The paranoid boss lightly favors

Chapter 557 I Need Quietness

The driver was the best at observing words and expressions, and he knew something was wrong when he saw Gu Mingchen's face. Something must have happened, or someone offended him.

"Yes, Mr. Gu."

Gu Mingchen didn't go home, but went to a club.

He called his friends from rich men who rarely interacted with them, because they knew how to play, and he really wanted to get back his former life and state.

After meeting Su Yan, he won't be able to play on every occasion.

In the huge box, a group of wealthy men were having a blast, accompanied by the youngest and most beautiful woman full of tricks.

Gu Mingchen thought he would be satisfied, but seeing them making noise, he always felt that he was still separated from them by a world, but his heart was separated.

Gu Mingchen knew who he was because of, who else besides that woman?But the women who want to pull him into this world are indispensable.

Two women in sexy clothes sat on both sides of Gu Mingchen, one on the left and the other on the right, sticking to Gu Mingchen's body and stuck him in the middle.

Although Gu Mingchen has an inviolable aura, the group of women feel that since the man is willing to come to this place, it is just for fun. man.

"Mr. Gu, you are so handsome!"

"Mr. Gu, I only saw you on the screen before, and it was one of the few events you attended. I am so excited to see you in person today!!"

As she said that, the woman took out a pen, "Mr. Gu, please sign it for me."

She forced the pen into Gu Mingchen's hand, boldly held his hand, and was about to take Gu Mingchen's hand and sign it on herself.

The woman looked at Gu Mingchen with charming eyes, "You just sign here to stand out."

She smiled, "When I lower my head, you can see it when you lower your head."

Gu Mingchen took his hand away decisively, and threw the pen on the table neatly, but the woman still refused to give up, they just felt that since the man came to this kind of place, they had to be taken down by them.

I've only heard of Gu Mingchen's cruelty, but never seen it.

Although the actions just now made women like them feel a little humiliated and failed to use their charm to make men obedient, but they were not discouraged.

As soon as the woman raised her leg, she caught up with Gu Mingchen, and she continued to speak in a voice that could soften others.

"Mr. Gu, I understand. You must be dissatisfied with the position just now. What about here?"

As she said that, she gently caressed her legs with her fingers, from bottom to top, even when she reached the skirt, she continued to lift her legs up a little bit.

If she doesn't believe that Gu Mingchen is still indifferent, then he is not a man!The woman's fingers were unrestrained, and she was very satisfied with Kou himself, while Gu Mingchen looked at the woman sharply.

"Take it down."

The woman froze for a moment, feeling that her plan hadn't succeeded, she was still hesitating a little unwillingly.

At this time, a man came to Gu Mingchen's side, immediately moved the woman's legs away, and winked.

"Go aside, hurry up!"

The woman rubbed against the man's body and wanted to stick to his ear, but the man pushed her away with his hand.

"Don't understand what I said?!"

That man was called by Gu Mingchen. In fact, he did this to help those women out of trouble. Gu Mingchen is obviously out of order. If they go too far, they will probably lose their jobs, and no one will accept them anywhere in this industry. they.

The few women couldn't hold back and could only sit on the sidelines. After a little more honesty, they joined other men to fight fiercely. They were not affected by what happened just now, and their professionalism was excellent.

The man patted Gu Mingchen on the shoulder, "Mingchen, you came out to play, why are you so serious."

Gu Mingchen glanced at the man and lit a cigarette.

"I asked you to come because I don't want it to be too cold, but I need to be clean."

The man looked at Gu Mingchen incomprehensibly, "You are contradicting yourself, how can you be clean when the scene is not cold?"

Gu Mingchen glanced at the group of men and women, "I don't mind what they do, even if they lift the top off, but don't bother me."

The man was still in a daze.

"Mingchen, of course I know that you don't like these women, after all, you've slept with..."

Halfway through the conversation, the man didn't continue talking, and brought up another topic again.

"You can do whatever you want, but why do you feel as if you are defending yourself like a jade for someone? I heard that you and Li Yixiang are compatible?"

Gu Mingchen replied sharply, "It's nothing."

The man looked disbelieving.

"The online media always writes like this, isn't it convenient to say it? But buddy, please remind you, you and Li Yixiang have to check who she has been with when you are separated these days. These female stars are easy to mess around."

Gu Mingchen was not interested in listening to these topics, so he got up and left before he finished speaking.

After leaving the club, Gu Mingchen went back to the villa halfway up the mountain, because it was clean and would not be disturbed by anyone.

The man who asked Gu Mingchen to investigate Li Yixiang was proactive and contacted him within half an hour.

"Let me tell you, when Li Yixiang separated from you, she wasn't single. She became fast enough. She was with a mafia boss named Bai Chen, and she wasn't easy to mess with."

Gu Mingchen was not interested in Li Yixiang's affairs at first, but when he heard about Bai Chen, he wanted to know more, so he let the man continue talking.

In short, during the period when Li Yixiang was separated from Gu Mingchen, he was very close to Bai Chen. The two often came out of the hotel and Bai Chen's villa together, they looked like a couple, and they must have had a relationship.

Gu Mingchen asked back, "Where did you get the news from?"

"I sent someone to check it out, and then I checked it online myself. After all, Li Yixiang is a female star. There are so many gossips like this. It's just that it's you and her recently."

Gu Mingchen has always been wary of Bai Chen, so the relationship between Li Yixiang and him instantly made him more wary of her.

After all, he broke her heart by resolutely separating from Li Yixiang at that time, and she hated him even after tossing, how could she change her mind so quickly, she always felt that it was planned.

Bai Chen is too deep in the city, and anyone who comes into contact with him may change.

Moreover, after Li Yixiang separated from him, he had no connection with him, and clearly drew a clear line, but now he got involved when there was a rift in his relationship with Xie Jian, so he had to guard against it.

Gu Mingchen didn't know what Li Yixiang was thinking, but he had an intuition that she and Bai Chen were in the same group, and the purpose was to make him and Xie Jian have no chance at all, and then Bai Chen...he didn't continue to think about it, but He absolutely does not allow such a thing to happen to Ou.

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