After waiting for a long time, no one was seen.The moon outside the window is westward, and the busy city is falling asleep in the night!The cars on the road are sparse!It's late at night!

Jiang Feng hasn't come back yet!Wan'er was in a hurry.Hey, how could I provoke such a person in this life, it's really unlucky.Wan'er felt pain in her heart.Do not know what to do.

There was no other way, Wan'er had no choice but to take a shower and lie on the bed.I was thinking about what else could be moved in Sister Wang's house, and I must not be moved by this person.

this night.Jiang Feng didn't come back.Wan'er fell asleep when it was almost dawn, and she only slept for two or three hours in total.Get up, brush your teeth, wash your face and find someone.

The TV and all the things that could be carried were brought into the store and handed over to Sister Wang, and I felt a little relieved.

At this time, someone is here to do beauty treatment!Sister Wang is too busy alone.Wan'er was really in a bad mood.I don't even want to do it!
So I wrote a few recruitment notices and posted them on the glass door of the shop.What a coincidence, someone came to apply for the job as soon as it was posted.This person is none other than Xiao Yu.

Wan'er no longer finds the things in the dream strange, because it is in reality.I have encountered all of them.However, Jiang Feng was not that scumbag in his dream.Even Wan'er, who is so scumbag, can't get along with him anymore!

Fortunately, she has nothing to do with Jiang Feng now. If she falls in love with him, she will fall in love with him.That would be even worse.

Xiao Yu came to apply for the job, but she didn't recognize Wan'er, but Wan'er knew her.

"You are, you are Xiao Yu!"

Xiao Yu hurriedly said, "Hello, lady boss, can you see me?"

"But training is needed. Because we have a lot of people recently. There is no salary for three months. Is it acceptable? I will not start to pay until I have learned the technology."

Xiao Yu readily agreed.At this time Wan'er was chatting with Xiao Yu!Jiang Feng is here.He yelled loudly after entering the door: "Zheng Wan'er, where is the TV?"

When Wan'er saw Jiang Feng came back.I was really on fire with my whole body.This scumbag went out last night and only came back after playing. He was still looking for a TV. Maybe he moved the TV out of Sister Wang's shop and sold it.

Although Wan'er was overwhelmed in her heart, she was so angry that she couldn't say a word, and she didn't bother to tell Jiang Feng.After suffering last night, she completely gave up on this person.A dream is a dream after all, although he saved herself, Wan'er is extremely disappointed in this man!
Wan'er didn't know how much hope she had at first, and brought Jiang Feng here from a village in the ancient town, hoping that he would stay away from gambling!Who knows to play a bigger gambling machine.What can I do next?Thinking of this, Wan'er really couldn't find anything to say to Jiang Feng.

"I'm asking you, are you deaf?" Although Jiang Feng was handsome, he did not have the slightest quality when speaking, and his tone was cold.

Xiao Yu was delighted when she saw Jiang Feng: "Ugh! Isn't this Brother Jiang? Why did you come here and talk about our lady boss!"

"Boss lady? Who is your boss lady?" Only now did Jiang Feng notice that Xiao Yu was here.

Of course Jiang Feng, who was from the same village as them, knew each other.

"Me? I just came here to apply for a job! What's the matter? You don't want that ugly wife in your family anymore? Why did you come here to babble? You look like a president!"

"What's the matter? Who said that ugly monster at home is my wife!"

"Hahaha! Everyone in the village doesn't know. When you brought that ugly monster back from the river, everyone thought you liked her. Anyway, your whole life. That's it, gambling and playing. There is an ugly monster My wife is fine with you, look at your virtue!"

"Why? What's wrong with my virtue? Besides, why are you so sure that I'm going to marry that ugly monster?"

One mouthful of one ugly monster pierced Wan'er's heart: Don't think about me and you in this lifetime!I'm not interested in you!

Although Wan'er's face was livid with anger, she still didn't say a word.

Miss Wang, come out from inside.After listening to the conversation between Jiang Feng and Xiao Yu.He said strangely: "Jiang Feng, you saved someone!"

Xiao Yu then said, "That's right. And she's super ugly. But, why is Jiang Feng running here now!"

"Xiao Yu, you didn't know that you just applied for the job, but Jiang Feng is your boss's wife's older brother."

