The paranoid boss lightly favors

Chapter 703 listen to you

Xie Jian looked at everything in this restaurant and found it very familiar, as if it matched the picture in someone's mind, and it fit very well.

She used to ask the service staff of the restaurant, "How long has your restaurant been open?"

"It has been nearly ten years, and this place has never changed. I just hope to bring a familiar feeling to everyone who comes here."

Qingqing had already taken her seat at the appointed place, and Xie Jian looked around curiously in the restaurant.

Suddenly she saw a place, and a picture appeared in front of her eyes like a movie, a girl who was very similar to her was sitting in front of a serious and cold man, and she was very attentive.

Xie Jian immediately went back and sat beside Qingqing, his heart heaving violently.

She seemed to see her past, that man was Gu Mingchen, and that girl was Su Yan.

Every time fragments of the past began to appear in Xie Jian's mind, she wondered if it was a precursor to memory recovery, but her hope always came to nothing, and she still couldn't remember anything the next day.

"Qingqing, how did I meet Gu Mingchen?"

When Xie Jian asked this question suddenly, Qingqing was also stunned, not knowing where to start. Just when she was about to speak, her former colleague Gu Gu Xuxu had arrived, so there was no chance to speak.

A man sat directly beside Xie Jian and put his hand on her shoulder.

"Xiaoge, after all these years, she's still so pretty, fresh and tender!"

Xie Jian awkwardly removed the man's hand on her shoulder, "I'm not used to this, sorry."

The man was stunned when he heard this. He got along very well with Su Yan in the company at that time. The two of them had no defense between men and women, just like buddies. The shoulder-to-shoulder thing was so frequent that it couldn't be more frequent.

"Xiaoge, are you...married? So you can't put your shoulders on your shoulders?"

Xie Jian's reaction would become dull when others mentioned Xiaoge's name, because few people called her that.

After reacting, Xie Jian could only smile to cover up the embarrassment in front of him, "Yes, they are all mature, and they are not as childish as they were when they just started working, it's better to be more decent."

The man smiled and nodded upon hearing this.

"Okay, listen to you."

The ex-colleagues' gathering was very happy, but Xie Jian didn't remember some of the interesting things they said, but the atmosphere was still very good.

At the end of the party, Xie Jian watched the man who put her shoulders walk up to her.

"I heard you married a good man."

Xie Jian turned his head to look at Qingqing, but he couldn't find a savior to answer the questions.

"Yes, I'm fine.

How about you? "

The man scratched his head silly and smiled, "I'm still the same, and I haven't changed my mind."

At this moment, Qingqing ran up to Xie Jian and grabbed her arm, "It's getting late, let's go back."

On the way back, Qingqing told Xie Jian that that man liked her in the company at that time, he was Su Yan in the past, but he was a relatively shy person and could not speak out, so he always stayed by Su Yan's side. Bros.

"What was I like at the time? I thought he looked silly and honest, why didn't I like it."

Qingqing felt tired after hearing Xie Jian's words, unexpectedly she couldn't remember anything about the past.

"At that time, you were so overwhelmed by your family's affairs that you didn't care about your own affairs. You were very disgusted at the time about talking about marriage and love. When I said it, you felt like throwing up."

At that time, Su Yan was forced by the Jian family to marry a cripple, how could she not be disgusted, let alone face the good man around her with a calm mind.

Qingqing fell asleep in the car while talking, when Xie Jian's cell phone rang.

"Hello, I'm a reporter from Caijing Weekly. I want to interview you. Can I make an appointment?"

It’s amazing that a reporter suddenly wants to interview Xie Jian, and this weekly magazine seems to be very powerful. Those who can be interviewed are all big entrepreneurs. She is the owner of an online store, plus a designer who has long been unknown. Interview?magic! "I'm driving, can I contact you tomorrow."

"Well, well, I look forward to meeting you very much."

Xie Jian immediately hung up the phone.

She thought about it that night and couldn't figure out how the interview came about. She couldn't sleep late at night and looked through the store's performance. It wasn't very good. I can only say that the recent performance increase is okay, but it can't be enough for the Financial Weekly. The qualifications for the interview, these are about the same level as Gu Mingchen.

Liang Yumei had been featured in this magazine before, and a female artist in the entertainment industry who had successfully transformed into a businessman had also been featured in this magazine.

The next morning, when Xie Jian was still in a daze, someone contacted her. It was the same reporter from yesterday.

"Have you considered it?"

Xie Jian hesitated blankly, "Sorry, I want to ask why you want to interview me?"

"Someone strongly recommended you."

The other party didn't explain too much, but just persuaded Xie Jian to accept the interview.

It doesn't hurt to think about it, Xie Jian can only agree to such a strong request from the other party.

After making an appointment for the interview, Xie Jian went.

The interview was not a direct interview. There was a small rehearsal. Before this, the interviewer and Xie Jian previewed the questions they would ask, about how to start a business in the early stage, store management, and the problems encountered in it.

Among them, what the designer cares most about is the ownership of the work, and how to solve the problem of plagiarism or occupation by others.

Xie Jian felt that this reporter was amazing, as if he was looking at what he had experienced, and the questions he asked were all about what happened to her.

She organized her thoughts and answered according to the real situation. The interview went smoothly and ended in just over an hour.

"Thank you for accepting the interview. We have also prepared a small gift for you. When it is on the shelves, subscription cards for print magazines and online apps will be mailed to your home."

"Okay, thank you."

Xie Jian drove home, and became more excited, she had already fallen into self-indulgence.

The interview was perfect, she answered all the questions fluently, she felt like a successful person, from this moment she was looking forward to the release of this issue of the interview.

Their weekly print media is in the form of collecting interview highlights, and the online app was released very quickly, after only two or three days. Xie Jian took the subscription card given by the other party and looked at the content of his interview.

She was expecting 12 points, but she didn't expect that the content of the interview would make her very dumbfounded.

"...Is this what I said?!"

What I said in the interview content is simply anti-three views, an entrepreneurial model with no humanity and no bottom line.

Although Xie Jian was very indignant when it was mentioned that the design was stolen by others, she never said or used these words in words.

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