The paranoid boss lightly favors

Chapter 741 The One Who Marries 1 Must Be Me

Gu Mingchen asked the reason calmly, "Who said that?"

He guessed that Yu Yi didn't talk about this matter. If she wanted to talk about it, she would have said it long ago, and she didn't have to wait until now.

"My friends, they saw you and Xie Jian coming out of the hotel early in the morning. I told my parents without passing by, reminded them to pay attention to your side, and then asked the Gu family to ask you to explain this matter."

Gu Mingchen immediately thought of the two women he met just now, and it should be the two of them.

Xie Jian looked at Gu Mingchen worriedly, "What's the situation?"

Gu Mingchen didn't speak, he stabilized Yu Yi's mood on the other side of the phone, "I'll be there in the afternoon, I will explain this matter, don't worry, I don't need you to take care of finishing it for me."

When Yu Yi was about to say something, Gu Mingchen had already hung up.

After he sent Xie Jian home, he said he had something to deal with and left. Xie Jian knew that there was something wrong with Yu Yi, but she could care about it, but she couldn't control it.

If you insist on interfering, you will cause trouble for Gu Mingchen, so it is better to let him handle it.

Qingqing looked at Xie Jian sitting on the sofa seriously, thinking that something happened, "No way, you two broke up after two days, right?"

Xie Jian pushed Qingqing's head, "Don't talk nonsense, I won't break up this time, I don't want to let go easily."

"you sure?"

Qingqing's words revealed unconfidence, and Xie Jian who asked was also beating drums in his heart.

If this matter between the two of them made Gu Mingchen very embarrassed, maybe she would break up, and Xie Jian would be in chaos for a while.

She stood up in a panic and contacted Yu Yi, "What did you tell him?"

Yu Yi has been suppressing the fire recently and is worried that he has nowhere to post. Now that Xie Jian took the initiative to find him, it was simply desperate.

"What I told him is our business and it's none of your business!"

"Let me tell you, the matter between the two of us is the decision of the elders on both sides. Do you think Gu Mingchen can not listen to Mr. Gu? To put it bluntly, you are just satisfying his temporary interest. In the end, the person he will marry must be me. You bet ?!"

Xie Jian was immediately suppressed by Yu Yi's words.

"I don't bet on emotional matters..."

"That's because you dare not! You should know it in your heart."

There was pride in Yu Yi's words, Xie Jian felt that the words were not speculative, so he hung up the phone.

She felt that she was looking far away, and if she really wanted to know how this matter developed, she could ask Gu Mingchen, why bother to ask Yu Yi.

Xie Jian sat in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows in a daze. She watched as the sky was getting dark and Gu Mingchen hadn't come back yet.

Qingqing was already hungry, and ordered takeaway a long time ago.

"Xie Jian, the food is here, let's eat first, I've already set aside Mr. Gu's portion."

Xie Jian reluctantly sat at the table, "You said he hasn't come back after going out for so long, I'm worried."

Seeing that Xie Jian couldn't eat, Qingqing explained to her, "There's nothing to worry about, Mr. Gu is not an ordinary person.

Who dares to rob money, even robbing sex... After all, it's all men who rob women. "

Xie Jian knew that Qingqing was teasing himself and forced a smile.

"Okay, let's eat first, don't wait for him."

Xie Jian took two mouthfuls of rice, but couldn't taste it.

... Gu Mingchen was at Yu's house at this time, facing Yu Yi's parents, but Yu Yi was not there.

Yu Yi did not show up on purpose, she was afraid that she would not be able to control her emotions when she was present, and she was afraid that she would do something that would make Gu Mingchen even more disgusted.

The elders taught Gu Mingchen to just listen, but if Yu Yi vented too much, he would blame himself.

"Zexiao, I heard you went to have a room with another woman?"

Yu Yi's mother asked directly, and Yu Yi's father had already glared at him.

"Auntie, you misunderstood this matter."

Gu Mingchen always kept in mind the words of old man Gu, that if there were no conflicts between the Yu family and the Gu family, he had to deny anything that was unfavorable to him and Yu Yi, otherwise Xie Jian would have a hard time.

"Yi Yi's friend saw it with his own eyes, what else do you want to explain?!"

Gu Mingchen smiled, "I just went in and out of the hotel with a woman, there is nothing to explain about work.

If he cared so much about the boundary between men and women, then the Gu family would not have come to this day.

I only do business with men, which is too small. "

Yu Yi's mother was bullied, she looked at him unconvinced.

"You explain it very well, so let me ask you, who will leave the hotel holding hands with a woman, a woman who cooperates, do you still want to continue to deny your relationship!"

When Yu Yi's mother said this, she became even more angry.

"Yi Yi likes you so much, and pays for you, but you are looking for a woman outside, are you sorry Yi Yi!"

Gu Mingchen still insisted that Xie Jian was his partner, and the explanation did not change at all.

He took out the gift prepared by someone in advance and delivered it to Yu Yi's parents. He sacrificed a company.

The sole proprietorship company that Yu Yi helped manage before, Gu Mingchen has already transferred to her name. This was originally a way out for him, but in order not to cause trouble between himself and Xie Jian, he had to take it out. .

"This company is solely owned by me, and the information clearly states its scale and prospects.

I gave this to Yu Yi, and now it is the company under her name.

I value my relationship with her so I won't do anything to embarrass our two families. "

Gu Mingchen stood up, "Auntie, let me tell you the truth, I had a marriage before Yuyi, I think you know about it.

The woman you mentioned is the mother of my child. Even if it is for the sake of the child, there will be contact between the two of us. You are already a parent, and you must be more aware of the importance of the child in the hearts of parents than I am.

Since you have contributed to the matter between me and Yu Yi, you should give trust and space to our relationship. "

Although Yu Yi's mother felt awkward in her heart, she had nothing to say.

Gu Mingchen used his parents' feelings to suppress them, and he had to be considerate.

"Okay, I'll explain this one by one over there. I hope you respect her, cherish her, and don't embarrass her in front of others."

Gu Mingchen smiled, "Of course."

He stayed at Yu's house for dinner, and Yu Yi didn't show up until halfway through the meal.

Everything seemed to have never happened, Yu Yi sat beside Gu Mingchen and smiled at her, talking to her about those words of concern.

Gu Mingchen finally made a comeback. After clarifying this matter, there is no need to be so accommodating. The two of them are bound, so naturally they have to act together, otherwise it will be a big trouble if one acts and the other does not cooperate.

After dinner, when Yu Yisong and Gu Mingchen went out, she dared to show an unhappy look. She couldn't do it in front of her family, because he had already given the most satisfactory explanation. I don't care about my affection.

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