The paranoid boss lightly favors

Chapter 504 Very Familiar

But she was dizzy, her own illness was just right, so it couldn't be the cause of her illness.

Throat felt a bit tight, and swallowing forcefully gave a tingling sensation, I should have been fed and drank something.

After about half an hour, the door of the room opened.

Xie Jian looked towards the door, the lights outside were dazzling, she could only see his outline at the first moment, which was very familiar.

But such a familiar person, she can almost be sure who it is, but at this moment, it makes her feel a little scared.

That is the man who once gave her love and endless warmth, and is also the man who still encourages her to help her now.

"Bai Chen, why is it you?"

Bai Chen walked into the room with a gentle smile, "I know you've been here recently, so I want to see you."

"The subordinates misinterpreted my meaning, so they brought you in this way."

Xie Jian breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the explanation, "It's okay, they didn't do it on purpose, don't blame them, I'm fine."

"Don't worry, the drink I'm giving you is for sleeping, and it won't affect your body."

"Well, it's you, I don't worry."

Bai Chen believed everything Xie Jian said.

"Did you come by yourself?"

The question Bai Chen asked naturally made Xie Jian think of Gu Mingchen, and when he thought of him, he felt resentful and angry.


Bai Chen immediately understood the meaning of the words, "He also came?"


"His mind is really desperate. Before the trip, he gave me a suitcase with a location. He knows where I go."

Bai Chen sensed the atmosphere in Xie Jian's words, and immediately stood on the same side as her to criticize Gu Mingchen.

"This is too much, I sent people to follow you to ensure your safety, you all know this.

How could he use this method to find out your whereabouts? It's too insidious. "

Xie Jian nodded immediately when he heard Bai Chen's words, "Yes, insidious, that's the right word to describe him."

When she saw Bai Chen, she felt that this was another safe place, so she was not in a hurry to go back.

Xie Jian and Bai Chen chatted about what happened to him recently, Bai Chen still took the attitude of a family member to defend Xie Jian's injustice, and often listened to her talk with a distressed look.

"Then you can stay here tonight."

"Didn't he want to know your whereabouts? We deliberately kept him from knowing and made him anxious."

What Bai Chen said was to relieve his anger, but Xie Jian hesitated, as if there was an impenetrable obstacle in his heart that made him unable to nod his head in agreement.

When she hesitated, Bai Chen didn't persuade her either.

"It's not easy for others to find me here. If you want to be clean, you can have a good rest."

He didn't force Xie Jian to stay, but kept talking about reasons that would attract Xie Jian to stay. Xie Jian finally let go and said that he would stay a little longer and that he was hungry and wanted to eat.

"I'll get someone to prepare right away."

In less than 5 minutes, a table of hearty meals is ready.

"Wow, so fast?"

Moreover, Bai Chen sent people to prepare not only local food, but also Chinese food and Japanese food.

"Chinese food and Japanese food are prepared for you like to eat. The local food doesn't know what you like, so we prepared special features."

Xie Jian was very moved when he heard this, and shook the chopsticks excitedly in his hand.

Especially after the recent incident with Gu Mingchen, she felt that she was at the level of being pampered by Baichen.

Xie Jian took the initiative to pick up the wine on the side and poured a glass.

"Bai Chen, I know a thank you is too simple, but other things, I don't know what else..."

After finishing speaking, Xie Jian raised his hand as if he was about to finish his drink, but Bai Chen directly grabbed the cup from her hand and drank it himself.

"I'll drink the wine for you. If you don't try it, it will be wasted."

The Chinese food and Japanese food that Bai Chen prepared for Xie Jian were very authentic, and it was the cook he brought along specially.

"Bring it on purpose?"

Bai Chen said with a smile, "I asked the cook to come over as soon as I knew you were here, I always want to see you, and I have to prepare something to make you happy."

After saying this, Bai Chen asked Xie Jian if he was happy.

"I'm happy."

Xie Jian smiled undisguisedly, of course she was happy, Bai Chen was so kind to her, she felt his warmth.

After eating, Bai Chen took Xie Jian to an exhibition room here.

"These are some artworks I collected from the local area. I think you will like them, so I plan to ship them back to China and keep them for you."

Xie Jian took a look at these ornaments and paintings with local characteristics. They were very distinctive, colorful and exquisitely crafted. She could not put it down.

Bai Chen's gift really moved her so much, so excited.

The feeling of excitement was like the first time his heart beat for Bai Chen, the heartbeat was exceptionally clear, and his eyes were as clear as water at that time.

"Bai Chen, you treat me so well, I really..."

Xie Jian remembered that when she separated from Bai Chen, she was very sorry, but regret was okay, not too much.

Because the better Bai Chen is, the more she feels that she is not worthy.

So she won't stay tonight, she thinks that if she stays, she will cause trouble for Bai Chen, and if Gu Mingchen finds out, Bai Chen will also be affected.

If it is necessary to be sad, just let her bear it alone.

"Bai Chen, I should go back."

"I'm very happy."

Bai Chen didn't stop Xie Jian, but he sent someone to send Xie Jian back because he was worried, so that Gu Mingchen would definitely see it.

He was only afraid that Xie Jian's heart would be vacillating, so he took advantage of Gu Mingchen's love and concern to deliberately reveal that he and Xie Jian had met, causing conflict between the two.

Gu Mingchen's personality definitely cannot be tolerated, so what happened under the excitement will arouse Xie Jian's resistance.

When Xie Jian arrived at the entrance of the villa, Gu Mingchen saw it from the window on the third floor.

Before his men could catch up with Xie Jian, she disappeared.

Gu Mingchen believed that Xie Jian had made an appointment with someone else, and the plan was very careful not to be discovered.

And seeing the man who sent her back made her even more certain.

"Miss Xie Jian, I'm going back first."

"Okay, thank you."

Bai Chen's subordinates left quickly, Xie Jian took a moment to enter the villa, it was already very late, guessing that Gu Mingchen should have a rest, but when he entered, he found him sitting on the sofa with a serious expression.

"Why are you still not sleeping?"

Gu Mingchen didn't answer, and Xie Jian didn't ask any more questions, and went straight back to the room.

Before she had time to close the door, Gu Mingchen pushed it away with such force that she staggered and almost sat on the ground, but fortunately she supported the wall.

"You're crazy, you don't want to fight at night, do you?"

Gu Mingchen stared at Xie Jian, "Where have you been?"

Xie Jian turned his head and pointed to the seaside visible from the French windows behind him, "I'll go to the seaside for a walk."

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