How will I live in the future, the wall of hope that I have held on for so long was easily pushed down by Jiang Feng, this damned scumbag.

Finish scolding Jiang Feng!Wan'er wanted to scold herself again, although she was a hundred reluctant throughout the whole process, the key is that at that moment she was suspected of pandering!
This makes Wan'er wonder, what kind of contradiction is this that hates this scumbag and caters to his body?

Just when Wan'er was thinking wildly, Jiang Feng suddenly came over and hugged her again: "Isn't it wonderful? When I get enough energy, let's do it again!"

"Jiang Feng, do you know what it means for us to do this?"


"It means responsibility and responsibility?"

"It's not that complicated. I will go to work in the future. I won't allow you to go out when you are at home. Give me your beauty mirror and I will go out to earn money!"

"This is the end of the matter, and I don't want to talk too much. Since you did this with me today, you can't do this with the second woman from now on!"

"How fun is this! I will definitely find someone else to play with!"

Wan'er was completely speechless.He quietly walked from Jiang Feng's bedroom back to his own bedroom.Lying quietly on the bed, I have mixed emotions in my heart.This life was ruined by Jiang Feng, a scumbag!Now there is no chance of a comeback!This time Wan'er was really sad again. She originally thought of leaving him, to do a good job, and find a good boyfriend to live a normal and happy life, but now she had to give up these good hopes.

Just lie in bed like this until night!Wan'er fell asleep at this moment, and when she woke up again, the room was pitch black.

She couldn't help worrying that Jiang Feng had gone out to play, so she flicked on the light to spy on Jiang Feng's door.

The door was ajar, and it was pitch black inside. Wan'er pushed the door open, turned on the light, and found that the bed was still in a mess.Jiang Feng was not in the room.

Wan'er felt a chill in her heart, this scumbag really went out to find women to play with!

Wan'er was in a very disturbed mood, and she didn't know who to complain to. She usually poured out all the messy things in her mind to Sister Wang and the others.How can I tell others about such an unspeakable thing now?I really couldn't get rid of the depression in my heart, so I called Sister Zhang.

"Sister Zhang hasn't been in touch for a long time, how are you doing recently?"

"Don't mention it, wash your face with tears every day!"

"What's wrong, you don't call me!"

Sister Zhang choked up and said, "Li Dajun hasn't come back for a long time!"

"Why don't you come back? Did you call him?"

"There must be a mistress outside!" Sister Zhang cried even more on the phone!
"Sister Zhang, don't cry, why don't you go out of the village of Guzhen, don't stay in that village, I will rent you a house in Dongshi!"

"What can I do when I come out? I have to survive, I can't rely on you to support me!"

"You follow me, let's make the beauty salon bigger!"

"I also heard some gossip in the village. I heard that you and Jiang Feng got a marriage certificate. Is it true?"

"Sister Zhang is true, but Jiang Feng's character is too bad, he can do all kinds of bad things, and I'm getting annoyed!"

"Don't be angry, Jiang Feng is a good man, but he looks a little demented, and sometimes he is cynical. I think if he gets enlightened one day, you will surely enjoy yourself!"

"Sister Zhang is the only one who can take a fancy to this scumbag. What do I say? Do you want to come over? Let the child be taken by his grandma for now!"

"Okay! I've made up my mind!"

Wan'er is a warm-hearted person, she put her own affairs aside for the time being, thinking of such a good person as Sister Zhang, who spends all day crying alone in a village in the ancient town, she really wants to help her get out!

Early the next morning, as soon as Wan'er came to the beauty salon, Sister Zhang came over.

Just like the sister Zhang in the dream, she is a yellow-faced woman!My eyes are still swollen from crying!The clothes are rustic, white shirt and green pants, and a pair of black canvas shoes, which are not as good as the old ladies in the city. This image shocked everyone!

"Sister Zhang, why did you become like this?" Xiao Yu couldn't believe her eyes, "It's too scary to get married!"

