hurried out.Walking to the entrance of the booth, I saw a series of cosmetics on the table, and my heart skipped a beat.Came up with a wicked idea.

She pretended to trip and overturned a table. A table of expensive products rolled to the ground and shattered.

Then I was about to walk away.Wan'er quickly put down the cosmetic box she was sorting out, and walked over to grab Mrs. Jiang's arm.

"Auntie. She overturned the table and wanted to leave."

"Which eye of yours saw me overthrow it, obviously you tripped me with messy things here."

"Auntie, anyway? You came here today to find fault, and you pay for my product." Wan'er pulled hard, and Mrs. Jiang was afraid that more people would be attracted soon.Pull it out vigorously.

Wan'er just doesn't let go.Mrs. Jiang became anxious and raised her other hand.With a slap, she slapped Wan'er across the face.

Wan'er was about to fight back, but she lowered her raised hand again, because she was an elder and could not hit.

What kind of person is Mrs. Jiang, seeing Wan'er dare not hit her.Then he regained his energy and even slapped Wan'er a few times.

Hit a few times in a row.Wan'er's lips and nose were bleeding.But still holding him.All of a sudden, a group of onlookers gathered around.Some people just can't stand it.

"Why is this woman so powerful? If she hits a little girl, she won't fight back. She still hits her."

"It's just that I can see clearly that he deliberately overturned other people's tables."

There was a lot of trouble outside, and Sister Zhang and Sister Wang, who were sorting out the products inside, were called out by Xiao Yu.

When they saw that Wan'er had been beaten, they quit.Leave behind the work you are busy with.Coming out of the small room at the back, she saw that the products on the booth were pushed down and smashed to the ground, Madam Jiang dragged Wan'er to play wild again.Angrily, no matter what the three seven 21 two people go up at the same time.They pushed Mrs. Jiang to the ground, beat her with one hand and kicked her with her feet.

Finally, security came and pulled them away.The staff at the Jiang Group's booth clearly saw Mrs. Jiang causing trouble at the Lin Group's booth.But when I saw her beating Wan'er, I really sympathized with this little girl.But after a while, two women came out and pressed Mrs. Jiang to the ground and beat her violently.Can't help applauding, pretending not to know and hiding behind the booth.

Mrs. Jiang never regarded these part-time workers as human beings. Everyone saw that the wages were quite high, so they swallowed their anger here.

Seeing her being beaten today, I couldn't help laughing.

But Wan'er also suffered a loss.When the security guard picked up Mrs. Jiang.Why does Wan'er think she is so stupid?Those who didn't know how to fight back after being beaten just sat there sulking.

Just when everyone thought it was all right, Jiang Feng came.He saw Wan'er sitting on the edge of the booth.Sister Wang is applying makeup to Wan'er's face.Xiao Yu and Sister Zhang are cleaning up the broken bottles and jars on the ground.

"My surname is Lin. You dare to hit my mother. Today I will kill you." Jiang Feng yelled this sentence.Push away Miss Wang.He grabbed Wan'er's hair and pushed it to the ground.

Everyone froze for a second, then ran over to protect Wan'er together.Wan'er was so angry that her eyes turned black, and she fell to the ground without being beaten.

These women are not as strong as Jiang Feng alone.He just kicked up.Kicked on Wan'er's leg, causing Wan'er to groan in pain.

The bosses at the surrounding booths came over four or five times and pulled Jiang Feng aside.

Angry Jiang Feng.Still struggling to come and beat Wan'er again, the security guard who rushed over grabbed her by both arms and twisted her behind.

Wan'er rushed over with the fastest speed.Take your time.He slapped Jiang Feng back twice.

"Jiang Feng, please open your eyes and look at me. Who am I? Why are you doing this to me?"

Jiang Feng looked at Wan'er in confusion.Why do you feel uncomfortable?What about jumping?This woman is my enemy!Why did I feel uncomfortable when I hit her?do not care.Who told him to hit my mother?
"Speak up, why did you hit me? Why did you treat me like this? Tell me clearly today. "

"What did you beat my mother just now? What happened when I beat you?"

"Two big companies quarreled over their booths."

"However, when Mrs. Jiang hit Miss Lin just now, the little girl didn't fight back."

"Yeah yeah!"

"It deserves it. The Lin Group has always been at the top of the Beauty Expo for so many years. It's almost gone for small manufacturers like us."

The scene was chaotic, talking about everything, but.Both Jiang Feng and Wan'er were a little impulsive at the same time, because they had to maintain their corporate image in public places.

"Jiang Feng, I hate you. I hate you! For the rest of my life, I will never see you again. When I see you, I will be my enemy." Wan'er looked at the security guard.Dissuading Jiang Feng, Yuhuo's back.Shouted hysterically, these depressing words.

"You and I are enemies. Why did you say that?" Jiang Feng replied harshly.

Two leading entrepreneurs.Fight at the beauty fair.It was reported in a mess by major media, which affected the corporate image.The two families then withdrew their homes from the beauty fair.

Jiang Feng and Lin Wan'er fought each other in front of many media interviews.Get ready to compete on the product.

The time is one week later.The location is the closing ceremony of the Beauty Expo.

The leader who hosted the beauty fair also agreed.Everyone wants to see who is the boss of the Jiang Group and the Lin Group in the cosmetics industry? ………………

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