She was in a hurry to find Zhang Jiuhui and didn't want to hear more from Gu Mingchen. Zhang Jiuhui gave her the surprise and warmth of going home. She couldn't have too much contact with Gu Mingchen and make Zhang Jiuhui sad.

"Zhang Jiuhui!"

Xie Jian shouted his name in the crowd, but suddenly Gu Mingchen covered his mouth and pulled him aside.

He looked at Xie Jian angrily, "Why did you call his name!"

"He is my boyfriend!"

Gu Mingchen looked at Xie Jian angrily. She felt a little out of place. She usually hid her thoughts deeply, but now she was irritated by a single sentence... Could it be that the CEO turned into a small boss after leaving the city?This temper simmered, and it rose up all at once.

But Xie Jian didn't care how angry Gu Mingchen was, "We came together, if we get separated, I have to look for it, I won't waste time talking to you."

She pushed Gu Mingchen away and ran away.

Xie Jian searched for Zhang Jiuhui among the crowd, and finally saw him at an intersection.

When she ran to Zhang Jiuhui and was about to speak, he preempted her, "There were too many people just now, where did you go?"

Xie Jian pointed to the direction from which he ran just now, "I came from that side. There are so many people, we were all scattered."

Zhang Jiuhui smiled and held Xie Jian's hand tightly, "If you don't let go, you won't break up."

"Come on, let's go buy clothes for grandparents."

This plan was quite in line with Xie Jian's wishes, and she immediately followed Zhang Jiuhui to the clothing store in the market, but Xie Jian felt weird just walking around.

Thinking of meeting Gu Mingchen just now, I felt a little worried.

Xie Jian turned around suddenly, and vaguely saw a person following them, but he was not sure if it was real, after all, there were too many people coming and going in the market.

Zhang Jiuhui noticed Xie Jian's actions, "What's wrong with you? What are you looking at?"

Xie Jian immediately looked away after hearing Zhang Jiuhui's words.

"It's nothing, just see if there are other clothes sellers."

In the end, they bought two cotton coats in a delicate shop. The quality was good and the appearance was simple and generous.

Satisfied with this trip to the market, Xie Jian also bought Odo small things, and ate handmade snacks from his childhood. These are usually not available in the city, because they are rare, so they think they are valuable.

The two returned with a full load, and Xie Jian gave the cotton coat to his grandparents, but they refused to accept it at first, but Xie Jian used the excuse of the New Year's gift to let them accept it.

This is a kind of blessing and kindness, even if the old people feel that they are spending money, they will still be persuaded to accept it.

As soon as Xie Jian came out of the room on the east side of the old man, he saw Gu Mingchen standing in the yard. She was dumbfounded... "Why are you here?!"

She quickly ran up to Gu Mingchen and questioned him, "You followed me again!"

Gu Mingchen didn't speak, and looked around Sizhang's yard, "It's not bad, do you plan to stay here forever?"

Xie Jian didn't reply, at this time Zhang Jiuhui came out from the room in the south, holding a freshly baked sweet potato for Xie Jian, but when he opened the door of the room, he saw Gu Mingchen in the middle of the yard.

"Mr. Gu is here, rare guest."

Zhang Jiuhui greeted Gu Mingchen like the family, and then he came over and handed the sweet potato in his hand to Xie Jian.

"Eat it while it's hot. I'll prepare dinner later. We should leave early tomorrow morning."

Although Gu Mingchen knew that these two people were together, when he heard the words of staying overnight, he felt awkward and couldn't listen.

"You'd be interested in spending the night."

Gu Mingchen's words were clearly aimed at the relationship between Xie Jian and Zhang Jiuhui, but Xie Jian sounded as if he disliked this country house, and she answered Gu Mingchen's words unwilling to show weakness.

"Such a nice place, I like it very much, of course I want to stay."

Gu Mingchen nodded, "Okay, then I will stay too."

Xie Jian was stunned when he heard this, and Zhang Jiuhui, who was going to the kitchen to prepare, was also stunned. He looked at the yard, and found that the rooms on the east and south sides were actually the ones he could live in. live.

The other side is the utility room, and the other side is the gate. There is no house, only walls, like a courtyard.

There are some flowers and plants planted on both sides of the door, which makes the yard look special.

Xie Jian immediately said, "If you want to stay here, you can go to the town to find a hotel. There is no place for you here, and you won't be used to such a farmhouse."

"President Gu is delicate and expensive, how can he sleep here."

Gu Mingchen stared at Xie Jian seriously, "Why can't I sleep?"

He immediately entered the room on the east side, and then he took the grandfather out of the room, "This gentleman said that he is friends with you and wants to stay for a night. He asked my opinion, and I have no opinion. The two rooms on the south side are both It's yours, you arrange it."

It turned out that Gu Mingchen had been eyeing Xie Jian and Zhang Jiuhui's itinerary early in the morning. He actually wanted to see Xie Jian celebrate the New Year with her, but Zhang Jiuhui preempted him and took her back to his hometown.

This is a place that will make Xie Jian move and soften his heart. Gu Mingchen is really afraid that Zhang Jiuhui will win her heart completely, so no matter how many things there are, he also pushes them down.

When Xie Jian and Zhang Jiuhui left to go to the market, he told the grandfather of the house owner what he left behind. The old people were kind, and Gu Mingchen was actually very good at talking, and his clever words won the approval and favor of the old man.

The old man said so, what else can Xie Jian say.

Zhang Jiuhui took the initiative to let Gu Mingchen sleep with him, but Xie Jian disagreed. She deliberately annoyed Gu Mingchen, saying that she wanted to share a room with Zhang Jiuhui and let Gu Mingchen sleep alone.

"Mr. Gu is definitely not used to sleeping with others. He is afraid of being disturbed. Let's go together."

Xie Jian winked, and then got into the kitchen.

... "We used to sleep separately, in two rooms, why did you come with me when he came?"

Xie Jian's heart beat faster when he heard Zhang Jiuhui's words. The tone seemed to be questioning, and Ou Zhang Jiuhui knew that she was using him to deliberately anger Gu Mingchen.

"Don't you want to come with me?"

Zhang Jiuhui put down the things in his hands, turned around Xie Jian, and looked at him seriously.

"Of course I would, but it's better if you really want to than..."

He didn't continue his words, but even if he didn't say anything, Xie Jian knew in his heart that he was sorry for Zhang Jiuhui again.

In the busy afternoon, he and Zhang Jiuhui prepared a sumptuous dinner together.

During the meal, Xie Jian excitedly called out his grandparents to eat together, but Zhang Jiuhui was not called. He felt that there was no such obligation and there was no need to do so.

At the dinner table, Grandpa just picked up the chopsticks and put them down.

"By the way, there is one less person, where is your friend?"

As soon as Zhang Jiuhui heard this, he got up and called, not wanting to explain, Xie Jian immediately grabbed him and spoke to the old man.

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