"Yu'er, who are these people? You know them, they look like they came from the countryside! But it's strange, why do I look familiar to him?"

"Can you not be familiar? She is your wife, and you two have a marriage certificate!"

"Yu'er, didn't you say you were my wife? Why did they say that again?"

"Brother Jiang, they lied to you. They heard that you are the young master of the Jiang Group, and they came here to look for you on purpose, mainly for money!!"

"Yu'er, what do you mean by that? You are not in charge of Brother Jiang and Wan'er's marriage?" Sister Zhang glared at Yu'er, "The marriage certificate is connected to the Internet!"

"Brother Jiang, they are talking a lot of nonsense, let's go!"

"Jiang Feng, wait a minute, I just want to prove who I am? Where did I come from? You rescued me, did you see anything to prove who I am?"


"Who are you? What's none of my business? It's so funny!" Jiang Feng glanced at Wan'er coldly, feeling a little bit reluctant, but he was still led away by Wan'er!
Jiang Feng followed Liu Siye, Yu'er Xiaoyun, Yang Liu and the others to the provincial capital, and then deliberately arranged a car accident for Yu'er to save Jiang Feng!
The Jiang Group came forward to help Yangliu, Xiaoyun and the three were cleared of the charges, put all the crimes on Liu Siye, and then gave Liu Siye a large sum of money, Liu Siye was about to go abroad, Jiang's group secretly cooperated with the police and captured Liu Siye, who was sentenced to 12 years in prison!
Fourth Master Liu is not a fool, so he kept this account firmly in his heart!
The Jiang Group is not a fool, because they have found out clearly that Liu Siye deliberately arranged a car accident in order to obtain equity!
However, the Jiang Corporation is also very grateful to Yu'er!Among the trucks planned by Liu Siye and the others, Yu'er did save Jiang Feng desperately, because Jiang Feng still has a certain status in Yu'er's heart, and she didn't want Jiang Feng to die, this is true!

Because of Yu'er's selflessness, the Jiang Group also took in Xiao Yun and Yang Liu, so the three of them were in charge of Jiang Feng's eating and drinking!

Because of this deliberately arranged car accident, Jiang Feng was even more stupid, he didn't know Wan'er at all!This is what Wan'er thinks, seeing Jiang Feng leave without looking back, Wan'er doesn't know what it's like, why did she come all the way to find this scumbag?
When everyone returned to the hotel, Wan'er told them that she wanted to secretly meet Jiang Feng alone, to see what this scumbag meant.
"Why do you want to go secretly? You have a marriage certificate, so let's go to the Jiang family openly, explain the situation, and see what they do?" After all, Ju Zi and Xiao Yu are smaller, so the problem is not that complicated. Straightforward advice!

On this issue, Wan'er also believed Xiaoyu and Juzi: "You two are right, I think I should also go to them directly, and I don't want to ask them what they want? Just sign the divorce certificate and leave, so as not to see you later This scumbag is even more angry."

How many people really have no better way?Everyone unanimously decided to go to the door.

Wan'er, in fact, there are still things in my heart that I haven't told everyone, because the brain seems to have another person from time to time, and sometimes makes decisions for herself. What's going on, where do you come from?where are the parentsThis has become a mystery, why there is such a memory of the orphanage in the brain, the more I think about it, the more annoying, Wan'er decided to go to Jiang Feng's parents tomorrow!
Early the next morning, Wan'er, Sister Zhang, and Sister Wang came to the office building of the Jiang Group in a taxi. They were stopped by the security guard at the gate and asked what the three of them were doing and what they were doing here.
"We are here to find the chairman. I have something to discuss with the chairman!" Wan'er is not afraid at all, even though it is such a big group!
"If you have an appointment, please ask the chairman's secretary to call us. If you don't call, you can't go in."

"Brother Security, please let us go in, we really have something important to do!"

"Let the secretary inform us if there is anything to do, so we can let you in!!"

