The boss is abusing the scum again

Chapter 131 Bitten by a Pig

What is a pig catcher?Call and ask!The other side said: drive the pigs in the pig farm to the transport truck.There is a minimum guarantee of 3000 yuan per month, and in addition, I can control food and housing.

Wan'er asked Jiang Feng if he wanted to go!Jiang Feng agreed: "You can go, but I don't know if you are tired from work? How is it!"

Wan'er said: "You can't remember anything now. It would be nice to have a job first, let's do it first!" Jiang Feng agreed!

the next morning.Wan'er gave Jiang Feng a mobile phone and told him not to gamble.If you go to gamble.This mobile phone will feed back news, because the mobile phones of two people are related to each other, and of course you can't sell this mobile phone.

Jiang Feng said goodbye to Wan'er.I took a bus and walked to the pig farm in the suburbs!To apply for a pig catcher...

Jiang Feng came to the pig farm!The supervisor of the pig farm gave Jiang Feng a job, which was actually super simple.There is no need to go to the pigsty to sweep the manure and flush the pigsty, but someone has come to transport the pigs and drive those pigs to the big truck.

Jiang Feng felt that this job was quite easy!Thinking of this, I asked the supervisor: "What if there is no car?"

"Sit and play without a car!"

Jiang Feng was really happy.However, there are thousands of pigs raised in this pig farm, and there are trucks to pull the pigs non-stop.Jiang Feng cooperated with the breeder to drive the big pigs to be slaughtered to the corridor, and then from the corridor to the small walkway of the elevator.But when it came to the narrow passage of the elevator, the pig was unwilling to leave.

Jiang Feng had no choice but to "slap" the pig's butt from behind with the breeder.The two carts of pigs in the morning were finally loaded smoothly. To put it bluntly, Jiang Feng's job now is to drive the pigs to the pig truck.Caught up twice in the afternoon!

At four o'clock another car came.Jiang Feng used the original method to drive the pigs over with the breeder.

Together, the three drove the pigs out of the pigsty and onto the narrow path!Only by driving the pigs to that top can the pigs be driven into the carriage again, because the carriages are very high.

But there is a pig in front of it, no matter how hard it drives it, it won't go away!Get in front!The pigs behind couldn't catch up.

Jiang Feng was in a hurry, jumped on top of the carriage, stood on the edge of the carriage, and pulled the pig's ears to the carriage.If it hurts to pull the pig's ear, the pig will bite!Bitten through Jiang Feng's finger all at once!Blood flowed down.The pain made Jiang Feng jump down from the car box, and angrily said to the breeder: "Tell your boss, I quit, pigs will bite people!"

After a while, someone found iodine to clean his fingers, and wrapped them in gauze!Jiang Feng came back in the car angrily.

Wan'er has already prepared dinner.Hearing the knock on the door, hurriedly opened the door!Seeing that Jiang Feng's hands were wrapped in white gauze, he asked anxiously, "What's wrong?"

"Hmph! Don't mention it! Let's see what good job you found for me?"

"Say it! What's going on?"

"Bite by a pig!"

"Hahahaha. Bitten by a pig?" Wan'er couldn't help laughing, "How could a pig bite you?" We drove the pig to the car, but the pig in front just didn't want to go up! "

Wan'er couldn't help laughing again, "Of course it doesn't want to go up, you think the beast is a fool. You want to drive it into the car, then take it away and kill it, and leave the place where it grew up , how is it willing to go up!"

"The pig you said is like a human!"

"It doesn't want to go up, so how could it bite your hand!"

"I'm going to pull his ears! Pull him into the car!"

"You're such an idiot, I'm really speechless. You're in pain with him, it's no wonder it doesn't bite you!"

"Hmph! I won't tell you anymore! It's useless to tell you, and you still scold me!"

"Okay, okay, don't be angry. I'll get you some anti-inflammatory medicine, and then, by the way, do you want to get vaccinated!"

"Hey! Jiang Feng sighed, and lay down on the sofa with his legs up in the air!
Today, I was actually very tired and didn't have to work for a penny all day, and I was bitten by a pig in the end, hey!What kind of job is this? I will never listen to this Waner's evil spirit again. I still play cards, and I have a better time playing.

I don't feel so sad when I make up my mind.

After a while, Wan'er came back with anti-inflammatory and painkillers.After treating Jiang Feng, bandaging him again, and letting him drink the medicine, he asked Jiang Feng to eat with peace of mind.

Jiang Feng made up his mind that he didn't want to work.Wan'er doesn't know yet!Still patiently said: "Ah, if you don't go, don't go, let's find another job to do, anyway, that pig is not so easy to drive!"

Had dinner.Wan'er began to look for job advertisements on the same city and major media platforms.

None of them were suitable, because Jiang Feng couldn't tell what he was, graduation.Don't know what to do.There is no way!I had no choice but to see another construction company recruiting sand and sand workers.

Wan'er ran to Jiang Feng's room.See Jiang Feng sitting on the bed.Nothing to do, a listless look!Wan'er asked Jiang Feng's hand with concern, whether it hurts or not!
"You said it hurts or not, if it doesn't hurt your hand, let that pig bite it!"

