"Let you go out. Please go away, don't come again, I will let you out!"

"I will promise you. But you have to pay me the travel expenses."

"Okay! I'll let you out!"

"Mrs. Jiang, you won't be plotting against me again this time."

"How come? You open the door. I wish you could go as far as possible?"

Wan'er believed Mrs. Jiang again and opened the door.A basin of ice water was poured from Wan'er's head to her feet...

In fact, Wan'er has dreamed of this kind of trick countless times in her dreams.Now that there is no defense at all.Outside the door stood Yu'er and Mrs. Jiang.The two laughed.

The corner of Yu'er's mouth curled up contemptuously: "I don't even look at your ugly appearance, but you still want to rob Brother Jiang from me! Don't you know that I belong to Brother Jiang? Haha! Get out if you are sensible!"

Wan'er was suddenly hit by the ice and shivered all over.In a short period of time, he encountered two heavens of ice and fire.

"What's wrong with me, an ugly bastard? Brother Jiang just likes me, an ugly bastard. Who are you? If you have the ability, let Big Brother Jiang recognize you as his girlfriend."

"You really know how to put your nose on your face! Let's wait and see."

Yu'er and Mrs. Jiang walked downstairs angrily.

Wan'er still had to be unforgiving, and yelled at the two women: "Come back, you two come back to me! Who wants to stay here like that! I don't want to be your son's girlfriend! Let me go!" Walk."

Hearing this, Yu'er became even angrier: "Ugly! Don't get cheap and act good. You want to provoke the relationship between us and Jiang Feng, don't you? You want us to let you go. You'd better die, you die It’s fine. There’s a big tree by the window. You jump on the big tree and run away along the tree! Don’t blame me for not reminding you. Don’t blame us if you fall down and die!”

Wan'er listened.Thinking that Yu'er is not bad, she even pointed out an escape route for herself!She really wanted to run away, so she didn't want to have anything to do with Jiang Feng in reality.

After being splashed with ice water by Yu'er, my body feels better now, because I was sorely swollen and sore from being splashed with chili water just now, and I was splashed with ice water again.I don't know what the skin looks like now.

Wan'er locked the door.I went to the bathroom and took a shower. I feel much better now, but my face and eyes are still a little red and swollen.I don't care about so much anymore, it's more important to run away, what a pity that I was picked up by this pervert to pretend to be some kind of girlfriend!The more Wan'er thought about it, the angrier she became.Go to the window and push it open.

Yu'er was right, there really was a big tree with thick branches by the window.Right by the window.Fortunately, there is no anti-theft network!Wan'er stood on the window.On the trunk!Slip down the tree trunk.Oops.When I slipped down, I remembered that I didn’t take the mirror in 3021!That is the treasure of my future existence, no matter whether the dream is real or not, anyway.These strange people and things encountered today fully prove it.What you experienced in the previous dream will meet you in reality.

Wan'er can't let go of this mirror!This mirror is what one lives on.Magic weapon, think of this.Then he hugged the tree trunk with great effort and climbed up. Don't think it's easy to cough when slipping down. Wan'er has never learned how to climb a tree since she was a child. He climbed slowly, and just halfway through the climb, he felt that his collar was caught .Then he was thrown to the ground with his face.It hurts my ass!

Wan'er got up, and while rubbing her sore buttocks, she looked over: Damn Jiang Feng!Because in the dream, the relationship between Wan'er and Jiang Feng was not very good.So meet him in reality.I don't like him too much, although I like him so much in my dream.But what Jiang Feng did made Wan'er unacceptable.

Seeing Jiang Feng's arrogance in front of him in reality made his nose crooked.Before Wan'er could say a word.Jiang Feng said coldly: "What. I just ran away before, but I regretted it later. Are you going to climb up again? I really underestimated you. I picked you up on the road and didn't know how to be grateful. Forget it, I still want to run away Just run away. I want to go back on my word again!"

Wan'er blushed.He patted the dirt on his body and looked at his aching hands.I feel really wronged in my heart, even though I am ugly, I will not be bullied or slaughtered by others.

Thinking of this, his eyes stared like copper bells: "Jiang Feng, please don't push yourself too far. You saved me here, and I am very grateful to you. But I never thought of staying in your poor family. How can you What restricts my freedom!"

"Stop talking nonsense. Since you like climbing trees, I'll let you climb all the way!" Jiang Feng picked up Wan'er's clothes after finishing speaking.Throw it hard!Throw Wan'er on the tree branch.Wan'er was so frightened that she hugged the tree fork tightly.Because Jiang Feng is 1.8 meters tall, while Wan'er is only 1.5 meters tall.It's a really powerful contrast.

It's like an old monkey throwing a young monkey.After Jiang Feng finished throwing away, he clapped his hands in disgust, and said as if his hands were dirty: "If you don't want to die, go back to the room quickly, I will have someone saw this tree from tomorrow, and see how you escape. "

Wan'er Wu followed the branches and slipped into the room again.Unexpectedly, Jiang Feng also climbed up the tree twice, and jumped from the branch to the window.

Jumped into the room through the window, which is really weird.Wan'er is speechless!
Jiang Feng turned around and closed the window: "Starting tomorrow, I will have this tree sawn down! Or seal this window tightly!"

Wan'er was so angry that her entire body trembled: "Is it because you saved me, or because I'm ugly?"

"It's nothing! It's my choice! What's the matter? Look at you except for a pair of eyes! Your face is really, really, extremely ugly. It is unique in the world."

