The paranoid boss lightly favors

Chapter 737 I'm Not an Exhibit

The nurse looked at Yu Yi who left lonely and felt that what she just said was a bit cruel, but everything she said was true.

Back in the ward, I looked at the two of them sweet again.

After Gu Mingchen was discharged from the hospital, Xie Jian took the initiative to ask him to go to his home to recuperate because he had a shop to watch.

"I'm just a small house. If you don't dislike it, I can let you recuperate at home and take care of you. Thank you for your feat."

Gu Mingchen looked at Xie Jian suspiciously, "Then why didn't you go back with me?"

"Because I have other things besides taking care of you."

Gu Mingchen really wanted to know that he was so injured, why would Xie Jian want to do other things.

Living in his own house may be harassed by Yu Yi and the elders on both sides at any time. Thinking about it this way, living in Xie Jian's house is a good choice.

Xie Jian brought Gu Mingchen home, and Qingqing soon found out the news.

When Qingqing went to Xie Jian's house to join in the fun, she saw Gu Mingchen wearing home clothes sitting on the sofa watching TV drinking milk, looking very obedient.

She looked at Xie Jian in shock, "How did you turn the dignified President Gu into a little milk dog?!"

Xie Jian laughed so hard that he almost spit out the water from his mouth.

"Qingqing, let me finish drinking the water before you speak next time."

She looked at the smooth-haired Gu Mingchen in disbelief, took off all the expensive equipment, and wore poor home clothes. Although the extravagance was not diminished, the aura of the whole person changed a lot.

If it was said that Qingqing had to weigh things up in her heart when talking to Gu Mingchen before, but seeing him like this now, she dares to say anything.

She ran to the sofa and sat beside Gu Mingchen.

"Mr. Gu, I heard that your arm is injured, let me come and see."

Gu Mingchen looked back at Xie Jian, and replied calmly, "I'm not an exhibit, so I don't need to look at it."

Qingqing looked back at Xie Jian in surprise, and mouthed a word to her.

"Sure enough, Gu Mingchen is still Gu Mingchen..."

Qingqing immediately sat up and went to another room to deal with the business of the store. Gu Mingchen called to Xie Jian, "Is the sandwich prepared for me ready?"

Xie Jian seldom cooks breakfast by himself, and now that Gu Mingchen is recuperating at home, he has to pick up cooking skills.

She hastily replied, "Right away."

Xie Jian was holding a plate with battered bacon, loose bread and vegetables in it. Only this egg was perfect and the shape was good, but the yolk and protein could not be distinguished.

Gu Mingchen looked at the food on the plate and refused in his heart.

"Xie Jian, I suddenly don't feel very hungry."

Xie Jian picked up the plate and smelled it, he knew that Gu Mingchen thought it was not good looking.

"It smells good, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with eating it, it just doesn't look good.

Besides, you are in the recovery stage, you have to eat well, why are you always so picky, hard to serve..."

Xie Jian complained, and Gu Mingchen immediately looked at her with scrutiny.

"Am I picky?"

He was about to raise his arm, but Xie Jian had noticed it, and actually used the injury to press himself down.

"Okay, don't move, I'll do it again, give me 5 minutes."

Gu Mingchen was immersed in the stage of bickering and frolicking with Xie Jian, never tired of it.

Just when he was in joy, the butler of the Gu family called, and he couldn't refuse to answer it.

"The old man asked how you and Miss Yu Yi are doing recently?"

"I will talk to the old man about the matter between me and Yu Yi alone, and I won't talk about it on the phone."

After Gu Mingchen finished speaking, he hung up the phone, and Xie Jian walked to him with the newly prepared breakfast, "Try this time, is there anything you are not satisfied with?"

He took the plate and put it aside, then pulled Xie Jian to sit down.

"The matter between me and Yu Yi is the decision of the two families. This matter has not been resolved yet, but don't worry, I will not let you be wronged or hurt."

Xie Jian was very moved when he heard these words.

"I'm fine, I'm not a fool, I won't be wronged in vain, as for the hurt...I believe that with you protecting me, everything will be fine, just like this incident.

We will face everything together, don't hide things from me. "

She smiled and told Gu Mingchen about her determination, and then the two leaned against each other to eat breakfast.

Qingqing came out of the room after finishing the matter, looking at these two people so tired that they were almost going to be crushed to death.

"Xie Jian, please don't make me unable to stay when you fall in love, okay? I just pour a glass of water and you are so sweet to death."

She got up and handed Qing Qing a cup of coffee, "No sugar added, drink slowly, neutralize it."

Qingqing snatched the coffee and went back to the room with a look of disdain to continue dealing with the business of the shop.

In the evening, Xie Jian started another dinner fight. She flipped through the recipes she bought in the afternoon, and planned to make some soup for Gu Mingchen to help him recover during his recovery.

Looking at the ingredients in the refrigerator, Xie Jian began to worry, and finally pulled Qingqing out of the room.

Qingqing looked at Xie Jian with disdain, "You don't want me to come out to disturb you, why are you pulling me out now?"

Her craftsmanship is better than Xie Jian's, so I must learn from her in this regard.

"If you want to cook a soup for him, just help me, these recipes are really impractical."

As Xie Jian spoke, he threw the recipe aside.

When the two of them were busy in the kitchen, Gu Mingchen left quietly.

The Gu family was pressing hard, and his reply made Mr. Gu want to see him immediately. After all, the matter between him and Yu Yi was not a trivial matter, and it was related to the cooperation and interests of the two families.

Gu Mingchen was taken back to the Gu family.

Mr. Gu looked at the injury on Gu Mingchen's arm and asked why and what happened. This incident happened at a charity party, and the media reports had already come out at that time, so he couldn't lie.

When the old man heard that it was related to Xie Jian, he slapped the table angrily, "It's her again!"

But at the moment he was secretly happy, and Gu Mingchen had another weakness, as long as his mind was still on Xie Jian, using Xie Jian to contain and control him was the most effective.

"Grandpa, the situation was critical at that time. She was a girl, so I naturally wanted to save her."

Old man Gu didn't believe Gu Mingchen's words, "Would you save someone else?"

Gu Mingchen remained silent, and Mr. Gu didn't show much anger, and his tone softened a lot afterwards.

"You should be aware of the benefits of marrying the Yu family. Isn't it a pity to let go of such a big piece of meat?"

Mr. Gu is getting older and older, and in his lifetime, he just wants to watch the Gu family and the Gu family continue to grow, and to have more rights in his hands.

"Zexiao, I don't care how you feel about Xie Jian now, as long as the matter between the two of you doesn't cause trouble to the Yu family, and there are no problems, I won't pursue it."

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