The boss is abusing the scum again

Chapter 149 It's My Poison

Hearing that Su Beibei was just looking for someone, not for rounds, Fourth Master Liu relaxed a little!The horizontal flesh on the face also became vertical.

He immediately put on a smile: "The chief hasn't been here for a long time recently. Could it be that something happened to the police station?"

Mr. Liu's implication is that he is very good with their director, and the director often comes to this big world to play, so Su Beibei should not cause trouble here.

Of course, Su Beibei understood what Fourth Master Liu meant, so he repeated the sentence he said when he first came here: "I'll find Xiaoyun, please call Xiaoyun out!"

Mr. Liu signaled the waiter to call Xiaoyun out!
"Brother Su, what's the matter with you coming to see me? You don't want to go VIP with me, do you?"

"Is this your mobile phone?" Su Beibei took out his mobile phone and asked seriously.

"Yes, where did you find it? I've lost this phone for a long time!" Xiaoyun took the phone from Su Beibei's hand and looked at it and said happily!

"..." Su Beibei was speechless, and the case reached an impasse again.

After coming out of the big world, Su Beibei came to the hospital again!
Seeing Su Beibei's frowning expression, Wan'er asked, "It seems that I didn't get any useful evidence!"

"Yes, I found Xiaoyun. Xiaoyun said that the phone was lost a long time ago!"

Sister Wang asked Su Beibei: "Officer Su, did you tell Xiaoyun that Xiaoyu was poisoned!"

"I really forgot to say this!"

"Yes!" Wan'er asked everyone to come and talk about a way to make the fish float out!
Su Beibei listened and nodded: "This is the only way! Have you notified Jiang Feng? You must notify him of such a big event!"

"It's notified! Jiang Feng said that Wan'er is going to divorce him, it's none of his business!"

"This Jiang Feng is really ruthless, but he still needs to go to the Public Security Bureau with his cooperation! As long as you don't get a divorce certificate for a day, you two are still a couple in name!"

"If you want him to go to the Public Security Bureau, why don't you let him come to the hospital! Officer Su, why don't you call now!" Sister Wang is still thoughtful, and Wan'er should feel better when Jiang Feng comes!No matter what, there must be a statement.

Su Beibei called Jiang Feng.Make him have to come to the hospital to cooperate with the investigation!
Jiang Feng had no choice but to come to the hospital.When I entered the ward, I saw Wan'er for the first time!There was a pain in my heart for no reason.Suddenly, I felt deeply guilty and inexplicably sad by the poisoned woman in front of me!

Xiaoyun once told him that Wan'er owed him 100 million before marrying him!It is to pay off the debt, but I don't have much memory of Wan'er in front of me.But the pain in my heart is real.He regretted it to death, how could he do such a thing!

When Jiang Feng saw Wan'er, his eyes flickered!Su Beibei became suspicious, Jiang Feng could not have given the poison, could it?

"Jiang Feng, your wife almost died of poisoning, but you didn't come to the hospital. Do you want her to die?" 
"The two of us are getting divorced soon. Does it have anything to do with me?" Although Jiang Feng didn't want to say this in his heart, he didn't know what was going on, and all he spit out were vicious words!
"Even if you are going to get divorced, if you don't get the divorce certificate for a day, you will still be husband and wife for a day. If something happens to one party, the other party must take responsibility!"

"Thank you! Do you have anything else to do? I'll go first!" Jiang Feng said this and was ready to go out!

Wan'er didn't say a word during the whole process, because he and Jiang Feng didn't have any feelings at all, and it was purely because he didn't know whether it was gratitude or sympathy!

"I can't go. I asked you to try to make a record today. I want to know where you were when you ordered takeaway at noon that day? What were you doing?"

"What do you mean by that? Don't you doubt that I can't do it?" Jiang Feng suddenly became annoyed, ready to jump, like a shrew going crazy!

This reaction was a bit extreme. If Jiang Feng was skeptical at first, there is no doubt now!He was sure that Jiang Feng was the one who poisoned him!Because a person is too sensitive to a certain pain point and reacts too intensely, it is too abnormal!

