Then thinking about whether the picking should continue this time, Xie Jian sat alone on the doorstep, and after a while Susu came over and said, "Sister, let's go have dinner."

Xie Jian didn't want to go at first, but this matter had nothing to do with Susu, and she wouldn't show her face to Susu either.

"Where's your dad?"
"have no idea…"
I don't know for the best, maybe I'm really eating fruit.

Xie Jian stood up and dragged Susu to the restaurant, and Gu Mingchen came after a while.

Seeing Gu Mingchen coming, she immediately asked the waiter to step down from the chair, and when he came over, Xie Jian immediately said: "Sorry, there are no seats here, you can go somewhere else."

Gu Mingchen looked at her, he personally pulled a chair over and said, "You can sit here."

Xie Jian ignored him and looked out the window.

Su Su didn't know what happened, so she walked up to Gu Mingchen and asked in a low voice, "Father, did you offend sister?"
Gu Mingchen replied blankly: "I just kissed her according to your wish, hoping that she can change from your sister to mother as soon as possible."

Susu was very excited when he heard it, he was really excited.

"But my sister doesn't seem happy, you're being too direct."
So Susu thought of a way. He walked up to Xie Jian, took her hand and said, "Sister, can I kiss you?"

Before Xie Jian could react, Susu kissed her on the face.

At this time Xie Jian was not angry yet, he was a little excited and a little embarrassed.

"Are you angry, sister?"
Xie Jian shook his head and said, "Of course not, you are a child, you can do whatever you like."

Then Xie Jian kissed Susu's face.

At this moment, Su Su pointed to Gu Mingchen and said, "Sister, I taught dad to kiss. He learned from me. He didn't learn well. He kissed in the wrong place. Don't blame him."

"Actually, he is also expressing his love for you, which is very simple."

Xie Jianli immediately understood that Su Su was a novelist. This sentence is very interesting. The interesting thing is that Xie Jian no longer thinks about what happened just now. In addition, the discord between her and Gu Mingchen cannot be compared with Su Su's. Say more.

"Come on, let's eat."

Susu looked at Gu Mingchen proudly, secretly glad that she succeeded.

Vegetarian banquet, fresh and delicious dishes.

"Sister, what time do we go back?"
Su Su was asking Xie Jian's opinion, asking her to make the decision and come out to play with this matter.

"Did you have fun?"
Xie Jian asked.

Susu didn't answer, but just asked Xie Jian if he was satisfied.

"I understand."
The child's heart is pure, and if he is happy and happy, he will definitely show it, but Susu didn't say anything, just asked her how she was playing, probably not good enough.

"Then let's stay for a few more hours and just drive back before it's too dark."

So she stood up and grabbed Susu, saying, "Let's go play together."

Gu Mingchen just wanted to stand up and follow Xie Jian, but was stopped by Xie Jian, he said: "Your arm is injured, you should rest here and wait for us, be obedient."

Then, Xie Jian took Susu out of the restaurant, and she took Susu to the picking garden to play around, and there was a pond with small fish in it.

"Mom, you..."
Susu once again realized that he had made a mistake. He said, "Sister, let's catch two small fish and raise them. One for you and one for me."

"no problem."

Susu was very happy, he said: "Then let's choose one."

Just as they were happily picking fish, the weather suddenly changed, and the broadcast in the park started broadcasting a reminder.

"Tourists pay attention, the weather is changeable, and the area of ​​the park is large. Tourists and friends are requested to start in a straight line. There are rest stations in each direction, and pay attention to safety."

"In case it rains suddenly, please be careful and slow down. When picking gardens, it is easy to slip and fall when the water turns to mud, so be sure to pay attention to safety."

Hearing these words, Xie Jianyi immediately grabbed Susu.

"Let's pick next time, because it will rain soon, and the sky will be cloudy all of a sudden, we have to go back quickly."

They were having so much fun, they didn't even notice the route ahead, and they didn't know where they were.

It was also said in the broadcast just now that any straight line can lead to a station where you can stop, but the position in the middle of their canal is a dense area from a distance. I don’t know where the straight line is, and it is likely to go astray.

"Do you remember the location, Susu?"

Xie Jian looked at Susu helplessly. He thought for a while and pointed in the direction. She said, "Is it here?"

Susu replied with some uncertain words.

"Then shall we go here?"

Susu pulled Xie Jian hard to walk in that direction, explaining as she walked.

"I know what you're thinking, because we can't remember the direction and location, so we can only walk in a straight line first."
"Therefore, before judging whether to find a post station, you can first check whether the end point of the post station is on the right line, and then check whether it is the end point."

Xie Jian thought it was reasonable, so he followed Susu with confidence.

How old is this little thing... He is so calm when things happen, and he will never think about problems rigidly. Maybe he can't solve the problem directly, but he will think in the direction of solving the problem.

"Who taught you these, Susu?"

"No one taught me, I just don't want you to be in the rain, we have to go faster, Dad should be in a hurry, he is waiting for us."
When Xie Jian heard this, he immediately asked Susu: "Then, will he come out to find us? Then...he went astray...?"

After speaking, Su Su continued to take Xie Jian out. When he was thinking, Gu Mingchen was also thinking, and he would not look for it blindly.

Soon, Xie Jian and Susu came to the end of the road, and then walked along the edge to the rest station.

As soon as they hid in the post station, it began to rain heavily.

"Sister, can you lend me your phone?"
Xie Jianli immediately took out his mobile phone and gave it to Susu, and then he called Gu Mingchen, "Dad, my sister and I..."

Susu looked up at the station number, and said to Gu Mingchen, "The third station is resting."

"it is good"
Gu Mingchen responded.

After finishing speaking, Susu hung up the phone.

Xie Jian picked up the phone and asked Susu, "Will your dad come to see us?"

"Should come."
In fact, Su Su told Gu Mingchen where they were, just to reassure him, but according to his personality, they would come. After a while, Gu Mingchen came to the third station with an umbrella.

The rain was still so urgent, and the wind was so strong that the umbrella could not completely cover the person's body, and Gu Mingchen's bandaged arms were a little wet.

"Your arm?"
As Xie Jian spoke, he lifted Gu Mingchen's arm and looked it over carefully.

"it does not matter."
…More than half an hour passed, and the rain still did not stop, Xie Jian began to worry.

"When can I go back? I have nothing to do today..."

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