The paranoid boss lightly favors

Chapter 576 Are You Qualified

"Any questions?"

Xie Jian could hardly hold back now, wishing he could blow Gu Mingchen's head off in the next second.

She forcibly turned around and cursed silently into the air, then looked at Gu Mingchen, "No, Mr. Gu, you can decide."

Xie Jian was about to leave after speaking, but was stopped by Gu Mingchen.

"When Kou Ze is away, you will take her place temporarily. Since she recommended you, you have to take responsibility for the company.

I don't need a manager who is unmotivated, irresponsible and just minding personal matters. "

Xie Jian knew that Gu Mingchen was talking about her, but she had been doing her duty all the time, at least she didn't fail in anything she was supposed to do, so she couldn't accept what she said, so she had to argue.

"Boss Gu is talking about me?"


Gu Mingchen admitted it directly.

Xie Jian felt that he was really bullying him unscrupulously, even deliberately finding faults at work, and finally made himself clean for a while, and now it happened again!But his words are so direct, Xie Jian can't scold him back, the only thing he can do is to prove that he has not neglected his duties and has always been dedicated to his work.

"Mr. Gu, except for the need to ask for leave, I will come to work in the other four seasons regardless of the wind and rain.

In the days of the company, I take every day's work very seriously. No matter what happens to me, I will adjust myself to the best state at work.

I will not lose the chain at the critical moment. There has never been a problem with the new product or the sunroof has been opened. I leave the difficult things to myself and do things under pressure. Are you still not satisfied? "

Gu Mingchen smiled coldly, "These are what you should do."

He looked at Xie Jian, "With the salary of the management, you naturally pay more than ordinary employees, it's all fair, and I didn't treat you badly.

These things that are not worth mentioning make you say that they are like special skills. Do you have the qualifications? "

Everyone in Gu Mingchen poked Xie Jian's pride fiercely.

She knows her efforts very clearly, but now the man in front of her, who was so good to her, is constantly denying herself, not even a little good left.

"Mr. Gu, I want to go back and rest."

Gu Mingchen remained silent and did not answer, Xie Jian turned around and ran quickly to the parking lot.

His words made her flustered, and Xie Jian tripped over a protruding stone and fell to the ground directly. She was afraid that her appearance would be seen and ridiculed, so she looked back at Gu Mingchen's original position, that person had already left up.

Xie Jian struggled to get up from the ground and returned to the car.

Because I knocked my leg, I felt awkward driving, and I got home very late.

She was upstairs, and when she came home, she alarmed Tingting downstairs. When she came back so late, Tingting was worried about her, so she went upstairs in an instant.

At this moment, Xie Jian needed comfort and support, so she hugged Tingting right then.

"Am I not working hard? Don't I pay too much for my work? I can't distinguish between public and private?"

She complained to Tingting wholeheartedly, the words were all interrogative sentences, Tingting didn't know where she came from, so she didn't respond so quickly to give her a reply.

I could only hug her, pat her on the shoulder, and praise her like a child.

"You are the best, you are the best at everything, you have to believe in yourself."

Tingting's answer was simply perfunctory, and Xie Jian was not satisfied, "Tingting, you are really... not enough to comfort people, what should I do now that I feel even more uncomfortable?"

Tingting couldn't help rolling her eyes, "Yeah, my husband usually coaxes me, how can I comfort others.

I'm not as good as Zhang Zhang, or I'll call him here, so you two can have fun. "

Tingting was about to take out her mobile phone while talking, but was stopped by Xie Jian.

"do not!"

Tingting stubbornly wants to contact Zhang Jiuhui, "Why, I'm sorry.

It's okay, don't be embarrassed, this is a normal transitional stage, I wish you all a positive result as soon as possible! "

As soon as she was about to make a call, Xie Jian snatched the phone and threw it aside.

"No, no, I'm not embarrassed. It's because his family has something to do. His grandma is not feeling well. Don't bother him."

Tingting laughed when she heard this.

"Tsk tsk tsk, you care so much about others, don't let me bother you."

She looked at Xie Jian and asked, "Tell me, where are you two, tell me the truth, you can't hide it from me."

Xie Jian pushed Tingting away who was pressing on him, "We are still the same, and I... I have never thought about falling in love. I always feel that I have failed many times and have no true love!"

Tingting immediately covered Xie Jian's mouth to stop her from continuing, "Nonsense, you just fell into the trap of Gu Mingchen, and you haven't had much contact with other men. How can you say that you have failed many times, and you still treat him like this?" Love has no confidence and hope! It's just worthless!"

Xie Jian replied weakly to Tingting, "You forgot...and Bai Chen..."

Tingting was choked immediately, but after a few seconds, she immediately snapped back, "Between you and him, who is the loser?"

When Xie Jian heard this, he thought about it carefully. Bai Chen had always been very kind to him, and he didn't have any thoughts of giving up on himself. It was him who gave up, so it wasn't her who failed.

Gu Mingchen!Tingting's words were right, Gu Mingchen was the only one who failed.

"Xie Jian, or Ou, you are a fan of the authorities. Zhang Zhang is really good. He is very, very suitable for you. I guarantee that you will have a bunch of babies with him forever."

Xie Jian couldn't bear Tingting's words, and immediately covered her ears, Tingting pulled her hand away and shouted, "I wish you and Zhang Jiuhui happiness!"

Xie Jian suddenly looked at Tingting seriously, "I'm serious, I don't have any feelings for him, only a little unbearable, sorry and sympathetic."

Tingting shook her head unhappily, "It's not that love is purely love, it's a very complicated feeling mixed with other things, including what you just said.

He is so good, don't reject him in your heart, think that if you don't feel it, it is impossible or you don't like it, if you give him a chance, you can do it. "

"You can't end up alone forever."

Xie Jian laughed when he heard that... "That's not necessarily the case..."

"No, I will never die alone. You forgot, I have a son, Susu!"

This was one of the few times that Susu talked about him after going abroad. Most of the time, Xie Jian kept it in her heart. She was afraid that she would miss him even more if she blurted out, but he couldn't return to her side.

Calculating the time, Susu should have been able to do everything since she has been abroad for so long. She is familiar with all aspects and is very popular.

Tingting hasn't seen Susu very much yet, and talking about him also aroused her interest, "I only met your handsome son once, when will we go abroad to play and see him?"

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