"Jiang Feng! I beg you. Let me go. I really have no choice but to stay in your house. A tigress, plus a wolf-like Yu'er! I can't stay here."

"I can let you go! But you have to repay the favor first."

"Damn Jiang Feng!" Wan'er cursed in her heart, "How can I repay your kindness? I'm so ugly and I have nothing!"

"You just need to stay with me for one year. After you stay for one year, if you want to leave or stay, it's up to you!"

Wan'er was speechless to the extreme: "Excuse me, Young Master Jiang! Do you know me?"

"It looks familiar!"

"Déjà vu? Are you kidding me, I've never seen you before!"

"Really. Have you ever had a long dream?" Jiang Feng was aggressive, staring at Wan'er with fiery eyes, and then turned his eyes in disgust!
"Yes! I had a long dream."

"Then did you see me in your dream?"

"What do you mean by that? Isn't that a dream?"

"Because I had the same dream as you! Now do you understand why I said you were my girlfriend?"

"However, when the dream was about to end, I saw two Jiang Fengs."

"That's your hallucination. The Jiang Feng who crawled out from under the bed at the end is me. The Jiang Feng you saw at the beginning is actually the one who put on makeup and changed his shape!"

"You know everything?"

"Yes! Of course I know all about it!"

"This may be a fact that I can't change, but when I see you in person, I still feel disgusted. I can't accept you at all. But I want to use you as a shield to save Yu'er, that hag haunt me!"

"I believe what you said, but in my dream I seem to love Jiang Feng very much! Why don't I have the slightest impression of you when I see you here? Is there anything wrong with beautiful women pestering you? You don't know your blessings in the midst of your blessings!"

"Wan'er, I remember that I loved you in my dream. But your dignity..."

"You remember wrongly, I never loved you in my dream, and Yu'er was the one you married in the end!"

"Forget it, I won't argue with you. Just stay here for me. You have to go out. We and I will send someone to protect you. However, you'd better not go out, or I think you will die without a trace The place of burial. I don’t remember the things in the dream very clearly. But I know that there are many people who hurt you. If everyone knows that the high-cold president in their hearts recruited you, a person with no background and nothing The ugly monster in the courtyard, I want to consider which cemetery to bury you in when I die!"

"Get out. You are too bad, I never want to see you. Let me go quickly. We have no fate!"

"Really? But you can go out from one place. When this villa was built, there was a secret door. No one knew about it. After speaking, it opened, and a large wooden board on the ground revealed an underground opening!

"Go down and have a look. I won't go down. Wan'er is scared because she has never seen this underground passage in her dream. But Jiang Feng won't say anything. He grabbed Wan'er by the collar and threw her from the underground passage." go in.

Wan'er felt her head hurt from being thrown.Damn Jiang Feng, you bastard.If you scold again, be careful, the stuff inside will eat you.

Wan'er just sat on the ground and looked around.Startled.There are snakes on the wall, crawling on the wall twisting and turning, sticking out their fiery tongues.

Wan'er was so scared that it didn't matter, she was drenched in cold sweat, hahahaha, what's the matter, I'm scared, let me tell you.That's just it.The dried snake body is used to scare others, and he can't eat you.

Jiang Feng finished speaking.He also jumped down, and covered the wooden board with both hands: "Go! I will take you forward!" After speaking, he grabbed Wan'er's hand!

Wan'er broke free.Follow behind Jiang Feng.Because in this reality, Wan'er doesn't want to have any relationship with Jiang Feng, especially when there are several tigresses around him.Jiang Feng couldn't say anything, and grabbed Wan'er's hand again.Go forward along the tunnel.

The inside is actually not scary at all, except that the basement down from the entrance is full of big snakes, and the inside is like a passage that has been carefully decorated.The passage of the underground train station, but it is more luxuriously decorated than the passage of the underground train station.There are beautiful European-style chandeliers in each section, and floors are laid on the ground.Walking here feels like walking in a room.

There are lounges at intervals beside the wall holes, where there are beds, tea and pastries.

"This is really difficult for you!"

Wan'er finally softened her tone a bit: "The underground passage is still so luxurious. How about it, you have been conquered. You see, when you open a door on the side, there is actually a compact car parked inside.

"Hmph, I have everything here, let's go further. Anyway, in this tunnel, there is everything to eat, drink, and scatter.

After walking for a while, we came to a door!Jiang Feng Yuhuo pushed open the door.Wan'er followed, and it turned out that it looked like a gate from that side, but it was a rockery from this side.There is still water gushing out of this rockery in the park.What an ingenious design, Wan'er not only admired it.

"If you want to go out, you can come out here quietly! You have already arrived in this public garden! I just showed you the mechanism!"

You can come back from this underground passage at night, but it doesn't matter how you go out to surf.Let me advise you, don't look for men outside. "

Wan'er couldn't help laughing: "Hehe...I'm an ugly monster, I'm afraid that men will hide away if they see me!"

Jiang Feng said angrily: "It's too late today. I'll take you out for dinner. After the meal, you go back by yourself! I have to deal with some things! Try not to mess with those two tigresses these two days!"

Wan'er had no choice but to obey Jiang Feng's arrangement.

After dinner in the evening, I came back from the entrance of the tunnel.After covering the wooden planks of the lower passage, I heard the sound of being smashed outside the door!Yu'er was outside the door: "Damn ugly, come out, if you don't come out, I'll smash the door in later!"

...... Thank you for your support, friends, thank you.

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