"Talk, I have something to do!" After Jiang Feng finished speaking, he walked to the door and gestured to the two plainclothes policemen in the corridor, and the two rushed over.

"Cuff this Jiang Feng to me!"

After hearing this, the two couldn't distinguish, and directly handcuffed Jiang Feng behind his back. The strange thing was that Jiang Feng didn't resist, which made everyone wonder what was going on for a while?
"Why don't you resist?"

"Why should I resist? I just want to know why you arrested me?"

"You did this poison!"

"Impossible! How could it be you?" Wan'er looked at Jiang Feng in despair.

"I did it. I want you to die. I want you all to die. Who told you to look down on me and treat me like a scumbag!" Jiang Feng smiled triumphantly.

"Take him back to the police station first, don't let the wind leak, take a bigger coat and put it on him! Don't let others see the handcuffs!"

The two policemen took Jiang Feng away.Jiang Fenglin glanced at Wan'er when he was leaving the house. Although he had a thousand words in his heart, he didn't say anything!

Wan'er's heart is filled with something, this feeling is a deep sting, why hurt if she doesn't love?He actually poisoned me and killed me, why did you save me back then?

Seeing Wan'er's grief-stricken look, Su Beibei felt an inexplicable sadness in his heart, but he couldn't express it, and he didn't know how to comfort him, he just suppressed the pain in his heart!Said lightly: "Don't be too sad. I heard that Jiang Feng's brain has only recovered 70%. Maybe he hasn't fully accepted you. We will investigate slowly when we return to the game!"

"Officer Su, I believe Jiang Feng won't poison him. He doesn't know what his purpose is, so he has to say that! He definitely won't be the one who poisoned him!"

"Calm down and don't be too sad! The truth will always come out!"

But Wan'er couldn't calm down, despair, reluctance and pain intertwined in her heart... It can't be described in words!
Plus physical weakness!The poisoning was too deep, and I passed out all of a sudden!
Everyone panicked!Sister Wang and Xiao Yu hurried to find a doctor!

Juzi cried in fright, because he and Wan'er were the most seriously poisoned, and she, like Wan'er, still can't get out of bed!
Su Beibei was in a hurry, rubbing Wan'er's chest again, calling again!
The doctor rushed over to give first aid, and Wan'er was finally pulled back from death again!She was in so much pain that she could accept anything, but the only thing she couldn't accept was that Jiang Feng poisoned her.

"You finally woke up, Wan'er, you scared us to death!" Sister Wang said with tears in her eyes!
"Sister Wan'er, you must be strong. Even if he poisons you, won't you still live well? He wants you to die! You don't want to die, so show him your life!"

"Xiaoyu, what you said is too good, Wan'er, you can't hold on to this! If you can live on, if you don't, you will get divorced!"

"He may have poisoned him because he didn't want a divorce, because I just got a marriage certificate with him, and there is no reality of husband and wife!"

"Ah!" Everyone was shocked again!
"It's not surprising to say that! No wonder he wants to poison you! This kind of person is too dangerous, and you should stay away from him in the future!" Su Beibei got it, Jiang Feng and Wan'er were not married, I was so happy for no reason!The only thing he thinks about now is that Wan'er quickly got the divorce certificate from this unreliable Jiang Feng!

"Forget it, the more I talk about it, the more sad I'm going to call Xiaoyun now!"

"Brother Su, I have always wondered in my heart that Jiang Feng poisoned me. He shouldn't have such a poisonous heart!" Wan'er still insisted on her point of view!

Su Beibei called Xiaoyun and told her to notify her parents immediately that Xiaoyu was dying.

When Xiao Yun heard this, she was so frightened that she felt distressed, sad and scared.

Xiaoyun was silent for a while!Only then did I ask the address of the hospital, and a taxi was rushed over!

At this time, Xiao Yu was lying on the bed pretending to be dying!

