The paranoid boss lightly favors

Chapter 583 Women Like These

Gu Mingchen smiled, and reached out to touch Li Yixiang's face.

"Come here anytime."

It should be sooner rather than later, Li Yixiang arranged for the designers to fly to China early the next morning, and arranged for these designers to meet with Gu Mingchen.

In fact, these designers are comparable in strength to Xie Jian, but they are more famous than Xie Jian.

According to Gu Mingchen's original intention, he is naturally not wanted, because these people are very arrogant and not under management, which is not beneficial to the development of a company.

But Li Yixiang was looking forward to replacing Xie Jian, Gu Mingchen could only make a show first.

In the end, Gu Mingchen decided to demote Xie Jian to the position of an ordinary designer, and let one of these designers take the position of design director.

"it's up to you."

Gu Mingchen pointed at Li Yixiang, "Women like these things, your intuition must be better than mine."

Li Yixiang chose a designer with the best acquaintance and relationship with him to join the company as the design director.

"Mingchen, then you announce it immediately, and I will take her to that company to get acquainted with it now."

Seeing these two people, Gu Mingchen was not at ease, and asked the special assistant to follow. Before leaving, he told the special assistant not to make trouble.

The special assistant brought Li Yixiang and the new designer to the company.

Xie Jian breathed a sigh of relief when the appointment was announced. She stepped down from the position of director and thought she would be fired, but fortunately, she is still a designer, and now she can only do simple design without worrying about anything else.

She thinks this decision is also a good thing for herself.

Li Yixiang proudly brought the new foreign designer to the design director's office.

"Okay, here's yours.

I helped you get a good job, don't forget what you promised me. "

The woman nodded with a smirk.

She reached out and opened the door of the office, and her eyes fell on Xie Jian, "It's her? Right?"

Li Yixiang nodded, "I know that if you have the ability to get to where you are today, you will naturally have the ability to fix a woman. I hope you don't let me down."

This designer is the one with the least popularity, the worst ability, and the worst character among the group of designers brought by Li Yixiang, but she is cruel enough.

Although the popularity is poor, but the reputation is big, just like Kou's so-called entertainment circle entertainers.

The woman smiled smugly, "It's simple, I don't think she looks like a fighter, I will force her to leave here, and she looks dilapidated and fled."

Li Yixiang was very happy hearing this, she raised her hand and patted the woman's shoulder.

"Enjoy the fun of cruelty."

After speaking, Li Yixiang left with his special assistant.

Kou Ze contacted Xie Jian after learning about it that day, and asked her why she made such a sudden decision, but these things were decided by Gu Mingchen, how could she know.

"I also saw Li Yixiang and Gu Mingchen's special assistant bring in a new designer halfway through work, and then she became the director, and I came out of the original office."

Kou Ze was very puzzled on the phone, "You have been doing a good job, and you have temporarily replaced my position. With such a sudden resignation, is that woman going to take over my affairs?"

As he spoke, Kou Ze became angry, "I asked Ming Chen about this matter, how could he make such a sudden decision without even discussing it with me."

Kou Ze immediately hung up the phone, and Xie Jian dialed back, and she was on the phone again. It seemed that she really went to ask Gu Mingchen Xingshi for her crimes.

About 10 minutes later, Kou Ze called Xie Jian again, saying that what Gu Mingchen said was that Li Yixiang arranged this matter, and he couldn't bear to refute her kindness, so he agreed. The special assistant went to the company to deal with it until she came back.

"Xie Jian, I know you have been wronged, and I feel sorry for you, but... it seems that there is no way to change it."

Xie Jian had no dissatisfaction on the other end of the phone, "I don't feel wronged, I can still do design work, and simple design makes me very happy."

Kou Ze didn't know what he could do for Xie Jian, so he said good night after a few simple chats.

When Xie Jian went to the company the next day, he forgot that he had been demoted. He got used to it and went to the design director's office, but was stopped by the new design director and made things difficult for him.

"Do you think you are not convinced by me in this position, so you deliberately came here this morning to warn me, and you will come back?"

The new woman didn't give Xie Jian any chance to explain, she just decided the matter according to her own opinion.

She walked up to Xie Jian with murderous eyes, raised her hand and slapped Xie Jian neatly on the face.

"I hate others coveting my position the most. If there is a next time, I will directly remind the personnel to fire you!"

The design director didn't bring his assistant, so the assistant was Xie Jian's previous assistant, and she walked up to the design director to intercede for Xie Jian with some embarrassment.

"Director, designer Xie Jian is a nice person, she definitely didn't have this idea, she really went wrong unconsciously, don't blame her.

And it's really not good for you to do it like this, and it will cause trouble for yourself. "

The assistant reminded that Xie Jian's boyfriend was Zhang Jiuhui from the Zhang family, and he was not someone to be easily messed with, but the designer had been abroad, so he didn't recognize this at all. Come take the position away.

She slapped Xie Jian's former assistant on the face again.

Originally, Xie Jian was dissatisfied with his slap in the face, and these people dared to hurt the people around him. If it affected her assistant, she must vent her anger on her.

Xie Jian went all out and grabbed the woman's arm.

I ate a full meal this morning, and with a lot of energy, I aimed at her face, left and right slaps, and returned them together.

"You are the director, I can listen to you at work, but now, I don't listen!"

The design director patted the table angrily, "You are crazy! Two crazy women."

She yelled, and finally called the security guard in, and asked the security guard to throw Xie Jian and her assistant out, but the security guard had stayed in the company for a long time, and he knew that Xie Jian was not easy to mess with, and there was Zhang Jiuhui behind him, Chi I dare not do it too late.

The director jumped angrily, and stretched out his hands to push the assistant and Xie Jian away.

Just as he was about to push out the door of the floor, a woman's voice appeared in the chaotic situation.


Xie Jian went back and saw that it was Kou Ze. The director was still pushing them madly and angrily. Kou Ze immediately asked two security guards to grab the new director.

She slowly walked in front of the new director, "I heard you were recommended by Li Yixiang?"

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