Susu hesitated for a moment, "I came to see my father in the ward that day, and he was looking at it with his mobile phone. I sneaked over and saw your photo."

"My Photos?"

Xie Jian didn't remember taking pictures with Gu Mingchen, nor did he remember when he took pictures of himself.

Could it be stealing or filming? "What is my picture, what does it look like?"

Susu thought about it for a while, and answered Xie Jian's words, "It's just a beautiful photo, it seems to be a photo of some event I attended before."

"Just a photo? No content?"

As Xie Jian asked, Su Su began to recall the content of seeing Gu Mingchen scrolling through Xie Jian's photos on his phone that day.

"It seems to be about Guan Kou Xie Jian's sister being kidnapped."

Xie Jian responded, "That's it.

Then I'll go see your father when I have time, okay? "

"Well, I want you to come quickly."

Xie Jian hung up the phone, thinking about what Susu said just now.

Su Su revealed on the phone that what Gu Mingchen watched in the hospital was the content of Guan Kou's own kidnapping. The matter has been resolved and he is safe. What else does he need to see.

See the follow-up report?The assistant said before that after seeing Xie Jian's situation, he would report to Gu Mingchen as soon as he woke up, so he must know that he is safe, so why would he read those contents.

Xie Jian instantly opened the phone's browser, and began to search for Guan Kou's own kidnapped content.

There are various speculations about the reason for the kidnapping, all of which are related to the Gu family, and the fact that Gu Mingchen sacrificed his life to save himself is also written in it.

Xie Jian suddenly understood why no one from Gu Mingchen contacted her, probably because of this reason.

People who are not in the same environment should avoid suspicion after getting mixed up.

People like the Gu family don't want to be entangled in this kind of news, so naturally they should hide from her as far away as possible.

Maybe Gu Mingchen regretted saving her now... Susu contacted her and made Xie Jian think that Gu Mingchen was out of bandits and she was Susu's mother, because Susu missed him so much.

After all, it is very serious for a biological son to lose his biological mother.

As long as Su Su is by Gu Mingchen's side, if she doesn't snatch her, Gu Mingchen won't have the heart to put her to death.

Should I be grateful for myself?Just as Xie Jian put down his phone, Bai Chen knocked on the door and came in, "How is your recovery?"

"pretty good."

"I see that you seem to have something on your mind recently, what's the matter?"

When Bai Chen suddenly asked about this, Xie Jian dismissed it sloppily, saying that he just had no energy, not something on his mind.

In the evening, Xie Jian took advantage of Bai Chen to go out to contact the number that Su Suda gave him before.

She agreed to take care of Gu Mingchen, but he was transferred that time, and Xie Jian didn't know where he was, so she wanted to ask.

The phone was connected, but no one spoke for a long time.

"anyone there?"

After Xie Jian said a few words, a deep male voice suddenly appeared. This was not Susu, and the voice was a little familiar.

"Who are you and what's the matter?"

She paused and thought about it.

This number is not the public phone number of the convenience store, it should be Gu's number.

Thinking about it, this voice was the butler of the Gu family. She made a mistake and hung up the phone.

If she said she was Xie Jian, whether she asked about Su Su or Gu Mingchen's situation, Old Master Gu would be dissatisfied. She knew that Old Master Gu disliked her, hated her, and didn't want her to have anything to do with the Gu family, especially after this incident happened. after.

…No matter why Gu Mingchen rescued her because of the bandits, saying thank you personally is what Xie Jian wanted to do.

After another photo, Li Yixiang was photographed going in and out of a hospital and made headlines. Some people speculated that she was pregnant, but it was later debunked that she went to see Gu Mingchen, so Xie Jian knew where Gu Mingchen had been transferred to.

Knowing the address, the phone rang just as I was about to go out.

Xie Jian answered the phone, "Hello."

This mobile phone number is unfamiliar, but the voice is very familiar, but his voice is a little hoarse than usual.

"Have you recovered yet?"

Xie Jian couldn't help being agitated when he heard this voice, he hadn't heard it for a long time.

"Mr. Gu, thank you..."

She paused before she finished speaking. Although it was just a thank you, she still said it face to face.

"I want to see you, and I have something to say to you."

Gu Mingchen hesitated and agreed.

He's recovering well, and Mr. Gu's attention is not so tight anymore, so Xie Jian shouldn't be discovered or anything bad will happen when he comes here.

Xie Jian drove to the hospital, asked the nurses and went to Gu Mingchen's ward.

She knocked on the door and heard Li Yixiang's voice responding.

At that time Xie Jian wanted to leave, but she rejected her idea as soon as she thought about it, she just came to see Gu Mingchen, there was nothing embarrassing or shameful about it.

She opened the door and entered the room.

Seeing that Gu Mingchen's complexion has improved a lot this time, he has basically returned to normal.

Li Yixiang saw that it was Xie Jian, and angrily slammed the things in his hand onto the table, "You still have the nerve to come? It wasn't because of you, and Ming Chen wouldn't almost..."

Gu Mingchen looked at Li Yixiang with a glance, and said seriously, "You go out first."

Li Yixiang walked in front of Gu Mingchen indignantly, "You are suffering from the aftereffect of smoking heavy smoke, you are dizzy, and you can't tell the good from the bad.

Made you into such a person, you still stay alone with her. "

There are too many conspiracy theories about Guan Kou’s kidnapping incident. People generally focus on what they are interested in, but what Li Yixiang is looking at is Xie Jian’s intentional design to trap Gu Mingchen, prove his superiority, and so on.

Or it was the kind of Xie Jian who used this to test Gu Mingchen's sincerity, and to give the Gu family's opponents a life-first blow.

Anyway, Xie Jian had malicious intentions and Gu Mingchen had good intentions, that's all.

Gu Mingchen looked at Li Yixiang's face and relaxed a little, "I said, you go out first."

Li Yixiang stared at Xie Jian unconvinced and left the ward, but Xie Jian noticed that there was a gap in the door of the ward, and Li Yixiang was standing at the door of the ward trying to eavesdrop.

Xie Jian didn't care, anyway, he had nothing to shame.

After Li Yixiang left, Gu Mingchen smiled faintly at Xie Jian, he even hesitated a few times and raised his hand, reaching towards Xie Jian.

"Come and sit down."

Xie Jian didn't take Gu Mingchen's hand, but just stood a little closer to him.

"Mr. Gu, thank you, this is what I want to say most when I come to see you."

Gu Mingchen didn't reply this thank you, he asked about Xie Jian's recent situation with concern.

"Where are you now? Are you safe?"

"Well, it's safe."

There is no safer place than Bai Chen's side, is it possible that he is still cheating?When Gu Mingchen heard these words, he couldn't hide the disappointment on his face. The only safe place for Xie Jian to say was to return to Bai Chen's side.

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