The boss is abusing the scum again

168 Chapter 1 Getting Rich Overnight

But the aunt narrowed her eyes.When she opened it again, a strange light flashed: "You are really suffering too much, right? You even hurt your friends. How about this, anyway, I am alone, and I met you again today. It's really fate, are these all your friends?"

"Auntie, these sisters are our benefactors."

"What kind of target do you worship at such a young age? It's too difficult for you, how about it! My house is very big, and the children are all abroad. You all go to live with me, and then make plans."

"This is not good, Auntie, how dare we bother you." Everyone said in unison.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, I am also a loner. I used to want to create a career. I also had a failed marriage, but I am old. I am still a loner. If you guys don't dislike it, just take it for me. It's fine if you accompany me Rent is paid."


Everyone got a blessing in disguise and lived in the aunt's house.The rent has saved a part of the money, and I can manage my life. Who knows how many girls have lived in the house since?This aunt buys vegetables and cooks.There is no need for a few girls to care about it.The smile on the busy face has also increased a lot. It seems that no matter how prosperous you are when you are young, when you are old, if you are alone, you will be too lonely.

Not only that.Fu's mother also took Wan'er as her goddaughter.Pay mom for this house.Built in a wealthy villa park.Different from other villas, her door is only a few meters away, which is the main road.There are many people coming and going.The aunt helped Wan'er and the others transfer a small frontage with six beds in it.

After everything was signed in the contract, the aunt wrote another gift agreement.Give Wan'er the beauty salon she took over as a gift!
Everyone rolls up their sleeves and prepares for a big fight.But nothing is that simple...

Before the business started, the Health Bureau of the Industry and Commerce Bureau came to the door. The business license was hard to say, because it had not yet expired, but if the boss changed, it would have to be re-applied.In addition, there is no sanitation permit at all.This store has been passed by the Health Bureau several times.So the boss transferred it in desperation.

Fortunately, with the help of Fu's mother, he got through the difficulty.This morning.Wan'er's beauty salon in Beijing has opened!The waist drum team was invited.Played the waist drum for a while!

Wan'er and the others uniformly dressed.Hand out the order at the door, and whenever anyone comes to watch the excitement, Wan'er and the others will quickly introduce this store to them and receive a small gift for free.

For my mother, some old friends sent some flower baskets.The rest is Wan'er and they bought a few for themselves.anyway?It can be considered a bustling opening.

People in the capital city are different. No matter what you say, you don’t want free gifts, and you don’t go in to get a card. Everyone agrees, that is, how can such a small shop stand in the capital city?
Some people commented blatantly: "A few country bumpkin girls? With an old grandmother, how can they set up a beauty salon in the capital? It's really funny."

Everyone felt uncomfortable hearing these discussions, and after a whole morning, no one applied for a card.That's not counting, suddenly three or four young boys came.

"Who is the boss of this store? Come out and meet me." A young man said to everyone arrogantly.

"May I ask the boss what's your order? I'm the person in charge of this store." Wan'er walked over.Let Xiao Yu serve a few cups of tea.The boys didn't pick up, and the guy who spoke just now said: "Who told you to open a shop here? Have you obtained my permission to open a shop here? I am from this area. If you don't make it clear today, you will now Shut down immediately for rectification."

"I'm sorry, handsome guy, I have a formal business license and a formal sanitation license, and my house rented by others is also very formal. Why can't I open a shop here? Which unit are you from?" Wan'er fired at each other. It seems to have said a lot.

"Don't care which unit I belong to? I'm in charge of your place, what's wrong? Now you close the business for me."

Mama Fu has seen the world.She came over to spend a lot of money, each with a red board: "How many boys are going to drink lunch now? Don't make trouble here."

"Hey, the old lady is more sensible, okay, okay, keep busy with you, let's go!" The young man took 100 yuan each and left happily.

"Why did mom give them money? They are bullying the market." Wan'er said unconvinced.

"It's a big day for the opening today. It doesn't matter if it's auspicious."

To everyone's surprise, after working for a long time, until noon, not a single card was sold.People in the capital are really difficult to deal with!
"No wonder the last owner wanted to sell it. No one bought the card with such a discount. It seems that we want to find a pot of gold here, are we daydreaming?" Juzi was dejected.

That's it for the first day.Not a penny passed, and no one entered the store for the next three consecutive days.

Wan'er asked everyone to sit together, analyze the reasons, and sum up the experience.

"Let me say a few words first. I think our area is a high-end villa area. The rich ladies who live here are not multi-millionaires, they are all billionaires. It is impossible for anyone to come into this store Yes." Mama Fu's serious look confused everyone.

"Then why does Auntie let us open a shop here?"

"I believe in Wan'er's craftsmanship."

When mentioning craftsmanship, Wan'er's frowning brows relaxed: "Yes, the rich ladies here don't know our skills. Now, we can hold a unique experience meeting."

"Then how?" Everyone asked in unison.

