"I'm not a good mother. I made him live so hard. Now it's all right. It won't be easy for me to see you in the future, so I won't bother you."

After Xie Jian was about to leave the room, Gu Mingchen stretched out his hand and pulled her back, hugging her in his arms.

"I will accompany you to see him regularly."

At this time, Xie Jian needed someone to see through her sadness and give her comfort, and Gu Mingchen did it.

Leaning on his body, she felt very safe for a moment.

"I really shouldn't..."

Gu Mingchen patted Xie Jian's back lightly, "We have experienced this result before, and now Susu has grown up, Ouduo, don't be sad."

For some reason, Xie Jian wanted to cry after hearing Gu Mingchen's words.

Her tears fell on Gu Mingchen's shirt and wet this part of his chest.

At this moment, Xie Jian couldn't see Gu Mingchen's face, and his heart ached.

He never showed anything in front of her, he only let her understand her own rights, right and wrong, as long as she listened to him.

When the two were hugging each other, someone knocked on the door suddenly.

"Dad, are you there?"

When Xie Jian heard that it was Susu's voice, he immediately let go of Gu Mingchen to open the door, and Susu entered the room excitedly.

"Dad, I finished my practice soon, and the teacher asked me to rest for three to 10 minutes."

Xie Jian hugged Susu, "Sorry, Susu, you are going to study abroad."

Not only was Susu not sad when she heard the news, but she also looked happy, "I know."

"Don't be sad, don't worry about me."

"Several classmates in my school also went abroad, and the postcards they sent back to me were very beautiful, and they also told me that there are many interesting things abroad.

Besides, I just went to read and came back when I was done. "

Susu is still too young to understand the meaning of growth and company for Kou's parents.

He went to study happily today. In the blink of an eye, what he missed was his growth and many important stages. When a tall and big boy stood in front of him in the future, he would not be distinguished by his appearance, but by his relatives previous intuition.

Xie Jian couldn't bear to miss it, she couldn't wait to go abroad to accompany her.

But Mr. Gu sent Su Su abroad because he wanted his own people to discipline Su Su in a more convenient environment, and he didn't want Gu Mingchen and Xie Jian to intervene.

"We'll wait for you to come back, and we'll accompany you during the holidays."

Susu excitedly kissed Xie Jian on the cheek, "Thank you sister Xie Jian, you are really just like my mother."

Xie Jian had just eased up a little from Gu Mingchen's hug, and now he felt sad when he heard Susu's words, "Susu, actually I..."

She controlled the emotions she wanted to say, and finally said nothing.

I always feel that unless Susu can live with herself, it is still not suitable to speak out now.

Whether Kou Susu needs to know Xie Jian's real identity, Gu Mingchen respects Xie Jian himself.

Three or ten minutes passed quickly, and I felt that after saying a few words, Susu left Gu Mingchen's room.

At this time, only Gu Mingchen and Xie Jian were left in the room. The huge room felt empty for the two of them. She didn't want to stay in Gu's house anymore, and she was even more reluctant to stay for a while.

"I really have to go."

Xie Jian hurried out of Gu Mingchen's bedroom and out of the gate of Gu's house.

Gu Mingchen chased after him, "Susu's matter is settled, we will talk about your matter and mine at home."

As soon as Xie Jian heard this, he shook off Gu Mingchen's hand, "There's nothing to talk about, I don't want to talk about it, you told me to leave yesterday, I'm very obedient, so I don't want to go back."

She ran to the side of the road and waved for a taxi, Gu Mingchen directly picked up Xie Jian and stuffed him into the car.

He immediately locked the car door and questioned Xie Jian about last night's itinerary.

Xie Jian didn't want to hide it. Gu Mingchen had been looking for her last night, so he said that he was in the hotel just waiting to be exposed as a lie.

"I went to a friend's house."

Gu Mingchen looked at Xie Jian seriously, "I'm giving you the last chance to tell the truth."

He said that Tingting and Assistant Xie Jian had people to visit last night, but Xie Jian was not there, so she couldn't be at a friend's house.

"Although I haven't recovered my memory, I have also contacted a few friends from the past.

You should know Zhang Jiuhui, I borrowed from him last night. "

Gu Mingchen became anxious when he heard this, he immediately hooked Xie Jian's neck and ordered her.

"You keep your distance from him."

Xie Jian stared intently at Gu Mingchen's angry eyes, "I don't want to, I think he treats me very well."


Gu Mingchen was so angry that he wanted to do something, but he couldn't.

He could only suppress his anger, and said slowly, "I arranged for Susu to go abroad. If I don't want you to see him, you won't have any chance."

Gu Mingchen's words were threatening her.

"How dare you! Susu is my child, why don't you let me see him."

Xie Jiandao.

Gu Mingchen smiled triumphantly, "I just want to do this purely."

Xie Jian raised his hand angrily to hit Gu Mingchen, but he reached out and grabbed her wrist tightly, "You can't escape, you can only stay by my side."

After speaking, Gu Mingchen started the car and took Xie Jian back home.

He held Xie Jian's arm behind his back, carried her upstairs, and the aunt was sent out immediately, and now there were only the two of them left at home.

Gu Mingchen threw Xie Jian on the bed in the bedroom, and began to take off his coat.

"I need to remind you all the time so you know who you are."

Xie Jian instinctively moved his body to avoid Gu Mingchen. If it wasn't for the premise of love, who would want to be raped by a man every day.

Gu Mingchen pressed on Xie Jian's body and controlled her twitching hands.

Time passed quickly in a blink of an eye, Xie Jian had succumbed to the reality, and Ren Gu Mingchen didn't move anymore no matter how much he tossed... This matter was over, Gu Mingchen put on his clothes and left contentedly.

Xie Jian succumbed to Gu Mingchen's bullying again, and felt that it was pointless for him to struggle and escape.

Susu is going to go abroad soon, if Gu Mingchen is offended, he will not even have the chance to see Susu before going abroad, so he has to learn to be patient.

Gu Mingchen didn't come back that night, and Xie Jian, who hadn't been tormented a second time, rested early.

She slept early but was restless, having nightmares all the time.

I dreamed that Susu was bullied abroad, dreamed that someone robbed my beloved, dreamed that my mother scolded me for not knowing people, and vaguely dreamed of a silhouette, which was an old man and also a grandmother.

Xie Jian's dreams were continuous and very dense.

She woke up from the dream with sweat on her forehead, when the aunt knocked on the door and came in.

"What's wrong with you, are you having a nightmare?"

Xie Jian nodded and sat up wrapped in a quilt.

"I dreamed about my family members, but I couldn't see them clearly, they were all blaming me."

Auntie looked at Xie Jian distressedly, stroked her forehead, and wiped her sweat with a tissue.

"Don't be afraid."

Xie Jian shook his head in a daze, "I'm afraid, they've been blaming me."

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