Wan'er followed everyone's advice.I went to the specialty store, bought more than a dozen pieces of clothes at once, took them back and hung them side by side in the closet, and the hang tags were not cut!

Jiang Feng has been here for more than a week, and he doesn't come back until more than three o'clock in the morning every night!

As usual today, what if Wan'er can't take Jiang Feng?So pretend to be asleep!

Jiang Feng came back and turned on the light. Wan'er glanced secretly, but Jiang Feng had no expression on his face.

But when Jiang Feng was taking off his clothes and hanging them in the closet, he saw a row of brand-name clothes. He just glanced at them, as if he didn't see them, and hung up his clothes, ignoring Wan'er!Fall asleep!

This made Wan'er very angry, it seems that this trick didn't work, so I had to use the second plan......

The so-called second plan is to go to a gold shop to buy some jewelry, pretending to be a gift from someone else!

In the evening, when Wan'er came home from get off work, Jiang Feng was nowhere to be seen, and there was nowhere to express the pain in her heart!

If Jiang Feng could be controlled in the past, now he can't control him at all!Let him go east, but go west!Let him go to the west to go to the east!

Wan'er regretted her rashness, and thought of divorcing him many times, but.The words came to my lips and I swallowed them again!Hastily married, hastily divorced, what is going on? Others thought they were rich and abandoned their savior.Wan'er doesn't want to bear the reputation of Chen Shimei.

So Wan'er went to buy rings, necklaces and bracelets.As usual, Jiang Feng didn't come back after 2 o'clock. Wan'er deliberately exposed her arms, hands, and neck out of the quilt, waiting for Jiang Feng to come back to see how he reacted.

The door can be unlocked as usual!

Then Jiang Feng came in, heard the sound of going to the bathroom, and after a while, heard Jiang Feng coming into the bedroom, turned on the light, but glanced at the things Wan'er was carrying in surprise, and lay down on the bed with disdain!After a while, there was a snoring sound.

Wan'er had no choice but to close her eyes aggrieved!Force yourself to rest for a few hours.

The two lit up, and Wan'er called Sister Wang and said that if there was no customer who had a plastic surgery appointment, she was going to go out to relax.

Sister Wang asked Wan'er to go out and play for a few days without worry.Don't worry in the store, customers who have undergone plastic surgery are here for routine care these days.

After arranging work, Wan'er walked out of the house and ran in the park.In the past few days, because she didn't have a good rest and didn't eat well, she didn't run many steps, and Wan'er was tired and panted and sat on the bench to rest.

A couple came across and walked past Wan'er, only to hear the girl say, "If you don't come home at night, I won't either!"

"Honey, I just had something to do in those few days, so I'll go home to accompany you tonight, don't be angry!"

The two argued and walked past Wan'er, and when Wan'er heard what the girl said, her heart suddenly brightened, and she had an idea: Yes, if you don't go home every day, I don't have to go home every day.

Thinking of this, Wan'er happily walked out of the park, she wanted to torture this scumbag.

Jiang Feng woke up after 10 o'clock, looked for food everywhere, and found that the refrigerator was empty, and there was nothing on the stove, no matter whether it was vegetables, fruits or snacks, he couldn't help complaining in his heart: This damn Wan'er , I only know work all day long!

He scolded Wan'er talking to himself, but Wan'er couldn't hear it anyway, and felt in his pocket that there were still a few hundred yuan left, anyway, it was enough to play for the next few days.

Jiang Feng thought of getting dressed here and went out. It was useless to carry his broken mobile phone every day, so he simply threw the mobile phone at home, planning to go outside to have a good time tonight.

He first went to eat and drink with a group of unscrupulous female gangsters, then went to sing, and finally opened a room where he could play cards all night.

Wan'er lingered in the bookstore outside until three or four in the afternoon.Just got home!The reason why he came back so late was to not cook for Jiang Feng and make him hungry, to see if he would wake up!

The reason why Jiang Feng became so scumbag was because the brain cells were only activated by 70%.But you call him stupid, he does things one way, and he is not stupid at all outside, you call him clever, but he doesn't take Wan'er seriously at all, as if marrying Wan'er is to torture Wan'er of.

Wan'er went home and looked around, but there was no sign of Jiang Feng, only Jiang Feng's cell phone was thrown on the table.

Wan'er took the phone and saw that there was no power on the phone, so she hurriedly plugged in the special charger, and the phone was fully charged in just 5 minutes.

Turning on the phone, a line of words appeared on the screen: The owner is obsolete, please replace it with a new one.

The grievance oppressed in my heart suddenly collapsed.Wan'er slumped on the sofa, what's going on?He even abandoned his mobile phone!Do I want to continue with this person?
Wan'er called up the intelligent voice dialogue.

"Even you have abandoned Jiang Feng, what should I do? Can people be so sad that they don't even want robots?"

"Oh, anger hurts the liver, sadness hurts the kidneys, don't be sad, cheer up!"

"You said it so nicely. I might as well be dead. This Jiang rescued me but tortured me in every possible way. What do you think?"

"Either abandon it, or endure it!"

"I can't bear to abandon it! I can bear it, I can't bear it!"

"Then go and find his parents!"

"Where are his parents?"

"We traveled here from the future era together, and got separated when we crossed over!"

"You are a high-powered robot, why don't you contact his parents?"

"His parents' robot was destroyed by the atmospheric flow when passing through. I don't know where it went, but I can feel that his parents are definitely somewhere on the earth!"

"It's all gossip. Now I just want to save Jiang Feng. Can he change?"

"It depends on your patience, if you can endure or wait! Someday your beauty mirror will be healed, unite with me, there may be hope for him!"

