Xie Jian listened carefully to what Bai Chen said next, and he said, "I don't feel relieved to leave you alone at home, and people will come to see you from time to time. Recently, I heard that you and Gu Mingchen are getting very close, so I am very worried."

As soon as Bai Chen said this, Xie Jianli panicked.

Did Bai Chen know about the things that happened when he went out with Gu Mingchen before?She remained silent, not daring to say more, for fear that Bai Chen would be told ignorantly without knowing it, wouldn't this make Bai Chen feel bad?
Xie Jian knew in his heart that she would guard her heart for Bai Chen.

"Xie Jian, between enjoying you alone and making you happy, I will definitely choose you to be happy. You are happy in everything you do, and I will support you. Therefore, whoever you contact and do, as long as you Happy, I have no problem."

Bai Chen's selflessness and generosity at this time, few people can do it, this made Xie Jian feel even more uncomfortable, feeling like he was wrong.

There are such good men around, but I can't get rid of those who want to cling to me.

"Xie Jian, you should be more on guard."

Xie Jian asked Bai Chen in doubt.

Bai Chen said: "Gu Mingchen has many bad histories in the past, so you must not be fooled.

After Bai Chen finished speaking, Xie Jian immediately explained after hearing Gu Mingchen: "I have nothing to do with him, what I like is you."

"I know."

"Of course you won't take the initiative, but he will approach you. There is no one around you who can block you like me, so I want you to be careful."

Xie Jian trusted Bai Chen's words very much, she nodded firmly, "Okay."

"In the past, I only thought that he and you were in a working relationship, so I didn't tell you about his past. After all, he is still your boss. I'm afraid that you will be unhappy with him in front of Mrs. Gu."

Xie Jian responded, she was still wondering if Bai Chen would talk about Gu Mingchen's bad past, but he didn't.

Bai Chen didn't say what Gu Mingchen did in the past, so she naturally wouldn't ask any more... After saying goodnight to each other, the two hung up the phone.

But Bai Chen's words made Xie Jian unable to fall asleep, so she took out her mobile phone and looked for content about Gu Mingchen.

Part of the content about Su Yan is very cryptic, and can only be seen on some small websites that are not well-known and difficult to be searched. Some people know her past.

But what stands out the most is this relationship between him and Lai Yixiang.

The media is watching, it seems to be in a state of separation and reunion, it is always good in front of people, but there is very little time together in private.

People even doubted whether they had broken off their engagement... Li Yixiang was also known as Gu Mingchen's fiancée, but looking at Gu Mingchen's indifferent appearance, it was not an exaggeration to call him a passerby.

There are also articles about the relationship between Gu Mingchen and Su Yan on the small website, as well as stories about him and Li Yixiang.

Said that it was Su Yan who seduced Gu Mingchen and made her pregnant and took the position, so Gu Mingchen had no choice but to marry her.

It turned out that it was a fake pregnancy and no child. Gu Mingchen's true love was Li Yixiang, so he separated from Su Yan. Now that Gu Mingchen has not married Li Yixiang, maybe he has regretted it again. He thinks of Su Yan in the past, because Su Yan is a woman of that status , is more submissive, and Li Yixiang is very noble, and sometimes he is unwilling to bow his head.

Gu Mingchen's personality should require a submissive woman who can be manipulated at will. The more Xie Jian looked at him, the more he felt that his emotional world was chaotic, and he felt very uncomfortable.

She asked her aunt to warm up a glass of milk and then rested.

... Early the next morning, Xie Jian felt that it was not good to have to stay like this, and he had to have something to pass the time.

She got in touch with the assistant, filtered out the former partners, and now reconnected.

The assistant chose another small company. She always felt that Xie Jian's current state was not suitable for working in a large company. She felt that her emotional intelligence seemed to have plummeted. Xie Jian drove his assistant to the new company to discuss cooperation.

The assistant in the car talked about Gu Mingchen, "That Mr. Gu is okay, he seems to have a good impression of you."

Hearing these words, Xie Jianyi gave her a hard look.

"I'm not saying Mr. Bai Chen is bad, I just feel that there are too many good men."
Xie Jian was very angry after hearing what the assistant said. Of course she knew what Gu Mingchen was thinking, and she said, "Stop saying such things in the future."

Xie Jian drove to the downstairs of the new company, and the people upstairs were ready to welcome her. Of course, it is not easy for the new generation of Chinese jewelry designers to become famous. There are many outstanding people in every industry, so they can Being famous is naturally very capable.

Xie Jian dialed the phone number of the person in charge of the company, "Hello, I'm Xie Jian, I'm downstairs in the company now, should I go directly to the tenth floor?"


After hearing this, Xie Jian hung up the phone.

Just as she was about to get off the car, her cell phone rang again. It was still the company's phone number. Xie Jianli answered the call immediately, and she said, "What's the matter?"

"What did you say your name was?"

Hearing this voice, Xie Jian knew that there was a different person, not the one who answered the phone just now.

"My name is Xie Jian, what's wrong?"

The man hesitated for a moment and said, "I just heard you talking from the side. It looks like a very good friend of mine. Can we meet?"

"You are.?"

"I'm the director of the company you're interviewing with."

Xie Jian immediately breathed a sigh of relief, smiled and said, "Of course I want to see you, then I'll go up."

After the lecture, Xie Jian hung up the phone and wanted to go upstairs, but he was stopped when he got into the elevator and was about to close the door.

Xie Jian stared at the person in front of him and said, "Gu Mingchen? Why are you here?"

Gu Mingchen was also taken aback, and pulled her out of the elevator, saying, "You can't sign with other companies, nor can you cooperate with other companies. I will find a way to let you and Gu's cooperate again, just wait."

Xie Jian shook Gu Mingchen's hand vigorously, and said, "It's not just Gu Mingchen's company, it's my freedom to choose any company I want, why do you ask me?"

Gu Mingchen didn't explain, he directly took Xie Jian into the car, Xie Jian looked at the assistant in the car from a distance and waved to him in embarrassment.

She knew why Gu Mingchen appeared so punctually. It turned out that someone had informed her. She didn't know how much Gu Mingchen had benefited her, and she was going to settle accounts with her later.

Gu Mingchen took Xie Jian away from the company. On the way, Xie Jian said nothing angrily. Gu Mingchen parked the car in front of a small shop.

"what are you doing?"
Xie Jian looked at Gu Mingchen suspiciously, unable to understand his thoughts.

"Take you to eat this."
"I'm not hungry."
Xie Jian got out of the car and was about to get up to leave, but Gu Mingchen directly took her by the wrist and led her into the shop.

When she was struggling, Gu Mingchen threatened her with the wound on his arm!

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