"It's not that getting married is terrible! It's that you need to open your eyes a little bit before getting married, and keep one eye closed after getting married. Don't be too serious!" Sister Wang is actually miserable in her heart. As the saying goes, every family has a book. Difficult to recite.

 "Sister Wang, can you take me in? I really have nowhere to go!"

"Of course, why are you so sad? It's because you're not strong enough! A woman can live a proud life only if she is strong! Otherwise, she will be trampled underfoot by men!"

"That's right, welcome sister Zhang to join our team!"

Wan'er took Sister Zhang to buy clothes and make her hair. She made it up from the beginning to the end, and then used a beauty mirror to give Sister Zhang a plastic surgery.

When Sister Zhang and Wan'er returned to the store in the afternoon, everyone was shocked again!
"My God, Miss Zhang, you are really beautiful in this outfit!"

"Yeah, people's costumes are all based on their clothes. It's not right. The main thing is to match their faces and clothes. This image is really amazing. Brother Li let him play outside hard! Wait for a while Let Wang Jie find you a tall, rich and handsome man!"

"Where did Jiang Feng go?" Sister Zhang's words suddenly chilled the atmosphere!

Everyone looked at Wan'er worriedly!

Wan'er suddenly felt as if someone had stabbed her with an awl!The thought of him being in bed with me, and then with another woman, was so heart-wrenching and disgusting!

"Wan'er, I'm sorry I shouldn't have mentioned Jiang Feng!" Sister Zhang quickly apologized!
"It's okay, are you all done with your work now? Let's have a dinner together today! Sister Zhang is welcome to join us!"

"Great! I'm going out to have a good meal today!" Xiaoyu and Juzi clapped their hands to ease the embarrassment.

Because there was a dinner party in the evening, everyone finished the tasks at hand as soon as possible, and no longer invited customers at night. Everyone happily entered the Garden Hotel together, talking and laughing.

"Let's get a private room, everyone can talk!" After speaking, Sister Wang led everyone up to the Peony Hall on the second floor!

"I'm treating guests tonight, everyone just choose a good one!"

"Sister Wang, Sister Zhang is kind to me, so I should treat you here!"

"I'm originally from Dongshi, so don't argue about who is the host. For now, my life is better! Although Lan Shucheng is promiscuous outside, I don't care!"

"Okay, the sisters come here today and don't stop until one gets drunk!"

After a while, the dishes were all served, and Wan'er and the others really ordered two bottles of white wine and several bottles of beer!When the wine was half drunk, the TV on the wall suddenly broadcast a strange news!
"A few years ago, a suspected flying saucer fell on the earth! It caused a strong reaction at that time. Unfortunately, the moment the flying saucer fell into the earth, it exploded!"

"Is this still news? It's been a few years ago, is it still news?" Juzi mocked the news on TV, his eyes were red from drinking.

"Don't make noise and look down, there must be tricks!"

The follow-up of the news continued to be played on the TV.

"People rescued two people, a man and a woman, at the scene afterwards! Everyone suspected that they were aliens, and they wanted to have a physical examination in the hospital, but these two people were not injured, only suffered some skin trauma! All modern electronic medical devices are The two have no effect, as long as they touch them, they will short circuit!"

"Is this announcer doing nothing for a living? Is it because the reporter has no news to talk about! He wastes our eyes and ears by putting things from a few years ago here!" Xiaoyu was drunk, and her mouth was full Nonsense, causing everyone to roar with laughter!
"Haha! Hahaha!"

"Hehe! Hehe!"

"Now these two people have become the leaders of the world's top 500 companies. Only now have they revealed a shocking secret!"

The TV froze when I heard this.I provoked a few girls to scold me again!

"It turned out that there was a son named Jiang Feng with the two of them! The photo of Jiang Feng is shown below. The Jiang Group said that whoever finds his son will give him a share of the factory! The minimum dividend every year can reach 30!"

