"I watched his game just now. He is very good and super talented."

With that said, Xie Jian took out his mobile phone and switched to the live broadcast page of the game, "You can watch it too."

Kou Ze immediately pushed Xie Jian away, "You are the design director, don't you have nothing to do?"

Xie Jian answered Kou Ze softly, "Of course I want to accompany you, how are you and that little boy doing?"

Kou Ze didn't answer, no matter what she said, she was still unmoved and continued to work.

Xie Jian really couldn't handle this iceberg, so he had to give up.

As soon as she left Kou Ze's office, she received a call from an unknown number, and it was only after she answered that she realized it was from the little boy.

"Are you looking for me?"

It turned out that the little boy had quietly prepared a courtship plan, and hoped that Xie Jian could help.

"It would be great if you could help. I really like Kou Ze. I hope she can understand my thoughts and stay with me."

"I gave it a try."

Xie Jian was already aware of that little boy's plan.

When she got off work, she hurriedly packed her things and went to Kou Ze's office, but she was still busy.

"There is something that cannot be dealt with tomorrow."

As he said that, Xie Jian boldly walked over and directly grabbed Kou Ze's computer. Kou Ze was startled, "What are you doing?"

"After get off work, relax."

Kou Ze acted as if his brain had froze, he took a long time to take Xie Jian's hand away, but she didn't reject Xie Jian's proposal, but turned on the computer, saved the file and then shut it down.

Xie Jian failed to meet the first request and took Kou Ze to the destination directly. Fortunately, she and the little boy were always in touch.

Kou Ze must also be in a bad mood, so he dragged Xie Jian to drink.

Xie Jian remained sober with his mission, but Kou Ze drank more Odo than usual.

Kou Ze was already drunk, there was really no way to take him to the destination according to the request of the little boy, so he had to contact the little boy to let him come.

Soon, the little boy came over.

He took Kou Ze to his body with concern, "Thank you, I will send her back."

Although Xie Jian was a little bit uneasy, he always felt that this boy would not mess around, especially the anxious look he had just embraced Kou Ze, and how much he cared was written on his face.

...The boy carried Kou Ze into the car.

She couldn't find where Kou Ze's car was parked, so she could only hail a car, and the most important thing was to take her back.

Kou Ze felt a little uncomfortable in the car, the boy immediately changed his posture and let her lean on him.

"Is it better?"

As he said that, the boy pushed down the car window to ventilate, and Kou Ze felt better.

"Water... drink the water, and then give me the wine!"

The boy echoed Kou Ze's words, and immediately took the water he bought when he came here just now, "Slow down."

Kou Ze was half lying down, choked on drinking water, and vomited up the boy.

He didn't mind at all, and immediately patted Kou Ze on the back, letting her spit out the choking water first.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'll help you sit up straight before you drink."

After Kou Ze drank the water smoothly, she became more sober, looking at the person who was taking care of her, she leaned forward with some emotion.

"Actually, you're fine."

The boy hugged Kou Ze tightly, "I know I'm not good enough, I have to work hard."

At this time, Kou Ze uttered a true drunken remark.

"Actually, I have someone I can't let go of in my heart, that's why I think you..."

Before she finished speaking, Kou Ze fell asleep, and she felt very at ease leaning on the boy.

In the middle of the night, Xie Jian contacted Kou Ze to confirm her safety.

"A little headache, nothing else."

"That's good. It was the boy who sent you back. I think he is sincere and wants to give you a chance, but he is afraid that he will do something wrong, so I ask you."

"No, I think he left long ago..."

Xie Jian felt at ease listening to Kou Ze's words on the phone.

"Xie Jian, actually I..."

"It's nothing."

It was only then that Kou Ze realized how good the person he had been hiding in his heart was only when there was a comparison.

Her relationship with Xie Jian is getting better and better, and she always feels sorry for her for keeping Xie Jian from hiding it like this. No matter whether she fights for it or not, she should tell Xie Jian calmly.

But every time she wanted to speak, there was always an invisible force blocking her.

It seems that this matter is not the right time to speak.

"Rest early, good night."

Kou Ze hung up the phone, Xie Jian woke up in the middle of the night and felt a little thirsty, so he came out to pour water, and Gu Mingchen came back at this time.

"Aren't you sleeping yet?"

Xie Jian looked at Gu Mingchen who had just entered the door and nodded, "I'm about to sleep, I'm thirsty and drink water."

Gu Mingchen watched Xie Jian put down his cup before opening his mouth.

"Could you run the bath water for me?"

At this moment, the aunt had already fallen asleep, and Gu Mingchen was unbuttoning his shirt with a tired look on his face. His tone was not commanding, so Xie Jian didn't refuse anything.

"Okay, you wait."

Xie Jian went to the bathroom to help Gu Mingchen put the bath water, and carefully tested the water temperature with his hands.

After getting ready, just as she was going to call Gu Mingchen, he had already walked into the bathroom.

"The water temperature is just right, you can wash it directly."

Xie Jian was about to leave after speaking, but Gu Mingchen suddenly slipped when he passed by, he quickly reacted and grabbed Xie Jian's waist, there was more than a little water on the ground, Gu Mingchen also lost his center of gravity, and both of them fell into the bathtub.

Xie Jian wondered, "Why is there so much water on the ground, it's slippery."

Only then did she remember that when she tested the water temperature, she didn't wipe her hands, so it dripped onto several places in that area.

"it's me."

She looked at Gu Mingchen apologetically.

Gu Mingchen's eyes also fell on Xie Jian.

She is wearing a white silk skirt today, which is half-transparent when she enters the water. The skirt tightly wraps her body, and the outline of her figure can be seen at a glance.

Xie Jian stretched out his hand and pushed Gu Mingchen, "Well, it's pressing my arm."

Gu Mingchen reacted, stood up and pulled Xie Jian up.

Gu Mingchen's body warmed up rapidly because of being soaked in warm water just now, Xie Jian picked up a towel and wiped it casually before leaving, he immediately hugged her from behind.

"I've been too busy recently, so I'll hang out with you after this time."

Xie Jian was taken aback when he heard this.

Gu Mingchen said that she is just a lover, a woman waiting for orders, why now she is talking like boyfriend and girlfriend.

Gu Mingchen did not answer the question Xie Jian asked before.

Do you like her or not, do you love her?Xie Jian took Gu Mingchen's hand away, "My clothes are wet, I'll change them first."

Gu Mingchen didn't stop him this time, but looking at Xie Jian's leaving back, he felt an unbearable fire in his heart.

He quickly took off his clothes and plunged into the water, adding cold water to the warm water to calm himself.

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