... After Su woke up, Xie Jian accompanied Su Su to have breakfast.

"Susu, I'll take you back to find your father later."

Susu immediately put down her chopsticks, "I don't want to go back.

Sister, can I stay with you for a few more days?I promise to be obedient and not to cause trouble for you. "

Xie Jian was very happy when he heard Susu's words. His child relied on her to like her, but there was no other way. Bai Chen had already persuaded her, and she knew what she was going to do.

Susu didn't want to go back, she wanted to suppress her great unwillingness and reluctance to persuade Susu to go back.

"Your father came to pick you up early in the morning, but you didn't wake up.

He treats you very well, and you need to handle the matter between you and him well. He is worried about you, so why not go back. "

Susu picked up the chopsticks helplessly, "Okay, I'll go back with you."

Saying that, Susu ate breakfast with a heavy face.

After breakfast, Bai Chen drove Xie Jian and Su Su out.

There was still some time before noon, and he wanted to take Susu and Xie Jian for a ride, so that these two people could get along more, enhance their relationship, and become inseparable.

...The sun was just right, Xie Jian brought Susu to the park, and Bai Chen prepared a kite, "Do you like it?"

Susu still seemed to be a little resistant to Bai Chen, but he took the kite from Bai Chen's hand calmly and said thank you.

Xie Jian wasn't particularly good at flying kites, but Susu was very smart. She took the kite and ran against the wind for a while before letting it fly.

Susu ran happily in the park with the kite, feeling very free and happy.

Xie Jian knew that Su Su was very strict with Mr. Gu, so he was very happy to see him like this, and he didn't want to disturb him.

Unless the time is near, let him play so relaxed for a while.

Xie Jian pulled Bai Chen to sit on the lawn and chatted.

"I wonder if Susu will get used to Japan?"

"Yes, we will get used to it with him."

The more Xie Jian wanted to get Susu, the more beneficial it would be for Bai Chen's plan, so of course he had to support and encourage this kind of emotion.

After sitting with Bai Chen for a while, she ran to Susu's side, "I'll release it with you."

"it is good."

Susu responded happily and smiled happily.

Bai Chen, who was sitting on the side watching the two of them, suddenly saw Li Yixiang's car passing by in front of him. It's been a long time since we haven't seen each other, so it's good to say something, otherwise I always feel empty in my heart.

He didn't chase after him, and called Li Yixiang, "Turn around and drive back for 800 meters."


This is the road to go to Gu's, so Li Yixiang passed by here, and today I only have this free time to visit Gu Mingchen.

Ever since Gu Mingchen's attitude towards her improved, Ouduo wished to save all her time and work hard to maintain this hard-won relationship.

"You just passed in front of me, I want to see you, turn around immediately!"

Li Yixiang was a little embarrassed, "But I have already gone far, and I still have something to do."

Bai Chen was not happy when he heard this.

"Really? Then I thought, something, I should publicize it well. Not only is Li Yixiang's acting skills top-notch, but his charismatic kung fu is also top-notch. Does this increase his popularity and make him more sought after?"

Li Yixiang panicked at that time, he had no choice but to sacrifice this time to Bai Chen.

But at this moment Li Yixiang didn't want to have anything to do with Bai Chen, so he explained this matter in advance.

"I only have half an hour, and then I have to go to the set. The time is very tight, so you can't... and this time is not enough for you at all. Infinity is not as good as..."

When Bai Chen heard that Li Yixiang had changed his mind, he felt a little satisfied.

"I just want to see you, say something, don't think of me as someone who only thinks about the lower body."


Li Yixiang hung up the phone.

When she received Bai Chen's call just now, she had already stopped the car, so Bai Chen's visual distance was about the same.

She turned around and saw Bai Chen's car.

Bai Chen noticed Li Yixiang as soon as he got off the car, and he walked over immediately.

"Today's clothes are beautiful."

This was specially worn by Li Yixiang to see Gu Mingchen, for Mr. Kou, it is very honorable to have such a woman, she is very beautiful.

Li Yixiang smiled lightly, Bai Chen praised her so much that she didn't know what to reply.

"You called me just to say this?"

Bai Chen sized Li Yixiang up and down, "Actually, I don't know what to say, I just want to see you."

Li Yixiang smiled awkwardly, and her eyes quickly noticed Xie Jian and Susu in the open area.

"That is?"

Bai Chen looked over, and then explained to Li Yixiang, "I will accompany them to fly the kite."

Li Yixiang looked puzzled, "What do you mean?"

"Yesterday Xie Jian picked up Susu to live here. Today I bring them to play. What's the point?"

What Bai Chen said was correct, but it wasn't the answer Li Yixiang wanted to hear. She couldn't figure out why Su Su and Xie Jian were together, was it to get Gu Mingchen's new skills?Could it be that Xie Jian thought that if he captured Su Su, Gu Mingchen would naturally be able to capture him?She couldn't just watch and let this happen.

The relationship between her and Gu Mingchen was not easy.

Li Yixiang looked at it and couldn't help but took two steps forward. She was heading towards Xie Jian and Susu.

After Li Yixiang walked a certain distance, Bai Chen stopped her, "What are you doing?"

Li Yixiang turned his head and glanced at Bai Chen with a serious expression, "The two of them shouldn't be together, I'll take Susu back."

Bai Chen immediately stopped in front of her, "This matter has nothing to do with you, don't get involved."

Bai Chen was very clear in her mind, it was Gu Mingchen.

Taking the child back either to please Gu Mingchen or to keep Xie Jian away from the child, so as not to damage her relationship with Gu Mingchen.

Gu Mingchen, who is so full of heart like Li Yixiang, is very dissatisfied with Bai Chen.

But Li Yixiang clearly couldn't feel Bai Chen's intentions, she knew that Bai Chen was protecting Xie Jian wholeheartedly, so she was even angrier, and if she was not allowed to do this, she just wanted to do it.

Why would a man who asked for anything from her at will turn to that woman without any affection.

She is unbalanced.

Although Gu Mingchen is approaching her now, she is still unbalanced.

She slapped Bai Chen's hand in front of her hard twice, but Bai Chen didn't stop, and ordered immediately.

"You have nothing to do here, you can leave."

Li Yixiang ran past Bai Chen in a flash, and headed in the direction of Xie Jian and Su Su.

Su Su noticed Li Yixiang first, he tugged on Xie Jian's sleeve, Xie Jian noticed and followed Susu's line of sight.

"She is coming."

Susu looked a little disappointed, "She should have taken me back, but I..."

Xie Jian comforted Susu, "Don't worry, I'll take care of it for you. I told you to send you back, so I will definitely send you back in person."

After hearing Xie Jian's words, Susu felt at ease.

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