The paranoid boss lightly favors

Chapter 662 (The wrong chapter will be revised soon)

"Remember, you climbed up from the bottom, you are stained with filth, and you will never belong to this circle! Don't even think that someone will fish you out of the stinking mud, wash you clean, and give you high water Life of luxury."

Xie Jian felt extremely uncomfortable hearing these words, and wished he could help that gold digger.

Yu Yi's words hardly contain any dirty words, but the accusation is really heart-pounding, it's not as soft as an obscene, bawdy... bawdy word.

She was telling the woman that this world was theirs, and everyone else was an intruder, no matter if they were good or bad, they were not eligible to enter.

Yu Yi is ruthlessly smashing other people's dreams and fantasies.

For that girl, there is nothing in the real world, and there are no unreal thoughts.

The gold digger who was taught by Yu Yi slowly raised her head.

"I just want to pursue a better life. I love money, but it's all based on mutual consent. I paid, so I get what I deserve."

Yu Yi looked at the woman in front of him with disdain, "So, now I will give you a chance to improve your life and let you ask for a price."

The woman looked dissatisfied at Yu Yi who was about to leave, and Yu Yi grabbed her arm.

"I'm really too lazy to touch you, but it would be too cheap for you to just let you go."

As he spoke, Yu Yi called the staff and took the woman away.

I don't know where that woman is going to take, but Xie Jian looked a little scared, maybe Yu Yi has some more ruthless tricks to deal with her?Xie Jian was in a daze for a moment, and the phone dropped to the ground.

She picked it up immediately, and Yu Yi saw it at the same time.

Yu Yi looked in Xie Jian's direction in wonder, and walked towards her, "Why are you here?"

As soon as she finished asking, she smiled helplessly, "I almost forgot that Zhang Jiuhui will also come, so you naturally came with him."

Xie Jian instinctively put the phone behind his back, but he didn't know where he touched it by mistake. The content recorded just now was played suddenly, with Yu Yi's voice clearly.

Regardless of whether it is video or audio recording, this is a matter worth considering for Yi.

She sneered and looked at Xie Jian, "What do you mean?"

Now that he was discovered, Xie Jian didn't hide it anymore.

She followed Yu Yi face-to-face and insisted on her work, including not giving herself a way to survive, so that she couldn't find a job she designed.

"Is it you who do these things of mine?"

"Whether you admit it or not, I have heard the answer from others."

Yu Yi looked at Xie Jian calmly, "Really?"

She didn't reply to Xie Jian's matter, but just wanted to get the video of the incident just now from Xie Jian. After all, her tone and aura didn't match the usual celebrity image.

And some of her words really hurt people, the class concept is too strong, if this kind of thing is seen by others, it will have an impact.

Xie Jian is an uncontrollable person, she is not just someone who can be bought with money.

"Xie Jian, we can talk about what happened before us calmly.

As for what happened just now, I hope you will delete whatever remains, it affects me. "

As soon as Xie Jian heard that Yu Yi cared so much, he knew that this matter had captured her.

She immediately said, "I just hope you admit your mistakes, admit your mistakes for what you have done to me, and promise not to interfere with me or hinder my work."

Yu Yi is the most proud, how could such a thing happen to her.

She didn't talk about admitting her mistakes, but directly mentioned the past, "I helped you in the past, if you still read it, you should return it to me, if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be sitting in the position of design director again."

Xie Jian looked at Yu Yi angrily, "Thanks to your help, I am alone now."

No matter how Yu Yi wanted to pull this matter apart, Xie Jian would eventually get around to it.

Xie Jian wanted to use a more direct method to force Yu Yi. At that time, she quickly sent the video from her mobile phone to her mailbox for backup, and at the same time opened the video just now for Yu Yi to watch.

"You look like this, I think others should be clear about it."

"I always thought you were not bad, but there are some things that you do too far! And your behavior makes me feel terrible, like a good person who has been hiding very well has turned bad, but you are still like that A look that confuses others.

It often makes others fall into self-struggle and doubt, whether you are right or wrong. "

"But now, I think you're wrong!"

She looked at Yu Yi angrily, "I want you to apologize now, to appease my anger towards you, and to promise you not to..."

Before Xie Jian finished speaking, Gu Mingchen's voice suddenly appeared.

He came from Xie Jian's direction, and he saw Yu Yi relatively directly.

"Yu Yi."

At that time, Yu Yi walked towards Gu Mingchen with an understated look in his eyes, as if this incident had never happened at all, and Xie Jian's threat was not a threat either.

Xie Jian was also angry with Gu Mingchen, she refused to turn around for a long time.

At this time, she was listening to Yu Yi behind him talking about herself to Gu Mingchen.

"I met Xie Jian by chance. She came with Young Master Zhou, and we had a chat."

She really acts as if nothing happened, this psychological quality is too good.

Xie Jian couldn't help but think of Li Yixiang in the past, at least she knew what she did was wrong, and she would feel guilty, but Yu Yi was different, she thought that as long as she had a suitable reason, everything she did was right.

She is righteous.

Xie Jian was really unbalanced, feeling that Gu Mingchen and Yu Yi were going to go far away, she immediately ran to keep up, and rushed in front of these two people.

"Yu Yi, we haven't finished talking just now."

Gu Mingchen and Yu Yi stopped, and Yu Yi looked at Xie Jian for a moment before opening his mouth.

She let go of Gu Mingchen, looked at the VIP lounge on the side, "Why don't we go to the lounge and chat, talking in the corridor will affect others."

Xie Jian shook his head resolutely, "Do you think the pictures I took are shameful, so you should avoid others?"

Yu Yi frowned and looked at Gu Mingchen, "Otherwise you go downstairs and wait for me."

Xie Jian could tell that Yu Yi didn't want Gu Mingchen to know what she looked like, but Xie Jian didn't want to let her go so easily.

Since she doesn't want to, then she should do something to embarrass her, so that she can really realize that she is wrong.

Seeing that Gu Mingchen was about to leave, Xie Jian boldly raised his arm to stop him.

"Mr. Gu, I have something nice for you to see, don't leave yet."

Gu Mingchen looked at Xie Jian expressionlessly, didn't reply, but didn't leave either.

At this time, Xie Jian turned on his mobile phone and played the video recorded just now. After the playback, Yu Yi raised his hand to support his forehead and covered a little bit of his eyes, feeling a little unwilling to face it.

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