Before Xiaoyun came, she had already disguised everything for Xiaoyu, and put her alone in a ward with all kinds of machines plugged into her body!
Seeing Xiaoyun walk in, Xiaoyu closed her eyes and didn't speak!
Su Beibei looked at Xiaoyun with cold eyes: "You didn't tell the truth when I asked for your mobile phone, but now that your sister is dying, you can tell him yourself!" Su Beibei walked out of the ward after saying this.

However, monitoring was installed in the ward in advance, and Xiaoyun's every move was recorded by the monitoring.

Xiaoyun didn't care much, and threw herself directly on the hospital bed, calling Xiaoyu's name loudly and crying like rain: "I'm sorry, sister, I hurt you, so don't die! How can I explain to my parents when you are dead!"

Xiaoyu was very weak, slowly opened his eyes, and said intermittently: "Sister...sister...who poisoned me?"

"I'm sorry, sister, Jiang Feng ordered the takeaway, but we found someone to inject the poison! At that time, we only asked that person to inject one dose of poison, but he drugged all four deliveries!"

"Sister, why did you kill me?" When Xiaoyu heard that Xiaoyun had poisoned someone, the flames in her heart rose. If she hadn't pretended to be dying, she would have jumped up and slapped Xiaoyun dozens of times. The mouth is relieved.

"I didn't intend to kill you, we just wanted to kill that Wan'er, and then took away her beauty mirror!"

"But who is that person you're looking for?"

"A taxi driver!"

"Sister, are you feeling better?" Xiao Yun suddenly felt that Xiao Yu was speaking fluently, and her complexion wasn't that bad anymore!
Xiao Yu hurriedly pretended to be more serious: "Sister, I may be returning to the light, and I don't want to be a dead ghost. Was that Jiang Feng poisoned?"

"He didn't, listen to me!" Xiaoyun told the whole story!

It turned out that when Jiang Feng was playing outside, he ran into Xiao Yun, Yang Liu and Yu'er drinking in the bar. When they saw Jiang Feng, they called him to play together and paid him the bill.

Jiang Feng drank too much!Then he told all about the divorce with Wan'er!Telling the truth after drinking, he still cried and said in front of Yu'er that he didn't want to divorce Wan'er.This made Yu'er angry from embarrassment!So he wanted to come up with a coup, it would be better to dismantle Jiang Feng and Wan'er as soon as possible!
Then the three of them took turns to talk and found out that Wan'er's beauty mirror is still in use and has made a lot of money!

The three of them did not dare to go out to harass Wan'er in person because of fourth master Liu's face.He also wants to take Wan'er's beauty mirror for himself!

So he came up with this method, and installed a new phone card on Xiaoyun's old phone and lent it to Jiang Feng, so that Jiang Feng could send messages to Wan'er every day as a stranger.The purpose is to find an opportunity to poison Wan'er's food.

Jiang Feng was kept in the dark.Play cards according to the routine designed by Xiaoyun and the others!At noon that day, when Jiang Feng bought the takeaway and handed it to the taxi driver.

The taxi driver opened the takeaway box in the car and shot a rat gun at each portion!

Although the three of them had agreed to use only one dose of medicine, the driver was very careful, fearing that if someone was poisoned to death, he would not be able to run away if found out, so he divided that share of medicine into four and poured it in.

"Sister, I really didn't want to kill you, you must forgive me!"

"Sister, I just killed you. You are too cruel. You go and call your parents. I'll see what you will say when you see your parents! I won't let you go even if I die!"

"Don't! Don't! Sister, can you let me go?" Xiaoyun cried even more sadly.

Xiaoyu didn't understand whether the twin sister was crying for herself or her!
"Sister, don't cry, are you crying for yourself or me?" The more Xiaoyu heard Xiaoyun cry louder, the more disgusted she became, she suddenly lifted the quilt and sat up.

"Are you okay? You won't die? How dare you lie to me, you bitch!" Xiaoyun is the crazy woman who has gone crazy!Unable to bear it, he rushed to the hospital bed, grabbed Xiao Yu's hair and beat him!

"Stop! Handcuff her!" Su Beibei and the others rushed into the ward!


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