"Why weren't you broken then?"

"It's Jiang Feng! He protects me in front of his chest!"

"If that's the case, why did you abandon him?"

"It makes sense, I don't want to leave him anymore!"

"Okay, from now on, follow him carefully and watch him for me! When I finish the beauty mirror someday, I will return your master to you properly!"

"Hey, you are just an intelligent robot, and you are so affectionate and righteous. I must make up my mind to see how I can wake him up!"

Wan'er turned off the voice assistant, lay on the bed and fell asleep soundly!Had dinner in the evening.After playing with the phone for a while, thinking that Jiang Feng would be back soon, he hurried out and opened an hourly room in the hotel opposite his home!Lying there playing games, I didn't wear perfume on purpose until 4:00 in the morning.Get some messy hair and come home!

Sure enough, Jiang Feng came back half an hour earlier than Wan'er. When I got home tonight and saw that there was no one on the bed, I felt a little uncomfortable. I took a shower and lay on the bed tossing and turning, unlike last night when I saw Wan'er beside me and slept so soundly. .

Wan'er came back to imitate Jiang Feng's return, ignored Jiang Feng after taking a shower, and lay down on the bed pretending to snore.

On the second day, Wan'er still got up early and went to the hourly room at night.Before Jiang Feng got up, Wan'er disappeared, and when Jiang Feng was about to return, Wan'er disappeared again.

This made Jiang Feng even more uncomfortable: what the hell is this woman doing these two days?

After seven or eight days of stalemate like this, Jiang Feng finally couldn't bear it anymore.

As soon as Wan'er got up this morning, Jiang Feng followed Wan'er!Seeing busy eating breakfast at the early stall, instead of going to the store, he got into a taxi, and Jiang Feng followed him into the taxi too!
Wan'er saw Jiang Feng getting into the car and following her from the rearview mirror, so she said to her master, "Master, someone is following me from behind! Get rid of him!"

"I don't have any other skills. I have been driving a taxi for more than 10 years! I am not inferior in the ability to dump cars and people!" the taxi master finished!As soon as the gas pedal car darted around in the alley, the taxi disappeared in a short while.

"Thank you, master!" Instead, he paid the fare and took a taxi of another color and went home to sleep!
Jiang Feng followed and even lost him, got out of the car angrily, and went to the beauty salon.

When Sister Wang, Xiaoyu and Juzi saw Jiang Feng, none of them gave him a good face, and everyone turned their faces and ignored him!

He had no choice but to ask Sister Wang cheekily: "Has Wan'er been to work these days?"

"I was looking for you, but you found the door first. I haven't seen Wan'er in the past few days, and I can't get through the phone. Tell me where Wan'er went?"

"Sister Wang, don't lie to me, did you really not see Wan'er?"

"Brother Jiang, this is your fault. You two are a married couple with a marriage certificate. Why did you come to ask me? Why don't you review yourself!"

Jiang Feng looked bored, so he had no choice but to rebel in the alley just now, scurrying around looking for random things.

Wan'er guessed that Zhang Feng couldn't find anyone outside, and he might have been home since then, so you had to go for a walk in the park for a few turns, and then hang out in the terminal room until two o'clock in the morning!Guessing that Jiang Feng had already returned home, he slowly returned home and opened the door.

Wan'er was taken aback, the lights were dark, there was a person sitting on the sofa, the cigarette butt was shining, the whole room was filled with smoke and smelled of low smoke.

Wan'er coughed and sneezed a few times!Find the switch and turn on the light!

"Where have you been?" Jiang Feng finally spoke!
"Does it matter where I go to you? You are allowed to make the first day of junior high school, but I am not allowed to make fifteen?"

"I've been looking for you for a whole day today! A woman from a family, why is she messing around outside every day?"

"Marrying a man, marrying a man, dressing and eating, you not only don't care about my food! You also go out to fool around every day, and even ask me for living expenses. Now I understand, I don't care about you, I don't go to work, everyone just hang out like this Well, from now on, everyone will take care of their own affairs, how good it is!"

"When did you become like this?" Jiang Feng suppressed the anger in his heart and clenched his hands into fists. He just wanted to press the woman in front of him to the ground and beat him up.

As soon as I got angry, I felt uncomfortable all over, especially the severe headache.

Seeing him like this, Wan'er didn't want to talk to him, went to the bathroom to take a shower, and went to sleep in the bedroom.

Wan'er was lying there feeling upset, she really wanted to ask Jiang Feng what's wrong, if it's okay!But I also thought that I can't be soft-hearted, and if I want to be cured, I will treat it to the end.

 After a while, Zhang Feng felt better. He also went into the bedroom and lay on the bed with their backs to backs!

After playing for a while, Wan'er noticed that Jiang Feng moved a little towards her!
Wan'er hastily moved her body to the side.

Jiang Feng moved this way again.

After a while Wan'er was about to fall under the bed.

Jiang Feng suddenly stretched out his arms and pulled Wan'er into his arms.

Wan'er tried to struggle, but to no avail, because Jiang Feng locked Wan'er's shoulders firmly with both arms!One leg firmly pressed Wan'er's entire lower body.

"Let go of me! Marrying me is to torture me!"

"I'm also very surprised, why did I marry you! But I heard from Yu'er that you took my 100 million and insisted on marrying me!"

"Can you not listen to other people's nonsense, the two of us have a marriage certificate!" Wan'er couldn't find any better words to say to Jiang Feng!
Jiang Feng's attitude softened: "Is it okay for me to change from today? Neither of us should go out and mess around, okay?"

"Ever since I met you, you haven't even counted your words! Who knows how you're going to fool me today!"

"I promise to change! I promise I won't go out and fool around!"


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