The paranoid boss lightly favors

Chapter 334 Gu Mingchen is sick

"Strike while the iron is hot, you go out first."

"Bring me a cup of coffee while you go to lunch."

The assistant spread his hands helplessly and said, "Okay, I'll enjoy it myself."

The speaking assistant left.

The whole afternoon, Xie Jian was busy, and it was still the same the next day. Her whole mind was focused on her work. If it wasn't for the reminder from her work assistant, she would have forgotten that tomorrow is the weekend.

If she wanted to see Su Su, she couldn't be absent. Since she couldn't go to Gu's house to see Su Su, she asked Gu Mingchen to bring her out. That day Gu Mingchen said that Zhou Wei would bring Su Su to see her, and she couldn't go back on his word.

It stands to reason that Gu Mingchen should contact her in advance to ask where the appointment is, but she didn't receive any calls.

Xie Jian decided to contact Gu Mingchen in person.

Before hearing the other party's voice, Xie Jianxian said to the other end of the phone: "Tomorrow is Weekend, you should bring Susu to see me."

After a few seconds, someone from Gu Mingchen called back, but there was no voice, "Ms. Xie, I am Mr. Gu's assistant."

Xie Jian heard that it was Gu Mingchen's assistant who answered the phone, and instantly thought that maybe he didn't want to bring the children to see him and he didn't want to answer the phone, so the assistant found an excuse to stop him.

As soon as she got angry, she immediately questioned Gu Mingchen's assistant: "What about others?!"
"Mr. Gu"

Before the assistant could finish speaking, Xie Jian heard some high fever and inflammation words coming from the other end of the phone.

Xie Jian didn't hang up the phone. After waiting for a few minutes, the assistant hurriedly called back.

"Miss Xie Jian, I have some urgent matters to deal with now, I'm sorry to hang up first."

Then, Gu Mingchen's assistant hung up the phone.

Before Xie Jian could figure out the specific situation, she was hung up on the phone, feeling very sad.

After a busy day and feeling hungry again, Bai Chen was invited out, and she dragged her assistant to eat.

They came to an ordinary Chinese family restaurant. Xie Jian was very hungry and had been eating all the time. The assistant happily sent messages with his mobile phone.

Xie Jian patted her hand and said, "Why don't you eat?"

The assistant smiled and said, "Chat!"

Xie Jian thought about it, guessed that the assistant was chatting with Gu Mingchen's assistant, and asked, "Is he busy?"

"I was very busy at first, but now that I have dealt with it, I can still say a few words just after I put it down."

Xie Jian remembered that Gu Mingchen's assistant had hung up on her phone because of an emergency, and wondered what the other party was up to.

Only by knowing yourself and your opponent can you win every battle, and you still need to know the progress of the other party, but what Xie Jian heard was not the content of work.

"Mr. Gu has a high fever and is hospitalized. His condition is not very good. He is going to deal with this matter in the afternoon."

Hearing this news, Xie Jian was surprised and suddenly.

I remember being drenched in the rain that night, but I was also drenched in the rain, how could such a big man be so weak.

Xie Jian hated Gu Mingchen. He felt uncomfortable, so he should be very happy, but in fact, she had already put down her chopsticks, and she was inexplicably not in the mood to continue eating.

At this time, the assistant put down the phone and started to eat. She asked, "Why don't you eat?"

"You think I don't eat it, I eat it now, and you don't eat it again."

Of course, Xie Jian would not admit to worrying about someone!
Xie Jian inadvertently showed a trace of worry, but she quickly adjusted her state, "I was in a hurry to eat just now, and I was a little choked, so I rested for a while before eating."

In fact, she didn't eat anything after that. Seeing that the assistant hadn't touched the phone again, Xie Jian was afraid that Gu Mingchen had something urgent to do, so he wanted to know the situation, and said, "Why don't you guys chat anymore? Is he busy?"

The assistant nodded, and said: "Yes, he said that the doctor went to the ward to check Mr. Gu's health, so let's stop talking."

"how is he?"
The assistant looked at Xie Jian and said, "Are you worried?"

Xie Jian immediately said seriously: "This is what you said, so I'll follow what you said. I already have a boyfriend, so how could I possibly care about him?"

The assistant made a face and continued to eat, he said, "Okay, okay, you're right."

After the meal, the assistant stood by the side of the road and signaled to call a taxi. Xie Jian drove by and said, "Isn't your home nearby? You can just walk back. Where are you going so late, why did you call for a taxi?"

Xie Jian was worried because the assistant was a girl after all.

"I went to the hospital to accompany him, and brought him some food by the way. He was busy from morning to night, and he didn't even eat a bite of food."

Xie Jian knew that the assistant was referring to Gu Mingchen's assistant.

She hesitated for a moment, opened the car door, and said, "Get in the car, and I'll take you there."

Xie Jian volunteered to send his assistant. Even if he saw Gu Mingchen, he would definitely be indifferent. He just wanted to see how serious his condition was, so that he could feel better. If this kind of wicked person dies of illness, God will open his eyes.

On the way, the assistant bought food and soup for Gu Mingchen's assistant. When he went downstairs, the assistant said that it was inconvenient for him to carry it, so he asked Xie Jian to help carry it, and followed him in.

In fact, the assistant also let Xie Jian meet Gu Mingchen, after all, she always felt that these two people were very destined.

In the aisle, the two of them had already seen Gu Mingchen's assistant, who immediately took the soup from Xie Jian's hand and said, "Are you leaving now?"

Xie Jian pretended to be indifferent and said, "If it doesn't take long, I can wait for you."

The assistant was waiting for Xie Jian's words, and she immediately said that she would accompany Assistant Gu Mingchen for dinner, which would take about 10 minutes, and Xie Jian agreed to wait for her.

They came to Assistant Gu Mingchen together.

The assistant took Assistant Gu Mingchen's hand and said, "Let's go over there for dinner first."

Speaking of this, he was dragged away by Assistant Xie Jian. He looked back and said, "What about Miss Xie Jian?"

"She's right here waiting for us, we'd better get going."
Assistant Gu Mingchen froze for a moment, and walked behind Assistant Xie Jian. He was also a very clever person, but as expected, love can make people stupid. At that moment, he was like a child who was fooled.

Xie Jian saw that her assistant and Gu Mingchen's assistant had entered the lounge, and she slowly approached the ward.

At first, she just watched through the small glass.

From a distance, he only looked at Gu Mingchen who was lying there peacefully with a pale face.

There was no one in the ward, and he couldn't move. This felt like an instant... Xie Jian's heart was a little strange. She even thought, if Gu Mingchen disappeared in this world, would she feel relieved and relieved?Can you be happy?Before she could come up with an answer, the nurse next to her interrupted her.

"You came to see Mr. Gu?"

When the nurse opened the door of the ward, Xie Jian wanted to explain: "I just wanted to see if his body temperature has returned to normal, so you can come in and be gentle."

The door was opened, and the nurse was so active, Xie Jian followed in without saying anything.

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