The paranoid boss lightly favors

Chapter 324 is not very pleasant

"Why did you come here? Logically speaking, your identity should be all kinds of red carpets!"

Li Yixiang obviously changed her face, but she could only maintain a friendly look, saying: "I have always cared about public welfare, and I am very happy to help those in need."

Hearing this sentence, Xie Jian immediately clapped his hands and said: "Miss Li is really kind-hearted, I am really touched, I want to learn from you, I must have a good image, not only in front of the media, but also in private. unanimous."

Xie Jian pretended to slip up and covered his mouth, "Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot, I'm not from the showbiz, I'm just an ordinary person, it doesn't take so much work to maintain my image, Ms. Li is really hard, these words are all some silly stuff."

Li Yixiang left angrily. She walked among a group of entrepreneurs, holding an arm.

Only then did Xie Jian see Gu Mingchen, and Gu Mingchen turned his head to face her. She was sure that Gu Mingchen must have seen him, but he acted as if he didn't see it.

Xie Jian was a little sad at the time, obviously happy because of yesterday's praise, but today with so many people, Gu Mingchen saw that she didn't even have a polite smile.

Is Gu Mingchen bored to death?Xie Jian even suspected that it wasn't Gu Mingchen who called her yesterday.

She turned around to leave, but was held back by a child, "Sister, come here to have a look too, let's have a look."

The child smiled innocently and was very cute. He was full of expectations and gratitude for the people who would help him.

Then Xie Jian followed the children to visit the classroom, and An Cheng also followed. The classroom is very simple, but the children are very satisfied. She said that there were no such good desks and blackboards in the past, and there were not many teachers in the past. Everyone attached great importance to these , and there will be more and more and better.

"So what else do you need?"
She couldn't resist asking what these children needed, and her expenses were enough to allow her to do something for them.

"I need to study harder."
This sentence moved Xie Jian very much. It turned out that their needs were never to expect others, but to meet their own demands.

An Cheng was dragged by a child to another classroom, and Xie Jian was sitting in this classroom.

She is feeling the memories she never had, what was her childhood like, how did she study?Xie Jian desperately recalled the past, and quickly flashed some images in her mind. These images overloaded her brain, and she felt a sudden headache. She held her head uncomfortably and leaned against the table.

At this time, Xie Jian suddenly heard a familiar voice, "What's wrong with you?"

She looked up a little confused, it was Gu Mingchen.

At this time, Gu Mingchen came to care about what he was doing again, didn't he come with Li Yixiang for this event?

He is so indifferent, what is he concerned about now...

"I'm fine, don't bother Mr. Gu."

Then, Xie Jian was about to stand up, but he felt dizzy and fell back to his seat. Gu Mingchen couldn't help supporting Xie Jian's shoulder, and said, "I'll have someone take you to a nearby hospital."

"Need not."

Xie Jiandao!
Seeing Xie Jian insisting on rejecting him, Gu Mingchen was very angry. He felt that he shouldn't take Xie Jian to heart.

Passing through this classroom, seeing Xie Jian's uncomfortable face, I couldn't help but come in, I didn't expect her to still have such a temper.

"Okay then, you can stay here."

When Gu Mingchen was about to leave after speaking, Xie Jian saw that he had already walked to the door, so he couldn't help but stop him.

"You are so cold and caring all of a sudden, is it interesting? What are you trying to prove? To prove that I will feel sorry for you, care about you, and will I be moved by you?"

Gu Mingchen frowned.

Xie Jian glared at Gu Mingchen, and said unconvinced: "No!"

Xie Jian continued: "Don't think that you are the best. When you fail at work, I won't let you get what you want. I haven't in the past, and I haven't now."

Gu Mingchen suddenly grasped the word: "Past?"

Xie Jian realized, why did she unconsciously bring up the past, what happened in the past?

Immediately explained, lest Gu Mingchen might misunderstand, she said, "I mean a while ago."

Gu Mingchen was temporarily relieved, but this sudden word made Xie Jian suspicious.

Xie Jian calmed down, "Mr. Gu, I'm fine, you can go."

Gu Mingchen was about to go out when he bumped into An Cheng who was returning. An Cheng looked surprised at Mr. Gu, and said, "Mr. Gu, long time no see."

Then he looked at Xie Jian in the classroom and said, "Are you here to find Xie Jian?"

Before Gu Mingchen answered, An Cheng pushed Gu Mingchen and said, "Then you guys have a good talk, I'll go to another place to have a look."

Then, he directly pulled the door. An Cheng has been fulfilling Su Yan's business, so Gu Mingchen wanted to see Xie Jian, and he was willing to fulfill it.

Before An Cheng left, he thought that there was no one in the classroom and it was locked, and the child's hearing was not good. When Gu Mingchen asked him to go back and open the door, An Cheng didn't hear it and left directly.

Gu Mingchen and Xie Jian were embarrassed when they faced each other.

"As long as someone walks through the door, the door will be opened in a while."

Xie Jian has not expressed any dissatisfaction for being locked in a classroom, Gu Mingchen just wants to find a way to deal with it quickly.

Don't you want to be in the same classroom as her?Thinking of a live broadcast event that Li Yixiang participated in not long ago, and the fact that she shared the same office with Gu Mingchen every day, it seemed like a good thing.

"Mr. Gu, are you and Miss Li getting married?"
Xie Jian couldn't help asking.

She was still concerned about the question Susu said before, and wanted to ask Gu Mingchen what she thought about Susu's child after asking.

"Are you so concerned about my personal affairs?"
Xie Jianli immediately opened his mouth to explain, saying: "It's not that I care about your personal affairs, but that Susu talked to me about your marriage before. Who will you marry? Have you discussed with him and asked him what he thinks?"

Gu Mingchen frowned slightly, his tone was very flat, he said: "No matter what other people think, they can interfere with who I marry?"

"I'm asking you."
Xie Jiandao.

Gu Mingchen walked up to Xie Jian and said, "I want to ask you now, answer me."

Xie Jian was silent, she didn't understand what was wrong with Gu Mingchen.

"If someone asked you to marry me, would you marry me?"
"No! Absolutely not! You can only marry the person you love, and you can't change your mind."

Gu Mingchen smiled lightly and said, "I am the same as you, no one will interfere with who I want to marry."

Xie Jian understood this sentence, that is, no one has the right to interfere with Gu Mingchen marrying Li Yixiang, Su Su can't, even if he is dissatisfied with Li Yixiang, but she doesn't understand Gu Mingchen's thoughts at all.

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