"So it's a brother-sister relationship, no wonder you're bold." Yu'er sneered at Jiang Feng again, "By the way, I said Jiang Feng. Yu'er from a village in the ancient town is pretty, and she likes you so much. Why are you hiding? Get up!"

Jiang Feng glared at Xiao Yu in a bad mood: "Hey, God gave you this mouth just to let you meddle in your own business, right?"

"What do you mean meddling?" Xiao Yu smiled, "I'm just warning you! If you run away, that ugly girl in your family will be beaten up by Yu'er Yangliu and Xiaoyun! Come here to be chic!"

"I can't compete with you, just mind your own business!" Jiang Feng regained his composure at this moment.He took a look at Wan'er and said, "I don't like that Yu'er in your village, she has a bad heart. She's like a beautiful snake!"

"Oh, it's pretty good to be a beauty snake, that beauty snake is super beautiful!"

"It's useless to talk about it all. Zheng Wan'er. Where's the TV?"

Wan'er couldn't bear it anymore, her hair almost stood on end.Roaring: "What are you doing looking for a TV, that TV belongs to Sister Wang, so give it back to Sister Wang!"

"Hey, don't get mad!"

"Hmph! Say! Where did the motorcycle go?"

"What motorcycle?"

"Stop pretending!" Every strand of Wan'er's hair was like an arrow, piercing Jiang Feng's heart!

"Hey, didn't I want to get more money so that you don't have to work hard? Who knows. I'll do it and go play with that machine. If only I wasn't so greedy!" Jiang Feng said with a guilty conscience!

"There are no outsiders here, let me tell you, I have nothing to do with you from now on!"

"Don't! You haven't repaid my life-saving grace yet!"

"What kind of life-saving grace?" Xiao Yu wondered.

Sister Wang hurriedly interjected: "Jiang Feng, don't be such a rascal to me!"

"If you are forcing me, from now on, you can go back to your ancient town and village to live your good life. I have nothing to do with you!"

The more Xiao Yu listened, the more confused she became. What is going on here?Wan'er didn't want to hide and choked and said: "Xiao Yu is weird, isn't it? Me! It's that ugly monster!"

"Ah!" Xiao Yu stuck out her tongue in surprise, "Then how did you become so beautiful?"

Sister Wang said: "Of course it's plastic surgery, it's so beautiful!"

"Wan'er! Boss! You can give me a whole lot too."

"Hey!" Wan'er said, "You are very beautiful yourself, you should learn the technique well first. After you have learned all the skills, you will be able to fix yourself. To make your skin beautiful, you need to cultivate your heart! Only when your body and mind are united!"

"But, Brother Jiang, no wonder you don't like Yu'er now! It turns out that Sister Wan'er is so beautiful!"

"What nonsense! I don't like Wan'er!" After speaking, she glanced at Wan'er, what should she do now?How can I say something against my will, I obviously like this Wan'er!
"I was still afraid that you liked me, but fortunately you don't like me, I should hold a celebration party to celebrate!" Wan'er pretended to be happy and said, "Jiang Feng, you can cook and clean for us in this shop. Clean up, or part ways with me!"

"Then what's the relationship between the two of us now? Did you agree to be my girlfriend?"

"What?" Wan'er remembered Jiang Feng and Yu'er's marriage in her dream, and she became angry: "What kind of marriage, you are my brother and I am your sister, please don't talk nonsense."

"Hey, you still look down on me after all! That's fine, I won't be with you... But I... By the way, you are not allowed to call me brother in the future, you are a nanny! Don't forget about this! "

"Hmph! Don't I even have a family relationship with you? You saved me, I thank you, but since the two of us are the nanny and the employer! So the spark of love will never be sparked!"

Instead, Jiang Feng snorted.Get out of the store.Wan'er chased him out and grabbed him, saying, "What are you going to do?"

"I'm going out to find money!"

"What money are you looking for! Don't go out! Do chores in the store today, don't you want to spend your whole life like this?"

"What can I do? I don't have a penny in my hand. What do you think I can do?"

"I've already arranged it for you!"

At this time, Xiao Yu also tried to persuade: "Brother Jiang, just listen to what Sister Wan'er said. It's not a long-term solution to gamble. Let's get rid of the evil and return to the right, wash your hands in the golden basin, and forget it."

