The paranoid boss lightly favors

Chapter 344 Bai Chen admits

Bai Chen still didn't come back, she was also sleepy, she didn't want to disturb Bai Chen's party with her friends, so she went to sleep first.

When she woke up the next day, Bai Chen hadn't come back, and he hadn't returned overnight. Xie Jian was a little worried and contacted Bai Chen, but a woman answered the call.

Without asking any more questions, she asked Bai Chen if he was safe and when he would be back. At this time, Bai Chen answered the phone.

"I'll go back right away. I drank a little too much last night, so everyone didn't go back."
Xie Jian hung up the phone in response.

It seems that the same thing happened before, and my mood at that time seemed to be different from now. I don’t know if it’s because I trust more, or because of something.

Xie Jian wondered if Bai Chen had something to do with the woman who answered the phone, but immediately denied his thoughts.

...About half an hour later, Bai Chen returned to the hotel, Xie Jian walked to Bai Chen's room very seriously, just as he was about to take off his coat, Xie Jian came in and hugged her.

"Don't think too much, we are all friends. There are many people who have done this project, and there are too many people who know each other. It is inevitable that we will get together."
Bai Chen felt that such an explanation was not enough, he said: "Last night there were more than ten men and more than ten women, not just me and that woman, she just happened to be close to my phone, and when I saw it was your call, I was afraid of calling It's been a long time, and if you're in a hurry, let her pick it up first."

Xie Jian smiled lightly, pushed Bai Chen, and said, "You change your clothes first, you don't need to explain to me, I believe you."

Bai Chen took off his coat and the casual clothes inside with a sigh of relief. He looked at Xie Jian naked, and said, "I miss you very much."

"I miss you as well."

While talking, Bai Chen was about to get close to Xie Jian, as soon as he got close to Xie Jian, it would remind her of Gu Mingchen's appearance yesterday, and she would feel lingering fear in her heart.

"Bai Chen, I want to ask you something serious."

Bai Chen was stunned for a moment, looking at Xie Jian's serious expression.

"go ahead"

He walked slowly towards the living room.

"I won't hide anything from you."

Xie Jian took Bai Chen's set of clean clothes and followed her out, and she told her analysis and guesses from yesterday.

Bai Chen looked at Xie Jian in surprise, "How do you know?"

"... "

Bai Chen is her helper, she and Bai Chen are on the same front, Bai Chen should not hide anything.

"Gu Mingchen said that he listened to a recording yesterday about the failure of cooperation with Gu."

"I just want to make sure, have you thought of some way to take his plan over, make some more adjustments, and come up with a way to make him fail [-]%?"

Bai Chen thought that if Xie Jian didn't know about this matter, he wouldn't know about it, but now Xie Jian already knew that there was no need to hide it.


"The whole thing, I planned it out, I hope we win 100% and let him down."

"I just want to fulfill your wish. You hate him. In order to get revenge, I have to satisfy you."

Bai Chen cleverly attributed this matter to Xie Jian. Although she didn't know such meticulous thoughts before, there was nothing wrong with what she said. It was because she hated Gu Mingchen and wanted to punish him. Now that she had succeeded, she took the plan. so what.

But why is Xie Jian not so happy?Perhaps Gu Mingchen wanted to seize her weakness again, and it was a tactic to fight back against her, but... Xie Jian still felt uneasy.

"Bai Chen, after you think about your future plan, can you tell me everything before you implement it, so that I can prepare myself."
"no problem."

Xie Jian handed the clothes to Bai Chen and said, "You can take a shower."

Bai Chen smiled and said: "I won't tell you, because I don't want you to worry too much. At that time, you worked so hard for this case, day and night. I just want to help you achieve your goal and make you happy."

To achieve the goal... Yes, Xie Jian forgot to mention that he intentionally copied Gu Mingchen's plan.

Afterwards, he shouted to Bai Chen: "If there is a chance in the future, let's not plagiarize, and win him frankly, so that we will be more at ease."

Bai Chen had already stepped into the bathroom with one foot, he didn't understand this sentence, but he raised his eyebrows and said softly, "Oh, okay."

Soon, this cooperation search came to an end. During this period, Xie Jian did not see Gu Mingchen until he returned to China.

Zhou Wei could have seen Susu, but she couldn't get in touch with Gu Mingchen, and went to Gu's house to wait, but there was no result. She didn't want to wait any longer, so Xie Jian went directly to Gu's.

This time, she went in quite smoothly, and it happened that Gu Mingchen's assistant was downstairs and led her up. Gu Mingchen saw that Xie Jian was very indifferent, with no emotion on his face.

But when he saw the bandage on Xie Jian's hand, he still remembered what happened abroad.

"What's up?"

Xie Jian looked at Gu Mingchen as if he was busy, so he spoke directly.

"Wei Zhou, I want Susu."

In short, Gu Mingchen's words were more crisp, he said: "Impossible".

This sentence made Xie Jian furious. She said: "Why, I am Susu's biological mother, and that is my child. Don't I even have the right to see her?"

Gu Mingchen looked at the angry Xie Jian coldly, and said, "You really don't have any rights now."

Gu Mingchen said: "Susu is a child of the Gu family, besides the verbally acknowledged relationship between you and me, what else is there?"

Xie Jian became even more angry, she said: "Gu Mingchen, you..."

"Now I will ask my assistant to take you out. I will arrange for you to meet Susu in the future. Don't look for me, let alone come to the company casually."

While talking, Xie Jian was led down by Gu Mingchen's assistant. When he went downstairs, Xie Jian scolded Gu Mingchen severely, and said everything that would kill him.

Gu Mingchen's assistant couldn't listen anymore, he said: "Miss Xie Jian, you should think about it for Mr. Gu, actually he doesn't want to do this either, he has difficulties."

"What's wrong with him!? This man is just playing Susu's banner, and he is extremely selfish."

It was inconvenient for Gu Mingchen's assistant to explain more, but to let Xie Jianduo understand and convince her that Gu Mingchen did not have any malice towards her, but this sentence was not strong enough and not convincing.

Xie Jian drove away directly, and she went straight to the company to discuss the next plan with Bai Chen. The most fundamental solution is to bring down Gu Mingchen and the Gu family.

After Gu Mingchen's assistant sent Xie Jian away, he returned to the office.

He timidly asked Gu Mingchen, "President Gu, did Miss Xie Jian misunderstand like this?"

"She wants to see the child's heart. If I am not firm, I will make her do many things that are not good for me, so it is obvious to go to Gu's house to see Susu. Isn't this forcing the old man to increase his sense of crisis and target her? ?”

Gu Mingchen's assistant sighed.

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