The boss is abusing the scum again

Chapter 166 How could there be a fire?

Losing a customer's gold necklace is no small matter.Sister Wang, tell Sister Zhang about the situation. Sister Zhang is also impatient. The customer has a gold necklace, and the novel is several thousand or tens of thousands.Don't lose it to others!
"In the future, when I'm working, I don't want customers to take the gold necklace around her neck and the bracelet on her hand. Because if you forget it for a while, it will be troublesome." Sister Wang said to Sister Zhang.

"Of course I do."

"Stop discussing, hurry up and go to the store to have a look!"

Sister Zhang and Sister Wang asked Wan'er to rest first.The two of them rushed to the store in a hurry.

Xiao Yu is still waiting for them in the store.

The three of them then searched around the store for a long time.nothing.

Sister Wang called Fang and asked him to look for it at home, because there was really no one in the store.

"Ah! I took my necklace today and put it in the pocket above the bed cover of your beauty bed."

"But we all looked for it, and there was nothing. Besides, the bed you slept in was followed by four other customers. There is no evidence, and we can't say whether it was taken or not."

"No matter how many of you there are, anyway, I lost my things in your store. I lost them after I took them down. Xiao Yu, I can testify. If you can't find them, you are ready to pay for them. My necklace is not worth it. Expensive, only 8000 yuan."

"You can't say that, my dear. You are at home, look for everything!"

"I've said it before, no, why do you want to renege on your debts? My family, how could there be! I didn't even bring back that necklace?"


Wan'er was worried, and followed her into the store.

"Sister Wang, there's no need to tell Sister Fang. I found it!" Xiao Yu said loudly on purpose.But it was Wan'er who taught her what she said.

This is a customer named Fang.In fact, the necklace was not lost.She pretended to leave by herself, but when she pretended, Xiao Yu didn't notice at the time, so she wanted to blackmail her on purpose.

Fortunately, Wan'er came back today, she knew this Fang.Because this Fang is very cunning and treacherous.Anyone who has a small advantage will be greedy!Sometimes I change the way to take advantage of others.

So Wan'er asked Xiao Yu to say that.

Fang on the other end of the phone was stunned for a moment and thought: I took the necklace back, but where did they find it?
"What do you say next?" Xiao Yu asked Wan'er.

"Just say loudly that you found the video on the surveillance."

"Sister Wang, did Xiaoyu say that he found my necklace?" Fang over there said deliberately.

Wan'er took the mobile phone: "Sister Fang, I'm sorry, we called up the surveillance just now, and all the pictures can be seen clearly. Have you forgotten it? Did you take it home?"

"Really? Then I'll look for it at home." Fang over there panicked when she heard that there was surveillance.

Wan'er hung up the phone.After a while, the person named Fang called Sister Wang again: "I'm sorry, Sister Wang, I found it."

After hanging up the phone, everyone felt a little more relaxed.Both Sister Wang and Sister Zhang praised Wan'er for being smart. In fact, it is impossible to have surveillance in the private room, because it involves the privacy of customers.

After such a toss, it was almost midnight.Wan'er was physically tortured and exhausted, but now she is even more tired.Mainly tired.

Sister Wang drove Wan'er home.The two chatted all the way.The most talked about is still.Who were Sister Zhang and Sister Wang who saved her back?

"Don't worry about it. Now who would save you for no reason and send you back? I think Jiang Feng arranged it on purpose!"

"Absolutely not him, he wished for me to die early. Now that I have found my biological parents, I have become a young master. How can I still look down on me, a country bumpkin? There are also Yu'er Xiaoyun and Yang Liu. The three of them almost beat me Tortured to death. I must avenge this revenge."

"By the way, you said that the fake sisters Zhang and Wang, and the little brother who drove the car went to the bathroom, and they disappeared when you came out."

"Yeah. I think they threw me off on purpose, but I'm still scared. There's a little blood on his parking spot."

"What's the matter with the blood? Didn't you even see it at first?"

"Didn't notice how much there was, but I'm pretty sure there was no blood on the ground when I got out of the car."

Sister Wang remained silent and focused her eyes on the front of the car.Wan'er thought for a while, and suddenly said to Sister Wang excitedly: "It's over. They won't kill people to silence them."

Sister Wang trembled with the hand holding the steering wheel: "If I want to save you, why kill people to silence you?"

"That's why I can't figure out what's going on?"

"The world is unpredictable, don't think about it if you can't figure it out. If you think too much, you will get a headache."

The two were talking and chatting, and the car arrived at the gate of the community in a short while.

After parking the car, Sister Wang insisted on sending Wan'er back.Because after all, Wan'er is still pregnant.

"I'm not talking about you, you are too stubborn. Why do you have to give birth to this child? After the child is born, the child will have no father. How do you tell him?" Sister Wang, who was in charge of Wan'er's arm, sent her upstairs.

When they got back to the room, both of them were out of breath because the building was short and there was no elevator.

The two slumped on the sofa.

Take a break.Miss Wang, get up.Go to the fridge.Looking for something.

