Gu Mingchen frowned and looked at Yu Yi, "How did you become like this?"

Yu Yi looked at him with a wry smile, "I also know that this is not good, but you forced me to become like this, I like you so much, it is impossible for you not to know.

I also said that although it is to cooperate with acting, I hope you will treat me sincerely.

But how do you do it? "

She directly threw Gu Mingchen's cell phone into the fish tank next to her.

"No matter how angry you are, you are never willing to leave her alone, and you can't forget her, and you can't break contact. Today, I will make a decision for you."

Gu Mingchen calmly looked at the mobile phone thrown into the fish tank, "I have no improper relationship with her, and I have no guilt towards you for what happened to her."

Yu Yi sneered, "No guilt?"

She didn't even want to talk about Gu Mingchen helping Xie Jian magazine.

Yes, maybe Gu Mingchen did not have that kind of relationship with Xie Jian, but is it right that he has never had that kind of relationship?It lies in the heart, psychological derailment is more terrible than physical derailment.

He helped her because he cared about her. Isn't that enough guilt?

Gu Mingchen put all his heart on Xie Jian, and what he gave her was to cooperate with acting.

"At that time, Xie Jian didn't choose you, she didn't want you, she abandoned you, I didn't fight for you.

Being with you is what I have been waiting for for so many years. "

Yu Yi looked at Gu Mingchen unwillingly, "In the best time, I only hid you alone in my heart. This kind of feeling, that's how you treat me. Don't you feel guilty?"

Of course, Gu Mingchen was moved by her words. He knew how neat and free-spirited girl Yu Yi was before, but now he couldn't bear to see her getting fussy about her relationship and confronting him tit for tat.

It is false to say that there is no guilt, but Gu Mingchen also knows that guilt cannot support a relationship, let alone a marriage.

"Yu Yi, in the future, I will make you and Gu's family satisfied."

The best Gu Mingchen can do is to cooperate, and then act like he loves her, pretends to be in a good relationship, at least not let her act alone, let her suffer in front of the two families.

After saying this, he slowly took Yu Yi's hand, "Choose a new phone for me tomorrow, I will only use what you gave me."

Gu Mingchen's change was too fast, Yu Yi was taken back to the restaurant before he could react.

Gentlemanly, he pulled out the chair to let Yu Yi sit down first, and offered to put some food for Yu Yi during the meal.

Seeing this, Yu Yi's parents were overjoyed and felt that it was a success.

"Zexiao, if you get along for a while, it's time to think about getting engaged. Then we'll go to Gu's house to discuss this matter with Gu Dong."

Gu Mingchen smiled, "Okay, let's follow Yu Yi's idea."

After dinner, Yu sent Gu Mingchen to the door.

"Are you enlightened?"

Gu Mingchen didn't say anything, and took Yu Yi's hand, "I want to understand one thing."

Gu Mingchen didn't answer Yu Yi's question. In fact, the answer was very simple. Since it was all acting, why did he make the other party unhappy.

She's a girl, if he could make her happy by cooperating a bit, why not.

Gu Mingchen felt guilty in his heart, since he couldn't give her sincerity, then treat her better in this fake relationship, so that she will have good memories when she thinks about it in the future.

"Rest early, good night."

Gu Mingchen took the initiative to hug Yu Yi, although this behavior came too suddenly, but for a girl, it is very happy to be hugged by someone she has liked for so long.

Yu Yi didn't want to think too much about this incident, so he took it as Gu Mingchen's change of heart.

"Well, you too, be careful on the road, good night."

Gu Mingchen then let go of Yu Yi, got into the car and left.

The driver couldn't understand this situation, "Mr. Gu, it seems that your relationship with Ms. Yu was not so good before, why is it suddenly so good again?"

The driver drove the Gu family for a long time, and occasionally talked to Gu Mingchen on the road, so he boldly talked about it.

Gu Mingchen lit a cigarette, "I still hope that the original relationship will not change, and she will be happier."

"The original relationship? You and Miss Yu?"

The driver was afraid that he was a servant. His original relationship, he only knew that Gu Mingchen had a sensational relationship with Xie Jian, that is, Su Yan, so why didn't he know that he and Yu Yi still had it.

Gu Mingchen said slowly, "She is a girl I think is very good, the kind of girl who wants to be a confidant for the rest of her life.

She is willing to stand up and help me with anything, and never asks about other things, she just cares for me wholeheartedly.

What I am doing now can make her happy, but I am actually returning her friendship. "

The driver nodded. At that time, he felt that Gu Mingchen was really powerful, and he clearly divided his feelings.

Although gossip reports always write that the women he has been in contact with are emotional lines with him, but in fact, he knows what he wants in his heart.

When Yu was at home, Gu Mingchen also saw the news from Xie Jianfa.

His first thought at the time was to help her, but with Yu Yi's actions, he knew that he could no longer help Xie Jian until the matter between him and Yu Yi was resolved.

After Gu Mingchen went back, he contacted the special assistant, and he asked the special assistant to send someone to find out what Xie Jian wanted him to help with, and then solve it for her, without letting Xie Jian know that he did it himself.

Xie Jian soon got contacted by a person in charge of the factory, "Are you the designer Xie Jian?"


She still couldn't believe it. After the other party said her name, she was sure that the other party did not find the wrong person.

"I saw your design by accident, and I like it very much. It has great prospects. If you don't have much money, I can consider signing a contract with you to mass-produce your work."

Xie Jian was dumbfounded when he heard this.

"What did you say……"

The other party repeated what he said just now, and Xie Jian was so excited that he almost jumped up.

"Really? Is what you said true? But why, most factories will not agree to this kind of cooperation."

Xie Jian thought about the things he was cheated in the past, so he kept his mind on it, and it was always right to ask more questions.

The other party answered her with a smile.

"I said, I like your design."

The other party continued, "If you feel worried, we can have an interview. We just had a meal at the restaurant, so you can rest assured. The restaurant is full of people and the security is high."

Xie Jian's hands were shaking at this moment, it was simply good luck.

She nodded excitedly, forgetting to reply, thinking that the other party could see the speed of her agreement.

"is it okay?"

Xie Jian immediately replied, "Yes, yes!"

The other party made an appointment for a time and place to meet, and Xie Jian went to the appointment on time.

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