"What are you talking about? Nonsense! I'll ask you if it still hurts!"

"Of course it hurts. What are you doing in my room? Are you with me?"

"Hey, I don't have a word in the right shape, I want to tell you. There is a sand and sand worker. Do you want to do it!"

"Sand worker, isn't that very tiring, I have never done it before!"

"But in order to survive, you are not saying that you have to suffer. The key is to find a job to pass the time and quit gambling!"

Jiang Feng smiled strangely: "Okay, I'll go and have a look tomorrow!"

Wan'er found the address and everything.

Another day, the sun is up.The air in the morning was cool and comfortable, Wan'er accompanied Jiang Feng to the decoration company.Go to the company and ask the boss.Only then did I realize that it was because there was a need for renovations here, and there was no elevator, and there was no place to support a crane, so the sand was transported up by hand.

The point is that the wages for manual sand transportation are extremely high, at least 300 yuan a day.

Jiang Feng heard that he could earn 300 a day.So I agreed to give it a try for a day.Wan'er persuaded: "Forget it! This job of carrying sand is too tiring! You can't do it at all, I think you should go back with me!"

"No, I'm going to give it a try. Every morning, from 07:30 to [-]:[-] p.m., Miss Wang manages a meal at noon!"

After the boss finished speaking, he designated Jiang Feng as the fourth floor.Then you have to carry at least 30 to 40 catties at a time.Um.And also limited the number of trips!Wan'er pulled Jiang Feng to let him go.I don't think this Jiang Feng is also a cheap tempered, the more Wan'er wants him to go, the more he wants to prove to Wan'er that he is capable, and he can't find another job, the salary is so high, what are you afraid of! "
When Wan'er came back all day and night, she saw that Jiang Feng's shoulders were all red, but he reached out to give Wan'er 300 yuan and said, "This is my salary for today, and this salary is paid every day. Is it!"

"Yeah, I think it's a good job, although it's tiring."

This was really beyond Wan'er's expectation, it was a hard, tiring and cumbersome job.How could Jiang Feng go on doing it? Really.For several days in a row, Jiang Feng got back a few hundred yuan when he got off work at night.This really refreshed Wan'er's three views, a little gangster who does nothing can actually carry sand on the construction site!

Just had it for a week and it worked fine.However, on the eighth day, the money Jiang Feng got back was only 200, and Wan'er couldn't help asking him: "Why, the money has been low these days?"

"Oh," Jiang Feng said, "these days, the decorators don't need so much sand. So the wages are less!"

Wan'er believed it was true, and didn't delve into it too deeply, thinking that it's best not to do this kind of work, because it's too tiring to carry sand manually.Thinking of this, I didn't care.How much did Jiang Feng get back?

However, a few days later, Wan'er discovered something unusual.At that time, it was said that it would take half an hour to get up from 07:30 to seven o'clock, but now Jiang Feng left at six o'clock, and came back more than an hour late at night.Seeing these anomalies, Wan'er asked strangely, "Jiang Feng! Why do you go out early and come back late recently? It takes so long! Why don't you add money!"

"Hey. Now the amount of sand is reduced, but a lot of work starts earlier and ends later!" This explanation is also reasonable!Wan'er didn't take it to heart either.

this evening.Jiang Feng went to take a shower after eating.The phone is ringing.Wan'er saw that it was an unfamiliar number.I don't know who called, and I didn't answer.While hesitating, Jiang Feng came out.However, the phone that had just hung up called again. Jiang Fengfeng looked at the phone number, but didn't answer it, and called several times over there. Wan'er felt very strange, and asked Jiang Feng, "Why didn't you answer the phone? Who called?" here?"

"No! No need to pick it up! Just ignore him!" Jiang Feng said.

But this aroused Wan'er's suspicion.The phone calls over there are still ringing.Wan'er pressed the answer button on her own initiative.I just yelled and heard that there is a woman over there!Hastily hung up.

Hanging up, Wan'er felt very strange.Why did it hang up when it heard my voice.So I pulled it out again, and it was connected there.Jiang Feng

He snatched Wan'er's phone and hung up it again.

"What are you doing? Does this phone number have something to do with you? Is there any secret hiding from me?"

"Nothing, don't worry too much!"

But there came another call.Wan'er looked at the same number and said, "You pick it up, if there is no ghost, just make it clear in front of me!"

Jiang Feng was forced to answer the call helplessly!On the phone, after Jiang Feng gave a hello, he heard a woman over there say, "Brother Jiang, where did you put my key?"

Jiang Feng hung up the phone in a hurry when he heard that he wanted the key.

"Why didn't you tell me whose key you took?"

"It's nothing! What a fuss!" Jiang Feng looked displeased!
"Jiang Feng, I'll make it clear to you, but you said it! We have an agreement!"


"If you're dating other women behind my back, we'll never talk about boyfriend and girlfriend!"


"What's the matter with the key?" Wan'er asked speechlessly!

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