"Look how life is going, why is there nothing in the refrigerator!"

"What are you looking for? Miss Wang."

"I want to peel some fruit for you. The refrigerator is all empty."

After turning around, there was nothing, so Ms. Wang had to.One cup of boiling water was boiled.

"Sister Wang, it's getting late, you should hurry home!"

"I'll stay with you tonight. No one has lived in your room for a long time. I don't feel at ease if you live here alone."

"But what about your baby?"

"My parents took good care of me."

"It's a blessing to have Mom and Dad."

The two chatted without saying a word.Suddenly the doorbell rang.

"Who came to ring the doorbell in the middle of the night?"

"Whoever he is? Someone rings the doorbell in the middle of the night. It's best not to open it."

"Why?" Wan'er was puzzled.

"Because I'm afraid I'm a bad person!" Sister Wang said with a smile, "No wonder you don't have any social experience."

The two just chatted, the doorbell outside.It rang again, but the two of them refused to open it.Because just after the discussion, I'm afraid it's a bad person.

At this moment, Wan'er's cell phone rang.Wan'er picked up her phone and looked at it.It was Miss Zhang calling.

"Wan'er, are you asleep? I'm at your door now, why don't you ring the doorbell to open the door?"

After hearing this, Wan'er stood up hurriedly and walked towards the door.

"What's the matter? What happened?" Sister Wang also got up from the sofa and followed.

"It's okay. Sister Zhang is here." Wan'er opened the door, and Sister Zhang was carrying a big bag in one hand, which looked heavy.

"It turns out that Sister Wang is also with you two, what's wrong? You dare not open the door. Look what I brought." After speaking, Sister Zhang shook her hand. The things in her hands were all fruits, apples, bananas, grapes and plums.

"Sister Zhang, you are really our savior, we don't have any fruit, and we were complaining about Wan'er just now."

"You don't sleep in the middle of the night, what are you doing here?"

"I can't sleep, and I can't sleep when I think of Li Dajun. So I thought of coming to accompany Wan'er, anyway, Wan'er is alone. I didn't expect you to go home yet, did you think of Big Brother Lan? It's also uncomfortable! "

"I came here to inquire. Have you seen Li Dajun? Wan'er." Sister Zhang asked!

"Yeah, I heard that Lan Shucheng also ran away with them, these two scumbags."

"No, it's three scumbags." The three looked at each other and smiled!
"Wan'er, what are your plans for the future? Otherwise, go back to the beauty salon and come to work! We will never let you do serious things, and give birth to a child, how about we take care of it for you?"

"How can a child go to a beauty salon? The crying customers are going to annoy me to death?"

"At that time, we will take turns to hug whoever is free. I don't think you should go to the provincial capital to find that bastard Jiang Feng."

"By the way, have Xiaoyu and Juzi gone home?"

"The two of them should have gone home, right? It's so late, don't you know? Is it safe or not?"

"Why is it unsafe?" Sister Wang and Sister Zhang asked in unison.

"I don't know what's going on, I panicked and felt that something was going to happen, the same!"

"Maybe it's because you're too tired. The most taboo thing for pregnant women is fatigue. Besides, you've been in the car for so long, and they beat you so much!"

"It's getting late, go to bed early! Let's talk tomorrow morning."

After washing up, the three of them slept on the same bed, each thinking about their own affairs.Sister Zhang brought a little baby alone, and Sister Wang took a little baby by herself, although having a husband is the same as not having a husband.became a single mother.Wan'er, she can prevent single mothers from happening!But she insisted on giving birth to the child.Soon to be a single mother.

The curtain outside the window was drawn, and the quiet light of the moon shone on the faces of the three people through the glass window.

"A woman's life is really hard. She has to go to work, take care of her children, and do housework. Do everything. I don't know what a man is for?"

"It's late at night, don't think too much. Get some rest, you have to open the store tomorrow morning."

Wan'er didn't make a sound, just stared at the faint blue moonlight shining on the wall in a daze.

I didn't want to come back here to find Jiang Feng wholeheartedly, but I didn't expect that he would not only deny it, but also kill himself.This person is too vicious, is it necessary to do this!Wouldn't it be good if each had their own lives?I have no intention of pestering you.I didn't want to ask you for a cent and a half.

Wan'er sighed and closed her eyes reluctantly.

The next morning there was an urgent knock on the door.Mixed with the sound of the doorbell, the three of them were awakened from their sleep.

"Sister Wan'er. Are you still sleeping? Get up quickly! Something happened."

The people who knocked on the door were Xiao Yu and Orange.for two.His face was flushed, and he was panting heavily as if he had run a lot.

Sister Zhang, opened the door and looked at the expressions of the two of them.Surprised: "What happened? What's the matter?"

"The shop is on fire."

"What?" Wan'er and Sister Wang and Sister Zhang turned pale with shock at the same time.

"Everything in the store was burned up. When we came, the firefighters took away the water tanker."

"We left in the middle of the night last night, how could there be a fire?"

Several people changed clothes.In a hurry, go downstairs to the store, hurry!Everyone was terrified along the way......

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