Just in this neighborhood.Find an old and ugly old lady to let him in and give him a facelift for free!Don't worry about ten days, it must be better than our advertising.

"But no old lady believes us now!"

"There is a way." This sister Wang has been working in a beauty salon for the longest time and has more experience than everyone else.

Just do it.Everyone split up.Make banners, make banners, make signs, make signs.Very busy.

Early the next morning.Fu's mother had already taken care of the security guards in the villa area.Xiao Yu held up a broad sign, which read: "1 years younger in [-] minute, there is only one place. First come, first served."

At the back, Sister Zhang and Juzi were holding a banner, which said.Store opening.The free quota is limited to one with a value of 180 million yuan.

"What quota is so valuable?"

"It's a lie, it costs 180 million to wash your face, isn't it robbery?"

"What the hell, hurry up and grab it!" said a 70-year-old grandmother.blocked everyone's way.

"I snatched this free quota. Can I try it now?"

"Of course you can experience it, but you have to bring us at least a dozen friends to wait in the lobby to witness the miracle happen." Xiao Yu blurted out.

"That's no problem! In this community, who doesn't know me? Just shout out, don't say a dozen or so, I'll bring you 20 or so, as long as you have real skills."

It turns out that this aunt is in this villa.The house is the largest and one of the wealthiest residents.

So the aunt asked for five drinks and six drinks, and took a dozen sisters to sit in the hall.The small shop suddenly seemed very crowded.Wan'er, hurry up.Ready for a face lift.Wang Jie and everyone greeted the sisters.Drink tea and have snacks in the living room.

Because these women are all wealthy wives!Wan'er and the others spent almost half a year's living expenses.It took a lot of money to buy high-end snacks. If it fails this time, the living expenses will be gone.

Of course, failure is impossible, because Wan'er's beauty mirror is an advanced intelligent robot 1000 years later.Many substances in the air can be synthesized into substances needed by the human body to achieve the effect of plastic surgery.

It's the little things.Plastic surgery robots can also change faces in an instant.Let you transform into another person, even if no one knows you.

The consequences can be imagined.This aunt suddenly changed from a shriveled old lady with a wrinkled face to a beautiful and beautiful woman who looks only in her 40s.

She just walked out of the room.Blind everyone's eyes.The small living room was already full of people.The space is small.Even the slightest sound from others feels very loud, such a crowd exclaimed.Very much.Pillow someone's ear.The aunt looked at everyone's expressions, and she was stunned. She held a mirror in her hand, looked at her own face, looked left and right, looked up and down, nodded uncontrollably, and kept praising.

For rich women, maintaining a perfect body and a pretty face.It is the only way to regain self-confidence, because they are numb to money, and what they are most afraid of is that their husbands will find mistresses outside.

If you make your face the same as that aunt just now.What are you afraid of, my husband is cheating, I already have endless money.Make yourself young and beautiful, look at least 20 years younger than your husband, who is afraid that the husband will run out, old cows eat young grass?

"Miss Boss, I also want to book a quota. This quota is 180 million, can it be a little less?" An old lady couldn't bear it anymore and began to bargain.

Run a beauty salon.The most taboo thing is customers bargaining. If everyone can bargain, the store will not be able to operate in the end.

So everyone said in unison: "Ladies and gentlemen, I'm really sorry. You have also seen this small shop. It is too short of funds. Our technology is so good that we can sign a contract for treatment. Why should it be worth the money? I don't have any here. It hurts. It’s like a dream, and you become a beautiful woman in an instant. Why are you hesitating, you don’t use a knife, you don’t get an injection, and you don’t need to bleed.”

A few people whose economic conditions were not as good as others quietly quit, because it was hard for them to imagine the use of making themselves younger, and it was too extravagant to spend 180 million at a time.

The other few rich women with pretty good conditions.They stayed and each got a super VIP card.The value of plastic surgery consumption items is 180 million.

In one day, we made more than 1000 million.

When they got off work at night, everyone was so happy from ear to ear.I never dreamed that I could make so much money!

See you the next day just opened the door.A large number of rich wives flooded in again, demanding to become younger.It will definitely not work if it continues like this, and it will definitely arouse the jealousy of colleagues, so we must accept it as soon as it is good.

Wan'er asked everyone to communicate well with customers and friends.Let’s just say that the sisters who have had plastic surgery this time will have to take care of it for three months, and the next batch of plastic surgery customers will not be welcomed into the store until three months later.

Only reservations are now available.

Friends bring friends here, and come here especially for the name!Wan'er, I don't dare to answer too much, because the charge this time is purely blind, I caught a dead mouse, I didn't expect the bosses in the capital to be so rich!
After three months, the ten places were sold out by everyone, and all the money was paid in advance.

Overnight, several girls from Beidiao became rich men.Sister Wang, discuss with Sister Zhang about expanding the store.Wan'er didn't agree, because she just came here not long ago, it's better to keep a low profile.

Even so, when I came to work the next day, the door was surrounded by reporters from major media.


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