"Brother, please do me a favor, I can't let anyone know about me, I can only tell the chairman!"

"Hmph, people like you have a lot of experience. You just want our chairman to do something for you. The secretary and the manager deliberately confessed that we can't let other people wait in!"

"Aren't we idlers? We really have something to do with the chairman!"...

The security guards drove them away as if they didn't hear them!
At this time, there seemed to be another person in Wan'er's mind directing Wan'er to say: "Jiang Feng has an accident again, we must go in and report to the chairman!"

Sure enough, when the security guard heard that Young Master Jiang had something to do, he didn't hesitate, and hurriedly said: "Then wait a minute, I'll call for instructions!"

Chairman Jiang received a call from his secretary saying that there were three women outside, what's the matter with Jiang Feng?Let the security let them in!
As soon as the three of them entered the lobby, a waiter at the front desk came over and said, "Hello, three, what can I do?"

"Hello, where is the chairman's office? We have an appointment"

"Go up to the 16th floor and turn left, the first room is there!"

Wan'er and the others took the elevator to the 16th floor. When they got out of the elevator, there was a spacious lobby. The lobby was lined with office areas divided into small compartments, and a young girl was sitting in front of a computer in each compartment!There are a dozen of them in total, and everyone is working hard. On the far side and closest to the elevator, there is a square with a larger area and a more luxurious desk. Sitting next to the desk is a young and beautiful man in his 20s. Girl, she is different from everyone else, she is wearing a black suit, and the sign on her chest says Assistant Manager!

"Hi three, do you have an appointment?" The manager assistant saw Wan'er and the three of them getting out of the elevator, and asked politely.

"We have an appointment with the chairman, can I meet?"

"Of course, anyone who has an appointment can go in directly to find
. "

"No, I can't go!" The voice sounded so familiar, the three of them turned their heads in shock at the same time, and saw Jiang Fengyu'er, Xiaoyun Yangliu walking out of the elevator!
"What are you doing here? You want to swindle some money from my father, Wan'er, you are too shameless!" Yu'er said this!

"What is your father, who is your father?" Sister Zhang looked up and down the three girls in surprise, her face was painted like a goblin with makeup and powder, and although she was wearing famous brands all over her body, the clothes matched the makeup on her face. It doesn't fit at all!
"Of course, Jiang Feng's father is also my father."

"What? You are Jiang Feng's father, also called father, so what are you?"

"Of course he is my wife. I want to ask the three of you. You were talking nonsense outside yesterday, but you found me in the group today. Do you want money? It doesn't matter. I want money. Go and tell my dad to send you off! If you don't want money, get out!" Jiang Feng spoke surprisingly fast, but his thoughts were clear, and he didn't look like a fool.

"Jiang Feng, what you said is wrong. What do you mean get out, Wan'er, but the person who has a marriage certificate with you is your wife. How can you treat her like this?"

"You three, stop talking nonsense here. Get out of here quickly. The farther you get out, the better. What kind of wife is not a wife? Isn't my wife standing here?" A kiss on the face!
This action made Wan'er's heart sour, he didn't understand why he was jealous?

But with nothing on his face, he said to Jiang Feng with an extremely calm expression: "It doesn't matter how you show your affection? I just ask you to go get the divorce certificate with me!"

"Jiang Feng, you did have a marriage certificate with her, how about we go and replace this marriage certificate with a divorce certificate now?"

Jiang Feng's eyebrows twitched, and in an instant, his eyebrows frowned, and his heart suddenly felt a pain!But he was quickly suppressed by him, and the expression on his face was still cold and he said to Wan'er: "What kind of divorce is it? We have never been married, and I don't know you! Just stay where you are cool, This young master still has something to do with my father!"

"Please don't quarrel, please? Young Master Jiang, I beg you, don't disturb our work here." The manager assistant came over and bowed in front of everyone. This helpless gesture was because he was afraid of being tortured. I pray that Jiang Feng and the others will leave quickly!

