His mother guessed what he was thinking immediately after hearing this, "You are delaying the attack, you are delaying the time.

Going abroad, in the huge world, I can find you naturally if I want to, but the cycle will become very long. You think that as long as the engagement date is delayed, it will be fine, don't you? "

Sure enough, it was my own mother, I guessed right.

But his mother was only half right. He wanted to delay, but the real purpose was not to escape the engagement, but to get Xie Jian settled within this week and register their marriage abroad so that no one could break them up.

Zhang Jiuhui's mother didn't think of this. She didn't think Zhang Jiuhui would be such a big master. Since childhood, he has always followed the wishes of his parents, except for Xie Jian.

So it was a heavy blow to Zhang Jiuhui's mother to fight with his family because of Xie Jian's matter.

She was not reconciled to her son fighting against her for a woman with such ordinary conditions. This was challenging her authority.

Zhang Jiuhui's mother was already dissatisfied when Xie Jian didn't have amnesia, and now it has been so many years, and she was with Bai Chen in the middle, that man is still involved in the underworld, no matter how you think about it, it is impossible to agree.

Zhang Jiuhui followed his mother's guess and said, "Yes, I want to procrastinate, I want to spend more time with Xie Jian every day."

"Feelings are unforgettable, Mom, have you ever really loved?"

His mother lowered her eyes, and was stopped by Zhang Jiuhui just as she was about to speak.

"Then you should understand how I feel."

"This trip is over, whether it's a separation or another ending, I don't want to leave any regrets."

Perhaps because of the mention of true love, Zhang Jiuhui narrated his thoughts in such a pleading tone, his mother softened her heart.

"Must come back within a week!"

"If you dare to miss the time, all the blame will fall on Xie Jian, unless you and her never come back for the rest of your life."

"Unless we are old and we are dead, you will never show up again!"

What Zhang Jiuhui's mother said was very serious. This is a kind of kidnapping in the name of filial piety. How could he hope that something happened to his family, and how could he really cut off contact and never see him again.

Relatives are relatives, even if it is impulsively said, time will ease back.

"I understand your idea."

Zhang Jiuhui's mother nodded seriously, "It's good to understand, then I wish you a happy last journey."

Afterwards, Zhang Jiuhui's mother withdrew everyone who had rushed to the airport, and he and Xie Jian got on the plane and took off on time.

While on the plane, Xie Jian asked about it.

"Why did we go out in such a hurry? And what does your mother mean by the engagement banquet?"

Xie Jian even wondered if it was like in the TV series, the progress of the two of them was too slow, and then the boy's home urged the marriage, the trip was a marriage proposal, and the return was an engagement banquet, the time was all stuck.

Thinking of this, Xie Jian gasped.

Zhang Jiuhui coughed and cleared his throat, "I want to take him out for a walk, I have arranged for a more suitable person for the cooperation of Gu's department."

What Xie Jian said meant that Zhang Jiuhui didn't mind his participation in Gu's affairs.

Although it was inappropriate to run away after agreeing to others, but Zhang Jiuhui had arranged for others, at least the person in charge would not lose hope and be left helpless.

Xie Jian relaxed a little after hearing the answer, and leaned back.

But within a few seconds, she remembered that Zhang Jiuhui had only answered one question, and hadn't answered the second question. In fact, that question was what she was most worried about.

"By the way... what was the engagement banquet your mother mentioned just now?"

Zhang Jiuhui originally thought he could avoid this question, but Xie Jian asked again, he was helpless, since he chose to hide it, he had to hide it first.

He lied, "My mother said, I hope the two of us will develop further, but I know what you mean, so..."

Looking at Xie Jian's expression, Zhang Jiuhui understood it, so he didn't continue talking.

In Xie Jian's eyes, his behavior was considerate.

Now there was no problem between the two of them, and Xie Jian slept soundly on the plane.

I don't know if it's because I'm old, I always feel very tired recently, I want to do a lot of things but I can't do it, especially that night with Gu Mingchen, she was entangled several times by Yu Yi.

This feeling is like staying up for several nights in a row, and the whole person's spirit is about to collapse.

I always hope that life is simple, but life never stops.

The moment the plane landed, the cold wind hit, and it was snowing in this country. It turned out that it was winter here.

After getting out of the airport and getting in the car, Xie Jian looked out the window at the snow falling and remembered the New Year, when it was snowing she was eating hot pot, skating on the snow, and setting off fireworks.

Thinking of this, she turned her head to look at the people around her, and it wasn't him at that time.

There was endless emotion in Xie Jian's eyes, which Zhang Jiuhui noticed.

"You like it when it snows, I remember."

He smiled faintly, "When we were in school, we played snowball fights together, formed a team, and tied a bench with a rope to slide down the hillside, do you remember?"

Zhang Jiuhui was excited when he said that, Xie Jian also smiled in cooperation when he saw this.

"I remember."

When we arrived at the hotel, when Xie Jian was packing his things, Zhang Jiuhui came over, hugged her from behind, and leaned on her shoulder.

"Xie Jian, I think this place will leave us with a good memory, are you looking forward to it?"

He did plan the proposal carefully, and Xie Jian guessed it right on the plane, but she didn't know that the rapid progress of the two of them was used by Zhang Jiuhui to fight against Pippi's engagement banquet.

Xie Jian felt apprehensive when he heard Zhang Jiuhui's words, but he was so excited, if he said he didn't look forward to it, he would undoubtedly be throwing a basin of cold water.

In such a cold place, it will probably turn into ice.

Xie Jian understands that in love, he needs to accommodate each other. If he is happy, she can be happy with him.

She smiled lightly, shook Zhang Jiuhui's hand holding her, "I look forward to it."

"Well, I'll fix things first."

Xie Jian twisted his body awkwardly, and Zhang Jiuhui let go.

"Then you tidy up first, I'll get someone to prepare the lunch and bring it up, and we'll go out in the afternoon."


Zhang Jiuhui left Xie Jian's room to arrange other things. She breathed a sigh of relief and continued to arrange her clothes.

He hugged him suddenly just now, and Xie Jian's first reaction was to push him away. He felt that it was not a sweet approach, but a very awkward feeling.

She always feels that only when the relationship reaches a certain level can such contact become a comfortable state. It seems that it is not easy to truly accept someone from the heart.

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