The paranoid boss lightly favors

Chapter 542 Letting Down a Good Man

Not a minute after sitting down, the phone rang, it was Zhang Jiuhui's call.

Xie Jian actually didn't want to answer. She didn't understand where her emotions came from, but she had no reason not to answer. Could it be that she was pretending to be busy?But now she's just sitting there.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Xie Jian answered Zhang Jiuhui's call.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

"It's nothing, I just want to hear your voice."

When Zhang Jiuhui said this, Xie Jian was a little embarrassed. Although she knew about her past with him, it was difficult for her to change her heart so quickly to accept a person who was equal to Kou.

In addition, when she saw the photo he posted on Weibo, she always felt that he was hinting to others that she was no longer single. Zhang Jiuhui seemed to have put him in the position of her boyfriend.

"I still have some work to deal with, and I am a little anxious."

Xie Jian hastily finished speaking and hung up the phone.

She saw another text message sent by Zhang Jiuhui and deleted it without clicking on it.

After a busy day, I finally let the work wash away those troubles, but Zhang Jiuhui was at the door of the company when I got off work.

As soon as Xie Jian went out and saw Zhang Jiuhui, he immediately turned back, before he saw him.

As a result, he hurriedly turned around and walked a few steps before bumping into Kou Ze.

"Did you forget to take something?"


Xie Jian was stunned for a moment, "Yes, yes, I have to go up and get it."

Kou Ze was very enthusiastic after hearing this, "Then I'll go up with you to get it, and then we'll come out together, I'm not in a hurry."

Xie Jian looked at her in embarrassment, and turned around to look in the direction of the door. Although Zhang Jiuhui turned his back to the door and didn't look directly at it, he couldn't avoid him if he wanted to leave.

"Kou Ze, I want to tell you something, can you help me?"

Kou Ze knew from Xie Jian's appearance that it was a matter of feelings, "Tell me, let me see if I have the ability to help you."

Xie Jian gratefully held Kou Ze's hand, "You have it, you definitely have it, you are the most capable person."

"Okay, stop complimenting, just say it."

Xie Jian frowned and pointed to the door, "Did you see the man in the khaki coat, he is the one who watched the sunrise with me.

But I didn't think about it, and I'm not emotional about him now.

But the other person is very nice, I always refuse and can't do it, what should I do? "

Kou Ze looked at the man carefully, "That's right, he looks handsome from the back, a bit like the male lead of a popular web drama recently."

The more Xie Jian heard this, the more anxious he became, because if others were not nervous, he could only be nervous for himself.

And Kou Ze has definitely been with that little boy for a long time, otherwise how could he even know about the heroine of any web drama.

"help me."

Xie Jian clasped his hands together, "You help me get through today's test first."

Kou Ze looked at Zhang Jiuhui again, "This man looks good, are you sure you want me to send him away?"

"Well, sure."

Kou Ze patted Xie Jian on the shoulder and walked towards the door, and soon she was in front of Zhang Jiuhui.

Xie Jian watched from a distance, and didn't know what Kou Ze had said to him. Anyway, Zhang Jiuhui got into the car and drove away.

Now Xie Jian breathed a sigh of relief and ran out of the company. She excitedly asked what method Kou Ze used.

"How did you tell him, leaving like this, all of a sudden, not even 2 minutes."

Kou Ze looked at the direction he was leaving with a look of pity, "I thought it was difficult, but I didn't expect this man to be reasonable. I only said that I have an appointment with you, and he told us to be safe, and then left."

"that's it?"

"Yeah, I don't have to lie to you."

Xie Jian suddenly felt a little guilty when he heard this. In fact, she could have said these words herself, but she let others send Zhang Jiuhui away.

"You have failed a good man."

After Kou Ze finished speaking, he walked towards the parking lot, leaving Xie Jian alone.

Xie Jian stayed for a while, his heart was quite empty, and his mind was also empty. He looked at the direction Zhang Jiuhui left for a while before going to the parking lot and driving back.

As soon as they got home, someone rang the doorbell, and saw Tingting standing at the door holding a large basin through the door mirror, and she opened the door immediately.

"Tingting, what are you doing?"

Tingting's pot was filled with washed chicken, Xie Jian looked at it with blood, "You are..."

"I'm going to do a big job and cook something delicious for my husband.

But this is a surprise I prepared, and I have to keep it secret, so I won't be discovered if I prepare it here. "

Xie Jian couldn't help laughing, thinking that Tingting is really interesting and thoughtful.

"Then come in quickly, don't stand at the door with the chicken in your hand."

Xie Jian hurriedly pulled Tingting in, seeing her preparing with great interest, he thought it was really fun and interesting.

She walked behind Tingting curiously, "I remember that you don't seem to be very good at cooking, how do you make chicken?"

Tingting was very pleasantly surprised when she heard this.

"Xie Jian, do you remember?"

Xie Jian shook his head, "That's not what I mean, I mean that in my impression, I don't remember the past."

Tingting sighed in disappointment, but it didn't take long for her motivation to start cutting chicken nuggets.

She really doesn't know how to make things. You can tell when she cuts the chicken, the meat stars and bones are flying around, and Xie Jian's sticky board has a lot of blood.

Tingting's movements were particularly loud, and the kitchen was constantly rattling. Xie Jian, who had calmly handled the work and left Tingting a space to display her talents, couldn't sit still.

She quickly ran to Tingting's side, "Do you want me to help? If you do this, it will affect the downstairs."

Just after she finished speaking, Tingting took a look at Xie Jian, she realized that what she said was in vain, her downstairs is Tingting's house, it doesn't matter, Tingting's husband hasn't left work yet.

Xie Jian forcibly took the knife from Tingting's hand, "Otherwise I'll cut it for you, how can you go to Baidu?"

Tingting hesitated for a moment, nodded, washed her hands briefly, and went to get the IPAD.

She gave Xie Jian several recipes on Baidu, "Braised chicken nuggets, stewed chicken, fried chicken... Which one do you think we should make?"

"What we... this is for your husband, I just cut everything for you, it's up to you."

Tingting was puzzled, "I didn't tell you? This is what the three of us ate together."

"The three of us?"

Tingting nodded firmly, "Yes.

You moved here, and you haven't celebrated yet. I want to surprise my husband, and I also want to make it for you.

It's just that my skills are too poor, so I have to make a chicken, and the rest are still ordered. "

Xie Jian looked at Tingting flattered, "I can't afford it, why don't we just order takeaway."

Tingting resolutely shook her head and rejected Xie Jian's proposal, "That's no good, then the fresh chicken I bought will be wasted after picking for so long.

I went to the vegetable market early in the morning and chose the most beautiful and tender chicken. "

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