The boss is abusing the scum again

Chapter 174 Robot Fusion

"You don't understand. I am an intelligent robot from 1000 years later, and I am better at treating diseases than the best experts here."

"Hearing is believing, seeing is believing, let's start!" Wan'er talked to Xiaozhi silently as if in a daze.

"What's the matter with you? Are you uncomfortable?" The little nurse looked at Wan'er in a daze and asked!

As soon as she finished speaking, the intelligent robot in Wan'er's hand.Using hypnosis, the little nurse fell asleep on the table.

Seeing that the little nurse fell asleep, Wan'er stood up, pointed at the mummy-like Jiang Feng and cursed angrily in a low voice: "A while ago you wanted to kill me and throw me into the cave, where you raised big Boa constrictor. Don’t you know? How did I help you back then? I gave you money to wash and cook for you, but you actually wanted to kill me. You also sent your third brother to die, which is shameless. Come, woman, what do you eat in the middle of the night? How about me? Are you getting retribution now?"

"Let's start, or the little nurse will wake up later. You need to cooperate with your beauty mirror to complete the treatment." Xiaozhi finished delivering the message.It emits a strong light.Wan'er, take out the beauty mirror and put it with Xiaozhi.

The two little robots are like two magic weapons in a martial arts movie, unexpectedly combined into one.

The light emitted is more intense.After a while the glare was gone.

Xiaozhi sent this message: "Failed to fit together, I need to take me to an open place at night. Get out of here quickly, before the sun goes down. Take me to find a suitable location."

such information.Wan'er returned to the hotel with her smart phone Xiaozhi and the beauty mirror.

Searching for a place.I don't know what Xiaozhi is going to do?
After thinking about it for a long time, I couldn't think of any good place, and suddenly remembered the roof of the hotel.So I went to the front desk and asked the waiter.You can go up to the roof to get some fresh air.

Seeing her longing look, the waiter was embarrassed to refuse, but he was afraid that if something happened, he would be responsible for it.So I said from the side: Although this hotel is small, the floor is still very high. You can take the elevator to the top of the building to get some fresh air, but don't tell others.

Wan'er took out a mask from her bag and handed it to the waiter.The waiter waved his hand and refused, who would dare to ask for the customer's things under the surveillance?
Seeing that the sun was about to set, Wan'er brought Xiaozhi and the beauty mirror.He quickly got on the elevator and came to the top floor.

Standing tall and looking far, the western sky is golden and red.It was so beautiful, but Wan'er was not in the mood to appreciate it.The sun is about to set.Jiang Feng was still lying in the hospital waiting for help.

Think of this bowl sitting cross-legged.on the roof.Take out Xiaozhi and the beauty mirror and put them together.Xiaozhi and the beauty mirror absorbed the sun's light at the same time.

As the sunlight was sucked in, suddenly the two became radiant again, spreading light outwards!It was about to enter dusk, and on the top of the building, it was suddenly bright as if another sun had risen.

Wan'er looked on in surprise.Suddenly, as the light was absorbed by Xiaozhi again, there was something unknown.Slowly gather on the roof.Large patches flew over like dark clouds, but when they got to the top of the building, they turned into patches the size of a basin, but these things circled around Xiaozhi.Stand still and fly in the air.After a while, the mirror and Xiaozhi melted into one with the substances that flew over just now.It's like the Transformers reunited as a Minion.

Minions have two big eyes.The whole body is yellow, with a bare head, a nose and a mouth.Like a big kid.It is 1.4 meters high.At first glance, it looks like flesh and blood.Like a pretty third grader.He stared at Wan'er with a smile.

This scene shocked Wan'er so much that she almost fainted, it must be a dream!

Her eyes are staring, her mouth is open, and she is pointing, like a little bronze figurine, motionless?
The little yellow man spoke at this time: "Master, don't be afraid. I have collected some substances from space and successfully integrated them with your beauty mirror. They are specially here to serve you."

Instead, after hearing this, he regained his composure and pointed at him, saying: Where is my Xiaozhi?

"Xiaozhi and the beauty mirror are integrated with me. I am now an independent intelligent robot. Don't call me Xiaozhi in the future, and don't call me either."

"Then what can I call you?"

"Call me Yangyang"

"Why do I call you Yangyang?"

"Sometimes I need to use the sun to replenish energy. In order to deceive people, I will be your sister in the future. To avoid others pulling me to do research."

"But you are all yellow."

"It's okay. I can adjust the skin myself, just like you humans." Yangyang finished.Immediately changed the skin to look like a human being, red in the white, an extremely cute child.

Wan'er pinched her arm hard and it hurt, but she still believed that it was all a dream.

Where is such a bizarre thing in reality?

Smartphones and an orthopedic mirror, both from 1000 years later.It can only be a robot, so it is not surprising that it can replace the human brain to think about some problems!
Then, Yangyang asked Wan'er to buy her elementary school clothes.

Wan'er was both happy and sad.The sudden ups and downs in her heart and these bizarre events made her unable to get out of the messy world.She always thought she was still in a dream.

Now, Wan'er has become like a puppet.The little robot commanded her vigorously.To do one thing, go to eat first, and then go to the clothing store to buy clothes!
After buying the clothes, I put them on for Yang Yang who was hiding in the hotel. She really looked like a child.

