At that time, Gu Mingchen stopped his hand, and his right arm was hit hard and fell down.

Xie Jian was so frightened that the things in his hands fell to the ground, "I...I thought...I didn't mean it, you were fighting, I didn't see it...I..."

She explained intermittently, and the panic in her eyes conveyed her innocence.

Seeing that Gu Mingchen had hurt his arm, Gu Zeyu also stopped.

If Gu Mingchen really had something happened to him, it would be difficult for Gu Zeyu to explain to Li Yixiang. He loved Li Yixiang so much that he became submissive and weak, and really couldn't do anything.

"I've said everything. If she's still here three days later, I'll tell grandpa and let him arrange it."

At this time, it was Gu Zeyu's wise choice to move out of Mr. Gu and leave.

Gu Mingchen came here tonight and couldn't hide it, even if there was a dispute, he couldn't hide it. I just hope that Li Yixiang will not misunderstand that this injury was caused by himself.

In order to vent his anger on Li Yixiang, today's Gu Zeyu also played very well, hitting the real point with a few punches.

Seeing Gu Zeyu leave, Xie Jian breathed a sigh of relief.

She looked at Gu Mingchen with an apologetic expression, "I'm sorry, I'm really incompetent, I can't help you even if I want to."

"How's the arm? Does it hurt?"

"I wanted to deal with Gu Zeyu just now. I saw that he was going crazy trying to vent his anger on Li Yixiang, and his attack was not serious. I was afraid that I would not be able to stop him, so I used all my strength."

Gu Mingchen looked at his arm, trying to move it, but found that it was a little stiff.

But he still tried his best to move, and the movement range was not very large.

"Look, it's all right."

Xie Jian pretended to be relieved, "It's fine, it's fine."

Gu Mingchen smiled faintly, "Then, rest."

Xie Jian turned and went upstairs, but stopped after walking a few steps, "It really doesn't make sense for me to live here with you, I'm leaving tomorrow."

Gu Mingchen stopped Xie Jian when he heard this.

"This is my place. If I want you to live here, you can live here with peace of mind. I have everything to do with you. You don't need to think too much."

Xie Jian turned to look at Gu Mingchen, "But, he said just now, he will tell Gu Dong.

This matter will definitely embarrass you, you are out of kindness to help me, I can't harm you. "

Hearing that Xie Jian's words were for his own sake, Gu Mingchen felt very comforted.

But she is also a stubborn character that is difficult to persuade, it is already too late, and Gu Mingchen plans to say something to Xie Jian tomorrow.

"We'll talk about it tomorrow, good night."

After saying good night, the matter was not discussed any further, and the two of them went to rest separately.


Xie Jian slept in the guest room upstairs. Although what happened today was expected and also caused by himself, but in such a fierce battle, he still hurt Gu Mingchen, and he always felt that a stone was crushed in his heart.

He thought he would be happy seeing Gu Mingchen's half-disabled arm, but he was not as happy as expected.

At this time, Xie Jian wanted to find someone to confide in.

She didn't contact Bai Chen, maybe he knew that what Guan Kou and Gu Mingchen heard from Bai Chen was all the same, but she wanted to hear something different.

Xie Jian contacted his former friend, Tingting.

Tingting was a little surprised when she received the call in the middle of the night. The number was unfamiliar, but the voice was very familiar.

"Little smoke?"

"...Xie Jian, yes, you are Xie Jian."

I don't know why Xie Jian felt very flustered when Tingting called his name at this moment, "It's me."

"Is it convenient to come out and talk?"

Tingting agreed to Xie Jian without the slightest hesitation.

In the middle of the night, they met at a milk tea shop, which was chosen by Tingting and Xie Jian asked her to choose.

After meeting, the two sat facing each other. Although neither of them spoke, the atmosphere was not awkward, and they felt warm when they looked at each other and smiled.

This feeling of getting along will not change, Xie Jian is sure that this is her good friend.

"I lost my memory, so I want to ask you about my past."

Tingting looked at Xie Jian worriedly, "Xiao Yan, oh, no, Xie Jian, how did you lose your memory, is there any possibility of curing it?"

She smiled faintly, "I can tell you about the past, anyway, we have been good friends for many years, I know all about you, nothing can hinder me."

Xie Jian had a smile on his lips, "Then tell me about my mother first."

"Why is my mother alone?"

"This one……"

Tingting faltered and said briefly, omitting the extreme grief and pain, and only said that she was separated from her father and took her alone.

"Then, what about me and Gu Mingchen?"

When Xie Jian asked this sentence himself, it was as if his calm heart was stirred, and ripples appeared.

The last time Tingting saw Gu Mingchen was to help him, and wanted to test whether Xie Jian was Su Yan. Later, he also told Su Yan that it was because of amnesia that he became the current Xie Jian, what is Xie Jian's current state, and what kind of lifestyle is it? , Tingting is not clear.

"You and him... I only knew it at the beginning, but I didn't know it very well later on."

In the later period, Su Yan had too much entanglement with Gu Mingchen, and Tingting didn't get involved too much.

"Tell me what you know, okay?"

Tingting nodded, "Of course."

In fact, Tingting felt it, and made an appointment late at night, and now is the point of the question.

"You and that Gu are always married by contract. He is cold on the outside and hot on the inside. At first you looked down on him, but later he cared and cared for you, and you both developed true feelings.

But he is not an ordinary person, at least not compared to you and me, so there will be a lot of things around him, affected by these things, you two will be bad again..."

"I can't be too specific, you would occasionally tell me when you came to live in my house, but those things are not important.

Why you separated in the end, I don't know. "

From what Xie Jian heard, Tingting's words were actually close to Bai Chen's.

I thought I could hear something different, but the result is still the same, nothing more than a ruthless man.

Xie Jian stretched out his hand towards Tingting, and Tingting held Xie Jian back.

"Thank you for telling me this. Although I have lost my memory, we are still friends. Let's meet more often in the future."

Tingting nodded excitedly, "Okay, listen to you."

After the chat, Xie Jian and Tingting separated and went back separately, but Xie Jian did not return to Gu Mingchen's residence, but booked a room in a nearby hotel, where she planned to live first.

...In the morning, Gu Mingchen woke up.

The part-time worker has already prepared breakfast, "Mr. Gu, everything is prepared according to your request."

Gu Mingchen looked at it, and found that it was Xie Jian's favorite breakfast, and he had noticed it before.

"Go and see if she's awake, and ask her to come down."

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