The paranoid boss lightly favors

Chapter 764 How much do you care about Xie Jian

It's just that he hasn't figured out where to start.

It seems too seamless. The two people involved in the car accident recorded the situation on the spot, and there is almost no room for reversal.

However, Gu Mingchen remembered clearly that the incident of thieves was not that simple.

If the person in the surveillance can find it, then there is an entry point for this matter, at least he knows the part of the incident they are responsible for.

Gu Mingchen thought of an idea, and immediately contacted Qingqing.

The situation on Yu Yi's side gradually stabilized, and she was out of danger. The next step was to wait for her to wake up.

Aunt Zhang didn't look so closely at Gu Mingchen anymore, the two almost took turns guarding Yu Yi's side in the hospital.

This morning, after contacting Qingqing, Gu Mingchen set off from the hospital to meet Qingqing.

When he met Qingqing alone, he deliberately didn't let her tell Xie Jian about it, the purpose was to hide it from Xie Jian, and he didn't want her to get involved in this matter.

Because she is the person involved, she has already been controversial and messed up.

Gu Mingchen and Qingqing made an appointment in a private club, and he asked Qingqing to recall the thieves incident at that time again.

She told Gu Mingchen all the things she could recall, "That's all I can remember, and I can't remember the others. I was panicked at the time, so I didn't pay much attention to these details."

Gu Mingchen nodded.

"Okay, I have an idea now, you can do it for me."

She looked at Gu Mingchen suspiciously, "Are you trying to help us catch the thief?"

Qingqing looked at Gu Mingchen in surprise. In fact, at this time, Yu Yi's body and Xie Jian's emotional state were the most important. It was incredible that he was still thinking about something that happened in the past to catch the thief.

Don't these CEOs have the same brain circuit as ordinary people?

"I can help you, but why? Is your focus wrong? You care about Xie Jian better than catching thieves."

Gu Mingchen smiled lightly, "I did this because I cared about her."

A real thief would naturally stay away from this place if he failed to steal, but if it was a fake thief, he would be afraid that the matter would be exposed and that he would leave traces, so he would always pay attention to this place.

It was precisely because of this mentality that Gu Mingchen decided to ask Qingqing to help with this matter.

"After you go back, let everyone in the building know that you have lost a valuable thing, and then you ask everyone one by one if they have any clues to the thief, and say that if this matter is resolved, you will be rewarded heavily.

Even a little clue will do. "

Although Qingqing didn't understand what kind of medicine was sold in Gu Mingchen's gourd, she still did it.

In one morning, everyone in the building knew that Qing Qing had lost a piece of wedding jewelry at that time, which was very valuable, and they were anxious to find it.

The property management also came to ask about this matter, and Qingqing said that she was only focused on discussing this matter with everyone at that time, and did not check the things at home at all.

She didn't close the door when she went out in a hurry, maybe the thief just took advantage of the chaos to enter her house.

It is said that the thieves deliberately wandered around each floor to cause commotion, and then take advantage of the chaos to get benefits.

"Okay, we will continue to investigate this matter, and we will also ask the police to assist in finding your lost things as soon as possible."

Qingqing still looked anxious.

Her popularity is good, most of the people living in this building are enthusiastic people, Qingqing said those words according to Gu Mingchen's request.

"That thing is very precious, it was given to me by my mother-in-law, so I can't lose it in my hands.

I hope everyone will seriously recall what happened that day, even if it is a little bit of clues.

As long as I finally find what I lost, I will reward anyone who provides clues to me, thank you all. "

Suddenly, the thief incident spread from one building to the whole community, and even the surrounding communities knew about it.

Everyone is discussing this matter, knowing that the owner is anxious, enthusiastic people are coming up with ideas, no matter whether it is reliable or not, they feel that if this thing can't be found, no one will give up.

At this time, Gu Mingchen had already sent someone to watch in the dark. Once anyone from the community came in or out, his identity would be investigated and locked.

Sure enough, it took only two days for them to catch one person.

That person was taken to a private club by Gu Mingchen's special assistant, and Qingqing was also there.

Gu Mingchen just wanted to know clearly that the car accident was planned by someone, and Xie Jian hit someone passively, which was one of the reasons.

The person who squatted in front of him and was suppressed by several special assistants looked younger than 30 years old.

He is not tall, but his eyes are looking all over the place.

Before Gu Mingchen opened his mouth, Qingqing pretended to be angry and questioned this person, "Tell me, where did you steal my jewelry! Don't you just want money, I'll give it to you, return the jewelry to me!"

The man panicked when he heard that, he was arrested, and the other party was rich and powerful as soon as he opened his mouth, how could he not be afraid.

"No, no, I didn't steal your jewelry, I didn't steal anything!"

Qingqing asked suspiciously, "Really? If you dare to tell lies, I will put you in prison for the rest of your life!"

Hearing this, the man was so frightened that his legs limp and collapsed on the ground, "I really didn't steal the jewelry, I just pretended to sneak around that building, I'm not a real thief, I didn't take anything, really !"

He panickedly pointed in one direction, "My house is not far away, if you don't believe me, go search at home, there is absolutely nothing."

He walked up to the man in a clear and imposing manner, "What if you've already sold it! I've investigated your family. You're so poor, and you might cash in your valuables at any time. If you let me search, then it's definitely gone.

Let me ask you one last time, do you want to hand it over? "

The man who was questioned by Qingqing went crazy, "I really didn't take it. If I took it and changed it, would I still live in the place I am now!"

He sighed deeply, and said with emotion, "If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have taken this job. I thought it was an easy job, but now I'm going to be sent to jail."

When he heard these words, Gu Mingchen finally got the important clue.

He who had been silent all the time stood up slowly, walked to the man's side, and sat down when he saw that Gu Mingchen was dealing with it, listening to the development of the matter.

Gu Mingchen's aura was hundreds of times stronger than Qingqing's. When he walked in front of that man, that man's pressure was already great.

"You... what else do you want to ask me?"

At this moment, I haven't pressed the question yet, just looking at the momentum, I have already blurted out the trick.

He said that he was a maintenance worker nearby. During the downturn these days, he was suddenly introduced to a job when he was drinking with a brother. It was a very small matter and he was given 2000 yuan.

Although he can't get rich suddenly, at least he won't have to worry about one month's food expenses, and he can do it quickly with such simple money.

That is, one of his brothers is downstairs, and it is enough for him to walk around on each floor upstairs and stop for a while.

He didn't quite understand what the other party meant by asking for these things, but he panicked when he heard someone yelling for a thief. At that time, he was wearing all black and a hat and ran away. That person left long ago, and he hasn't shown up yet and hasn't contacted him.

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