With everything ready, Wan'er urged Yang Yang to go to the hospital quickly.Treat Jiang Feng's burns.

Two people just walked to the door.Met the waiter.The waiter asked curiously, "Why doesn't this little girl go to school?"

In a word, Wan'er was stopped, yes, Yangyang has become like this now, will others suspect why she has a child laborer every day?
One sentence reminded Wan'er.Wanwaner.Let Yangyang change her body again, pump out the fat parts.put the body.Make it higher.Let Wan'er go shopping for clothes and shoes again.Come and go.It cost a few hundred bucks.Finally got it done.

No one thinks that Yang Yang is a primary school student when he goes out now.Put on girl's clothes for Yangyang, she also looks beautiful.

"We can go, this time we will get another nurse's uniform to put on in the hospital. Let that nurse go out tonight." Wan'er had no choice but to agree.

night.Yangyang and Wan'er arrive.Hospital.The nurse saw Wan'er bring another girl in.He asked with some doubts: "Who is this girl? Was it also sent by Mr. Jiang?"

"Yes, we all came back from studying abroad, so you don't need to accompany us tonight. You rest outside."

"No, where are the doctors and nurses who leave their posts casually? The three of them are more lively together, and they even run errands when something happens. I'll stay here, you go home."

"We are also under the control of others. We work for others, take other people's money, and relieve disasters for others! We must not leave this place. Well then! Everyone has something to talk about in the same room."

Yangyang, there is no way.The only way to put the nurse to sleep was by hypnosis.He began to treat Jiang Feng.

This time, Yang Yang used the materials collected from space and added an intelligent brain.It's much easier for Wan'er to talk now.Much more convenient.

Yangyang asked Wan'er to uncover the quilt on Jiang Feng's body, and then began to repair Jiang Feng's whole body through the gauze.First, a large amount of red light radiated from Yangyang's palm.Eliminate the inflammation on his body first.

Then, as if covered with a glass cover, Jiang Feng was completely covered in red light.

I did it for two full hours.Yangyang collapsed on the ground tired.Finally, Jiang Feng's burned internal organs were repaired!
And successfully followed.The robot connection in Jiang Feng's brain.Yangyang is very strange here: Why did the robot in Jiang Feng's brain suddenly recover?Hasn't it been broken for a long time?

I don't even bother to study this right now.Seeing that Yangyang was exhausted, Wan'er asked, "Aren't you made of steel? Why are you afraid of being tired?"

"I've used up 90% of my energy, so in order to restore my strength, we need to go back to sleep as soon as possible, take me to absorb the sunshine tomorrow morning, and then make plans." Wan'er didn't listen to the robot completely, but also gave Jiang Feng up and down Down.After checking everything and making sure there is no danger, he agreed to what Yang Yang said.

Wan'er woke up the nurse.Tell her: "Now. It's already midnight, you've slept for a long time, we have to leave first."

The nurse who was soundly asleep was called up.I was a little annoyed.He said casually, "Let me sleep for a while."

"You sleep a little longer, the dean, the professor, and Chairman Jiang, it's time to see your son and the patient."

These words scared the nurse out of her drowsiness.

"Okay! If the two sisters have something to do, let's go first!"

"Let me tell you, the fact that the two of us have been here must be kept secret, and no one can tell. Especially in front of Mrs. Jiang, don't mention us." The nurses agreed one by one.

Wan'er breathed a sigh of relief, took Yangyang back to the hotel, and fell asleep.

The next day, all the major media outlets were full of news about Jiang Feng, the heir of the Jiang Group.

Wan'er searched online.It was reported that.Jiang Feng was out of danger, but the doctor still warned that he should not have a fever. If he had a fever, it would be over. In addition, Jiang Feng's internal organs suddenly recovered, which made experts all over the country clap their tongues.I don't know what's going on.

Jiang Feng was out of danger.Wan'er, ready to go back to the capital.

However, Yangyang insisted on treating Jiang Feng for another night.

Wan'er was actually worried in her heart.Both robots are upgrading themselves to fit together and desperately trying to save their masters.What's more, I was still pregnant with Jiang Feng's baby in my stomach.

That night, Wan'er took Yang Yang with her.After treating Jiang Feng, when he came back, there was a sudden gust of wind and heavy rain.

Wan'er wanted to take a taxi, but there were no taxis on the road.Occasionally, a taxi appeared and was snatched away.

Lightning, thunder, and torrential rain, this kind of weather is a fatal blow to Yang Yang, who only likes sunny days.What's more, the water on the ground has already reached the knees.not for a while.Yangyang said to Wan'er: "Sister, I can't walk anymore, I'm about to collapse. Do you want to give up on me, or take me back."

Even though it was a robot, he saved Jiang Feng's life just now.

"Come here, I'll carry you on my back." Wan'er squatted down without hesitation.

She just squatted down to feel the water in her buttocks, legs, and waist.

Yangyang came over and lay on Wan'er's back. Wan'er tried two or three times with great strength before she could carry Yangyang up.Walk slowly towards the hotel step by step.

It was hard to walk to the door of the hotel.Only then did Wan'er put Yangyang down.A waiter came to open the door.Said: "Why did you get drenched like this? Hurry up and take a shower and change clothes, don't catch a cold."

"Stop!" a voice yelled from behind.Wan'er was taken aback, and when she looked back, she was shocked. ...

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