"Xiao Yu, you also help this Wan'er speak."
"That's right, I'll help Wan'er talk. What's wrong? You said you're justified in coming to gamble?"

"Hey!" Jiang Feng sighed.Find a stool to sit down and calm down, calm your mind!
"Then, since you all want me to change my ways, what do you think I can do?"

"Brother Jiang!" Wan'er said, "Since you asked my opinion, don't treat me as a nanny anymore! From now on, I will call you big brother. Anyway, I am your sister! Just remember, brother needs to take care of sister! How can there be any reason for a younger sister to support an elder brother!"

Jiang Feng smiled in his heart, you treat me as a relative, I must let you be my wife.Think here.He said insincerely, "You can do whatever you say. What am I going to do now?"

Sister Wang nodded Jiang Feng's head and said, "Seeing that you are not young anymore, how can you hang out in the casino all day! I paid the money to the driving school today, you go to get a B license, you can drive, drive The monthly salary of a truck is several thousand yuan!"

"Is that job easy to find?" Jiang Feng asked Sister Wang seriously at this time.

Sister Wang said: "Of course it's easy to find. Now many bosses have bought several trucks, so please hire a driver!"

"But won't it be too hard!"

"What are you afraid of working hard? You say that what you do is not hard work, then if you don't want to work hard and become a domineering president, we will enjoy the blessings too!" Wan'er said bitterly!

"Don't hate me, I will start to correct my evil and return to the right from today!"

"Really or not? I seem to have heard that you have corrected it several times and still haven't changed it! People can't treat it as farting!?" Xiao Yu swears.

"Xiao Yu, shut up, if you are nosy again, I will stick your mouth with glue."

"What nonsense!" Wan'er laughed, "Well, it's already late today, in order to show your sincerity of reforming. Now you start to work!"

"Obey!" Jiang Feng stood up, stood at attention, and saluted, and then turned to Sister Wang, "Excuse me, Mr. Wang, Mr. Zheng! If you have anything to do in the store, just order it."

"Apart from cleaning, what else can you do, go and mop the floors in all the rooms!"

"But are there no guests in there?"

"Of course there are guests! But they are all washing their faces! You just mop it again! I mop it again when I come in the morning, but just now when there are many people, the floor was dirty!"

"Obey! Lord Wang!" Jiang Feng acted naughty like a child!Miss Wang said with a smile.

Jiang Feng really went to get a dry mop to mop the rooms without guests...

Wan'er Xiaoyu secretly followed behind to check, seeing that he was serious about what he was doing, so she went to work!

After a while, Jiang Feng came over.Seeing Wan'er designing the plan there, he said, "Excuse me. What else can Master Wan'er order?"

"Go to the kitchen and steam the rice. Wipe the stove clean!"

"Yes! Follow orders!" Jiang Feng quickly went to cook again this time, and wiped the stove clean.

Sister Wang and Xiao Yu went over to check each one.Praise: "Jiang Feng, you're quite down-to-earth in doing things!"

Wan'er didn't speak because she thought of him coming to gamble!My heart is full of anger!

Had lunch.Jiang Feng performed well in the morning.Wan'er agrees that Sister Wang will drive him to the driving school!After saying hello to the driving school boss.Jiang Feng started to learn to drive.

the next morning.Jiang Feng got up early to go to driving school.On the third day and the fourth day, Jiang Feng left early and returned late every time. Wan'er thought he was serious about learning to drive, and he was in a good mood and energetic when working!

At noon, Wan'er gave him money for the meal.

On the morning of the sixth day, the principal of the driving school called Sister Wang and said, "Sister Wang, what is your friend's name, Jiang Feng? Why haven't you come to study these days?"

"Why didn't you go to study? He goes there every day!"

"He refunded the money the next day, saying it was urgent! Said it was urgent in your store! Let me withdraw the money first. Come back in two days! I'll just ask what's going on?"

When Sister Wang heard this, her lungs exploded.Hang up the phone, silent for a while!

Wan'er saw that Sister Wang's expression was wrong: ∵What's the matter?What's the matter? "

"Jiang Feng didn't go to learn how to drive at all! I refunded the money, and I don't know where to go!"

"Ah! This..." Wan'er was confused again.

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