"What are you, dare to point fingers in front of Young Master Jiang, get away!" Xiao Yun pointed at the assistant manager and scolded him!

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? Why are we standing here in the way of you? You are always inattentive at work. Be careful, I will go to the chairman and dismiss you!"

The assistant to the manager returned to his desk helplessly. The dozen or so girls beside the computer looked at Yuer and the others with resentment, and kept cursing in their hearts: "The pheasant wants to fly to the branches like a dog!" Become a phoenix and dream!
"Didn't you guys make an appointment with the chairman? Why are you still here? Young Master Jiang, why are you here too? Chairman Jiang explained that you can play with these three girls outside as you like! Don't come Building, interrupt everyone's work!"

Maybe it was too noisy outside, and the secretary of the chairman was invited

I saw the secretary with her hair in a high bun, wearing a blue enchantress, stepping on high heels more than an inch high, twisting and twisting as she walked, she was so beautiful!

"Which one is going to be the chairman just now?" the secretary asked politely in a sweet voice!

"It's me! The three of us! The main thing is that I want to talk to the chairman!" Wan'er walked out from the crowd, and the secretary looked Wan'er up and down, not knowing why, frowned, and said lightly : "Then you come with me, the two of them will be taken to the reception room to have a rest first!"

A girl stood up from the square area and said to Sister Zhang and Sister Wang: "You two, please follow me to the rest area!"

Wan'er was about to follow the secretary to the chairman's office when suddenly, Jiang Feng Xiang Zhongxie grabbed Wan'er's arm and quickly pulled her into the elevator!The movement was as quick as a gust of wind, and in a flash, the two of them disappeared in the elevator!
Everyone froze in place!

"What kind of rhythm is this? One second she said she didn't know each other and told her to get out, but the next second she was pulled into the elevator and disappeared!"

Everyone was puzzled, and they all looked in the direction of the elevator!
"Let me go, what are you doing? Didn't you say you don't know me?" Wan'er has never admitted that she loves Jiang Feng, but in the elevator, at this moment, tears of grievance flowed down her face!
"I don't know you, I just want to save you, the people inside will kill you, especially the chairman and wife of the Jiang Group, you have to be careful, don't come to see them, you still go back to Dongshi Go to your beauty salon!" Jiang Feng didn't let go of Wan'er's arm, but his eyes showed genuine anxiety and concern!

"Since you don't know me, why do you care about me? Why does the Jiang Group want to kill me? Don't you just wake up from your sleep?"

"Listen to my advice, get out of here quickly and I won't harm you!"

"Let me go, let me go, I'm going to see Chairman Jiang, I want to ask him if he knows me, where do I come from? Why can I talk to your mobile phone?"

While talking, Wan'er pulled Jiang Feng hard, because he was blocking the button of the elevator. Just as he was talking, the elevator had already reached the first floor. Jiang Feng grabbed Wan'er's arm very hard, I can't move at all!

After getting out of the elevator, some staff members in the lobby looked at the two in shock. Isn't this Young Master Jiang?What is he doing with this girl?Young Master Jiang is so handsome!Wan'er felt the strange eyes of everyone in the hall on the first floor, and she was super angry in her heart!
"I heard that Young Master Jiang has a wife named Yu'er, who is this girl?"

"Don't be a mistress, are you?"


Listening to these gossips, Wan'er wanted to kill Jiang Feng!

Jiang Feng didn't care so much, as soon as he pulled Wan'er out of the door, a black luxury car was parked there. The driver saw Jiang Feng dragging Wan'er out, so he got out of the car in a hurry, opened the door, Jiang Feng forcibly stuffed Wan'er Get in the car, close the door, and shout at the driver: "Send her back to Dongsi, don't let her come to the provincial capital!"
Wan'er didn't even have a chance to resist during the whole process. By the time Sister Zhang, Sister Wang, Xiaoyun, and Yang Liu chased them downstairs, the driver had already taken Wan'er far away, and only Jiang Feng was in a bad mood. Standing there with a black face......

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