Seeing here, everyone is staring at the TV intently, and the photos are one by one, as the screen scrolls, they are vividly displayed in front of them!
"It's Jiang Feng! Jiang Feng is the son of the chairman of the Jiang Group! Go find him!"

The news caused an uproar, and people who had eaten while watching the news lined up to pay the bill.Get ready to look for clues, because since they are eating at the Garden Hotel, most of these people live close to Wan'er's street!Everyone has been here and seen the people in the pictures on TV more than once!

Shares in a factory, with an annual salary of 30, ordinary people dare not even think about it, but as long as they find Jiang Feng now, they can call to receive the shares!
Sister Wang urged Wan'er to call Jiang Feng as soon as possible, so as not to be preempted by others.

"I don't want to fight, and I don't need Jiang's group! I have to rely on myself!"

"Wan'er, you are too stubborn. How many years does it take for a factory? How can you be so stubborn now?"

"Yeah, call now! Ask where Jiang Feng is and tell him that his parents are looking for him!"

"He said today that he was going to find a woman to play with. I can't control him. Fortunately, his parents are looking for him now! I'm surprised why I started looking for his son now! If I look for him earlier, it won't be too late. Let this person become a scumbag!" Wan'er's thoughts were not on the Jiang Group's factory at all.

Xiao Yu, Sister Wang, and Sister Zhang couldn't bear it any longer. They called Jiang Feng, and several people called in turn, but Jiang Feng's phone number was always turned off.

Not only the street of the Garden Hotel was shocked by this news, but the whole East City was boiling, and everyone joined the army looking for Jiang Feng.

 What makes everyone puzzled is that.A few days ago, I saw Jiang Feng all over the street.As soon as the news came out, Jiang Feng disappeared out of thin air, as if the world had evaporated!
Wan'er has returned home these days.The feeling in my heart can't be described in words.I don't know whether to be happy or sad.If such news appeared a few days earlier.Wan'er doesn't have to lose her dignity to him.

"God, I just offended you. Are you here to torture me?"

Wan'er hadn't seen Jiang Feng for several days since the news of looking for him, and Jiang Feng hadn't contacted Wan'er again.

"No matter what, you have to leave a lot. You have to divorce your marriage before you leave. What are you who are not clear and innocent!"

Wan'er came to Jiang Feng's bedroom, made the bed, folded the quilt neatly, and sat down on the bed alone: ​​on this bed, Wan'er and Jiang Feng had a physical relationship, and Wan'er hadn't even breathed a sigh of relief. , before he knew how to arrange himself, Jiang Feng became the son of the Jiang Group.

As a business-minded Wan'er, regarding Jiang Feng's disappearance, she was quite inseparable in her heart. She probably went back to find her rich father alone, and even if she abandoned her poor wife, she had no relationship with Jiang Feng at all. No!It is the mentality of trying and repaying gratitude that can barely make do together!Let Jiang Feng leave now!

The main reason is that they didn't get a divorce certificate, and they had the fact that they were husband and wife.This is really a trick of creation. This scumbag disappeared out of thin air without even telling him when he was parting.How ruthless!
In fact, Jiang Feng didn't know that his parents were still alive, and he was looking for him everywhere now!

Because he was locked up in a hotel by Yu'er.After Yu'er read the news!Use all kinds of tricks to make Jiang Feng happy.He wholeheartedly wants to do things with Jiang Feng so that he can marry Jiang Feng.

Who knows that Jiang Feng has never been interested in other women since he had this affair with Wan'er.Especially seeing Yu'er, I have a disgusting feeling!

So Yu'er's wish came true!But Yu'er wanted to get the equity, but she didn't dare to call the Jiang Group, for fear that someone would find Jiang Feng and not keep her promise!I was also afraid that Yangliu Xiaoyun and the others would share half of her shares.

So he quietly called out a few poker friends, and made Jiang Feng happy by playing tricks in the hotel!As soon as Jiang Feng gambled, he forgot everything, and the world was turned upside down outside, but he didn't realize it!

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