The paranoid boss lightly favors

Chapter 580 You Are Not Alone

Xie Jian looked at Zhang Jiuhui curiously, and he smiled.

"I said to cheer you up."

She looked at Zhang Jiuhui suspiciously, "But I don't understand what kind of encouragement this is?"

Zhang Jiuhui pinched Xie Jian's nose and put his arms around Xie Jian's shoulders, letting her gently lean against him.

"The purpose of cheering up is actually to make you calm down, face the next thing calmly, and deal with that person in the wisest way."

"There is no wind tonight, and the water surface is very calm and there are no waves. Don't you feel calm when you look at it?"

Xie Jian even felt that Zhang Jiuhui was justifying himself, but after watching it, he felt that his heart really calmed down.

People like to go to the seaside when they relax, but they don't know why such a place can make people relax and decompress. Now Xie Jian understands.

In addition to the boundless beauty, there are calm waters and rough waters.

One is to calm one's mind, and the other is to release it.

Xie Jian looked at the small piece of water and suddenly smiled, "Actually, we will encounter many things in life, and we don't know what will happen tomorrow, but it will be fine if we encounter them.

Nothing more than life and death, what else..."

After Zhang Jiuhui felt that Xie Jian was thinking about it, he reassured Ouduo.

"You're a bit out of touch with what you said, but don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you, because I'm on your side and I'll help you.

Don't say anything on your own. The reason why Gu Mingchen can suppress you so strongly is because of his family background. He is the president of the Gu family and has the Gu family behind him. How could an ordinary man be so proud and conceited? so far.

So, I am on your side, and so is Tingting, you are not alone. "

Behind Zhang Jiuhui is the Zhang family, including him once again leading the company to develop new areas in order to teach Gu Mingchen a lesson.

The two of them went back after staying for more than half an hour. Tingting waited anxiously at home and did not dare to leave. She was relieved when she saw someone coming back.

"Where have you been? A courier has just delivered something."

Xie Jian looked at Tingting suspiciously, "It's so late? Is it for me?"

Tingting nodded, and then came over with a bouquet of flowers from the table beside her, "This is from the courier, but there is no signature, I don't know who sent it."

Xie Jian smelled the smell of this flower a little strangely, and then he sneezed a few times in a row, and little red spots started to appear on his body.

Zhang Jiuhui immediately sent her to a private hospital for examination, saying that it was an allergy, which could seriously cause respiratory infections, and it was best not to come into contact with this kind of pollen in the future.

After the doctor prescribed external and internal medicines, Zhang Jiuhui took Xie Jian home.

"Take the medicine on time, and the little red spot will go down in about three days."

Xie Jian was curious, "I'm not allergic to flowers. Although I didn't recognize the small flowers decorated by Zhang Wei in the bouquet just now, they should look fine."

Zhang Jiuhui took Xie Jian's hand, "Now that you have confirmed that the discomfort is caused by pollen, what you should think about is not how the flowers are, but who sent them."

Xie Jian looked at Zhang Jiuhui, his eyes seemed to have the same tacit understanding as hers.

They didn't say anything about this person, but they felt it very clearly in their hearts.

After sending Xie Jian home, Zhang Jiuhui took the bouquet of flowers away. He wanted to throw it away when he went downstairs, but he decided to investigate.

Although there is no signature, there is a trace of the florist's name on the wrapping paper of the bouquet.

It was obviously aimed at Xie Jian... But although they both guessed that it was Gu Mingchen, they always felt that his personality would not do such trivial and nasty things to deal with a person.

Although in Zhang Jiuhui's mind, Gu Mingchen is inhumane and has no bottom line in doing things, but this kind of thing is really not like his style.

This matter must be resolved as soon as possible, otherwise he will feel uneasy.

Late at night, he went to the flower shop, but the flower shop was closed.

Zhang Jiuhui transferred the money directly, and asked the flower shop owner to work overtime in the name of ordering flowers for the company's opening, and opened the door immediately.

When the florist was concentrating on preparing a large bouquet, Zhang Jiuhui brought them the bouquet that Xie Jian had received.

"Is this bouquet sold from you?"

The flower shop owner paused, stopped what he was doing and thought about it.

"This flower should be sold from us, yes, it should be..."

She was very uncertain when she said it, as if the bouquet might not have been sold from this flower shop.

Zhang Jiuhui confirmed this matter again.

"Are you sure?"

The florist looked at the wrapping paper, "Yes, I'm sure, this wrapping paper is a custom-made bouquet wrapping paper for our family, and no one else will have the exact same one, otherwise the logo will be considered an infringement."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Jiuhui immediately asked the buyer of the bouquet, "Then who bought this bouquet, do you remember?"

"The bouquet is very fresh and should be sold that day.

There is no monitoring in the store, and we usually just keep accounts without any information about the purchaser, unless the customer asks us to deliver flowers in person, but many of them are bought by ourselves as gifts to girlfriends. "

Zhang Jiuhui heard some clues from these words. The boss naturally said a gift for his girlfriend. There is no rule that boys must buy bouquets for girls. It is probably because there may be a little impression left in the subconscious.

This bouquet was bought by a man.

If it's a man, of course Gu Mingchen can't be ruled out, but he really isn't the kind of person who would do such a thing.

Xie Jian was allergic to the smell of pollen in the bouquet, which meant that the person who bought the bouquet and sent it there knew Xie Jian very well if it was on purpose.

So besides Gu Mingchen, who else?The value of this bouquet of flowers is about here. Since the person behind it can't be found out, it can be thrown away.

Those bouquets that Zhang Jiuhui bought in order to get the florist to open the door were sent to the school for the teachers who worked hard to educate the children.

When Xie Jian went to work at the company the next day, everything was as usual, and nothing bad happened.

At noon, she went downstairs to eat with a colleague, and she saw Gu Mingchen's position at the entrance of the company from a distance.

Xie Jian was a little scared and turned around to hide, but at this second she reacted quickly and decided to face it. You can't hide, you can never hide.

She went straight out of the company, looked at Gu Mingchen's direction calmly but didn't stop.

If he ordered her, she went, if he didn't, she went to eat as usual.

As a result, when Gu Mingchen passed by, he didn't say anything, and he didn't even look at Xie Jian. She was relieved and went to have lunch with her colleagues.

When he returned after lunch, Xie Jian was directly brought into the car by two bodyguards.

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