The paranoid boss lightly favors

Chapter 753 I'll Send You Chapters

"I'll take you back."

When Xie Jian heard these words, he couldn't hide his disappointment. He knew that Gu Mingchen couldn't be with him anymore, maybe he wanted to be with Yu Yi to be with her.

When the car stopped downstairs at Xie Jian's house, Gu Mingchen turned around and hugged her before she got out of the car.

"Don't worry, I'm just going to the company to deal with things. I won't be back when it's too late. You should go to bed early."

Xie Jian felt a lot more at ease after reporting with just one sentence, and even this one sentence could bring about a good dream.

If it was really as Xie Jian had guessed that he was going to meet Yu Yi, then she would have been worried for a long time tonight, fearing what would happen to him.

The more I like him, the more I rely on him, and I always hope that he is just my own.

So Xie Jian chose to trust in his heart, and handed over all the things that needed to be dealt with outside to Gu Mingchen, and she just obediently waited for the result without causing trouble.

...Back home, Xie Jian simply took a shower.

After eating hot pot, my body smells like a hot pot restaurant, and I always want to eat when I smell it.

When she changed into her pajamas and was lying on the sofa playing with her mobile phone, someone knocked on the door suddenly, and Xie Jian immediately ran towards the door excitedly. It was either Gu Mingchen or Qingqing at this time, no matter who came to her, she was willing to see .

But after opening the door, she found that it was not the same thing, the person standing at the door was Yu Yi.

"Where is Zexiao? I called him countless times tonight and he didn't answer. I asked him to do this, otherwise why wouldn't he answer my calls?!"

Yu Yi looked at Xie Jian with disdain, "Why are you so cheap! You said you were a companion and you didn't regard yourself as an important person."

As soon as Xie Jian heard this, he got angry, and it's not for nothing to learn to hate people with the aunt of the blind date corner, so let's play it a bit.

Anyway, the other party didn't care about her at all, and the words had already started to be so ugly, so it's not bad for her to say a few more ugly words.

Xie Jian leaned leisurely by the door, blocking the position of the door, not giving Yu Yi the chance to go in.

She looked back at the house triumphantly, "He's not here, so your trip is wasted.

Also, I never interfere with his affairs with other people. He doesn't want to answer your calls because he finds you annoying and dissatisfied with you. You can't even think of this? ! "

"He did come to see me today, we had a hot pot meal and were very happy.

He also told me where he was going before he sent me home and left, but I just don't want to tell you, it's nice to see you in a hurry.

People say that people who are anxious to get angry tend to get old. If you are so rich, you don't care about adding a few more wrinkles. You can go to a plastic surgery hospital and get a few injections to suppress them. "

Yu Yi looked at Xie Jian in shock, what she said was surprisingly sharp.


Yu Yi couldn't help but raised her hand and stretched out her index finger, pointing at Xie Jian, and she immediately pressed Yu Yi's finger down.

"Don't point at me here, and don't look at yourself, you still have the right to point at me.

You know what the real relationship between you and Gu Mingchen is, and he tells me everything, so I naturally know it too.

Facing the facts and acting fake, how did you perform it? Do you want me to applaud you?

Also, don't always say that I'm a companion, you want to accompany me, and they have to be willing to sleep with you, you don't even have the right to accompany me, what do you think you are. "

Xie Jian felt that he was possessed by an aunt, and he scolded him to relieve his anger, and he immediately escalated into the aura of a charter woman in a kung fu movie.

But in the next second, Xie Jian felt the danger coming.

Yu Yi didn't speak back, but made a silent call. After ten minutes, Xie Jian was taken to the police station.

She was detained without being told why.

Xie Jian couldn't get in touch with anyone else, and no one could tell her the reason when she asked the police station.

About two days later, Gu Mingchen came to pick up Xie Jian, and those who took her away had been dealt with for accepting bribes and committing bribes.

Xie Jian, who was sitting in Gu Mingchen's car, was really scared. It seemed that he would not be able to learn such slanderous words from the aunt in the future. After all, ordinary people would not cause major troubles.

"How did you know I was here?"

"I went to find you and couldn't find it. I checked the community monitoring and found out that you were sent to the police station by her design.

She spends money to make you a crime, and wants to imprison you for a few years.

But it's all good now, I've settled this matter for you, and those police officers who collected money irresponsibly have also been dealt with. "

Xie Jian leaned against Gu Mingchen with a guilty conscience, admitting his mistake.

"Actually, when Yu Yi came to see me that day, it was because I couldn't speak well.

I learned how to hate people from the aunts in the blind date corner, but I just don’t want to be bullied and unable to fight back, but now thinking about it, I regret it.

If I had restrained myself from saying that, maybe she would not have been so angry that a phone call took me away. "

Gu Mingchen laughed when he saw Xie Jian's wronged and innocent appearance.

He held her in his arms and pressed against her ear to soothe her emotions.

"There's nothing wrong with you protecting yourself, but when people do things, they have to be divided into occasions and people. You know that Yu Yi is different from the aunts who hate each other. She will really use very direct means to deal with you. I can't always By your side, your submissiveness is a way to protect yourself."

Xie Jian nodded vigorously, "You are right."

"Fortunately, Yu Yi let the police arrest you. If some underground organization took you away or did something to you, how do you want me to bear losing you?"

Gu Mingchen said so to educate Xie Jian, but in fact, he has arranged for someone to watch over her residential area 24 hours a day to protect her safety.

He will never allow Xie Jian to have another accident!It's just that there are some things I still need to tell Xie Jian. Her IQ fluctuates in the world, and she urgently needs education.

Gu Mingchen can't always be by her side when he is in trouble, so it is very important to protect himself.

After taking Xie Jian home, Gu Mingchen waited for Xie Jian to take a bath and change clothes, then had a solid lunch with her, and then she fell asleep.

Xie Jian has been detained at the police station for the past few days and has not been able to rest well.

Taking advantage of Xie Jian's rest, Gu Mingchen took the initiative to contact Yu Yi. He had already resolved the matter. He needed to inform Yu Yi, and more importantly, he wanted an explanation from him.

"Xie Jian, I brought it back. I'll wait for you in Gu's office."

After finishing speaking, Gu Mingchen hung up the phone and went directly to Gu's, and Yu arrived on time as soon as he arrived.

As soon as Yu saw Gu Mingchen, she felt uneasy. His eyes were full of murderous intent, which was far from the submissive look in front of the two elders in the past. She had never seen Gu Mingchen's eyes like this, never... …His eyes were deep, and he couldn't guess what he wanted to say next without opening his mouth.

She stood directly opposite Gu Mingchen's desk, but a little further away than usual.

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