The paranoid boss lightly favors

Chapter 338 Dancing with the Devil

"For three months, if I don't look for you or touch you, you have no freedom in exchange."

Li Yixiang wanted more than that, Bai Chen just thought too beautifully, he was too greedy.


"What? Do you want to stay with me all the time?"

Li Yixiang roared angrily: "I want to sever ties with you forever."

On the other end of the phone, Bai Chen sneered, "Then you think too well, Li Yixiang, you are right, the benefit I give you is that I can tolerate it the most, if you disagree, I can show my cards at any time, Anyway, I have evidence, do you want to see it? You were in my villa before, every time I

Li Yixiang frantically scolded Bai Chen, "Damn it! Damn it!"
"Well, if you feel comfortable scolding me, just take a photo of the document for me, don't waste any more time, I'll just look at the photo."

After Bai Chen hung up the phone, Li Yixiang regretted that she should not have danced with the devil, because she would never be able to take advantage.

However, due to her own reputation, Li Yixiang could only obey Bai Chen, so she immediately took a photo of Bai Chen in the car, just saving some snacks, she took two-thirds of the photos and kept one-third, so that Bai Chen could see It looked very complete, and he didn't completely betray Gu Mingchen.

Bai Chen is very clever, if he only shoots a small part, the content will not be coherent at all, Li Yixiang dare not provoke Bai Chen, for fear that he will die if he is not careful.

After Bai Chen received the photos taken by Li Yixiang, he was very satisfied and very excited. He immediately sent a message to Li Yixiang, saying that she was free for three months, and let her feel at ease to do careless things with Gu Mingchen.

Li Yixiang also wanted it, but Gu Mingchen was unwilling. Later, Li Yixiang took this document to the hospital and sent it to Gu Mingchen.

"How did you walk so long?"
Li Yixiang hesitated a little and said, "Traffic jam."

"All right."
Without hesitation, Gu Mingchen believed this statement naturally, then he concentrated on looking at the documents, and asked his assistant to put the computer in front of him to deal with the work accumulated these days.

...Bai Chen got such a perfect cooperation plan and immediately handed it over to the professional team.

"Before discussing cooperation, you can make a better plan based on this proposal."
Staff watched the content.

"President, this plan is perfect. If it is done better, we will reduce the benefits to the original level."

Being able to reach a perfect plan with each other is the greatest benefit, and everyone is waiting for Bai Chen's choice.

In the end, Bai Chen still wanted to intercept the cooperation plan that Hu Gu Mingchen cared about the most.

"The plan will be carried out according to the plan. If there is a little less benefit for us, just a little bit, a little bit less than the plan, the victory or defeat will be obvious."

"We'll get it done as quickly as possible."

Bai Chen left the meeting room excitedly, and went straight to Xie Jian's office. He was eager to tell Xie Jian the good news. Everyone was happy after sharing it. He also wanted to test Xie Jian's reaction when he knew about it.

At this time Xie Jian was still working hard, Bai Chen pushed the door into her office and said, "Are you still busy? Stop for a while."

Xie Jian raised his head, looked at Bai Chen, then lowered his head and continued to work, she said: "The time to talk with the other party is not far away, I have to work hard, I don't even have a complete plan right now."

Bai Chen smiled and pulled Xie Jian up from his seat.

"Come with me to the cafe downstairs for a cup of coffee."

Xie Jian was helpless, but was still pulled down by Bai Chen, but before she could sit still, she immediately stood up and said, "I'll ask your secretary to accompany you, I really have to go up to deal with things."

Bai Chen looked at Xie Jian and smiled and said, "The secretary is very pretty, can you rest assured that she will drink coffee with me?"

"I'm relieved."
Xie Jian walked up to Bai Chen, leaned over and kissed his forehead.

"Everyone in the company knows that I am your girlfriend, whoever dares to covet you, I will drive her away!"

At this moment, Xie Jian's possessiveness is very strong, but it just makes Bai Chen feel very cute.

He pulled Xie Jian onto his lap, sat down, and said, "Listen to me before leaving."

Xie Jian pinched Bai Chen's ear reluctantly, and said, "Okay, let's talk."

Bai Chen smiled and began to share this happy event, he said: "I already have a complete plan, and then I asked the people in the working group to perfect it according to this plan."

Xie Jian was taken aback.

Bai Chen nodded and said, "I think this is a perfect and very competitive plan."

Xie Jian didn't look like he was lying, he hugged Bai Chen excitedly and said, "Wow, that's what we do."

Xie Jian couldn't hide his joy, and said, "Happy, happy, we will celebrate tonight!"

Fortunately, Xie Jian wondered how Bai Chen came up with this plan in a short period of time. It was not a simple project. She worked during the day and was still thinking about it at night. Day and night, she still couldn't catch up with his efficiency.

"Why is it so powerful? You didn't participate in this plan."

Bai Chen smiled and said: "I don't want to see you working so hard, so I did it myself. Before making the plan, I consulted some materials. Since I was not involved in this case, I handed over the completion work to the professional working group."

In the past few days, Xie Jian was really overjoyed to hear the best news.

At least she doesn't have to work so hard anymore, and it's not because of hatred that puts so much pressure on herself. She actually wants to sleep well.

"Tonight, let's have a big dinner."

Bai Chen stroked Xie Jian's hair and said, "Don't do it tonight, can you have a cup of coffee with me?"

Xie Jian stood up and sat opposite Bai Chen, drinking coffee and ordering some desserts, enjoying such a leisurely afternoon with Bai Chen, she was very happy.

After wandering around for more than an hour, she doesn't want to work at all now, but Bai Chen still has things to do.

"Then I'll go shopping with my assistant, and then you come to me."

"no problem."

After the agreement, Bai Chen went upstairs to work... Xie Jian took his assistant for a walk, the two of them were excitedly trying to get dressed, Xie Jian suddenly said: "I feel very happy now."

The assistant couldn't understand Xie Jian's excitement, so he asked curiously, "What's the matter? Are you because of Mr. Gu or Mr. Bai Chen?"

When we got to the fitting room, Xie Jian couldn't help but continue the topic just now, saying, "I'm very happy because the work is going well."

This makes the assistant even more incomprehensible. She actually likes this kind of work now. If she is happy because of designing a good work, she can accept it, but now it is... just a cooperation project.

"Are you happy? Are they still busy there?"
Xie Jian regretted it when he asked!

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