The paranoid boss lightly favors

Chapter 281 Give You a Guarantee

When she signed the contract, she also read it, and she had a rough impression in her heart. What she saw this time was that she paid more than she knew how many times, "What do you mean?"

Gu Mingchen said seriously at this time: "Give yourself a guarantee."


Xie Jian almost thought that he had heard it wrong, what did he mean by giving her so much money?
"This money is for your protection. After all, there are dangers around you."

Gu Mingchen said.

Xie Jian really didn't understand the meaning of Gu Mingchen's words, he said it very implicitly.

"Mr. Gu, I don't understand what you're saying. Are you learning how to connect in a movie? Are you talking so vaguely, are you afraid I won't understand?"

Gu Mingchen didn't answer, but just asked Xie Jian to accept it.

"If Mr. Gu has no reason to explain such a large denomination check, I will not accept it."

"What exactly did you mean by what you just said?"

Under Xie Jian's questioning, Gu Mingchen mentioned Bai Chen.

He said directly to Xie Jian: "He is a dangerous person, and you will be in danger if you follow him. I will give you money so that you can be financially dependent and safe."

It was only then that Xie Jian understood what Gu Mingchen meant, which made her feel that she had taken the money and separated from Bai Chen...

Xie Jiandao: "Mr. Gu, I know everything about Bai Chen, much more than you, but none of this has affected my heart. I only want to be with him."

Gu Mingchen felt very worried when he heard this, he didn't want Xie Jian to insist on keeping himself by Bai Chen's side like this, he said, "Are you a fool?"

""I'm not stupid. I would be stupid if I gave up on him. He is a very good person. He treats me so well, so I won't leave. "

Xie Jian said again: "You don't understand me, you don't understand my past, my life, you just look at me like your former lover, so when you say these caring words, you just put your feelings on me, It's very hypocritical."

"He is kind to me and dedicated to me. He has never hesitated in so many choices like you. He has taken care of me for five years. To me, he is both a lover and a relative. We have long been inseparable ."
Five years... This word instantly attracted Gu Mingchen's attention, and this happened to be the time when Su Yan disappeared...

"Five years, have you and Bai Chen been together for five years?"

Gu Mingchen asked.

Xie Jian looked out the window, and said to Gu Mingchen indifferently: "This is our private matter, I won't answer it."

Afterwards, Gu Mingchen continued to test and question him, but Xie Jian kept avoiding him. Xie Jian didn't like this man testing himself very much. He always wished that he was Su Yan...but she was Xie Jian, and she loved Bai Chen.

Xie Jian didn't want to listen to him, nor did he want to answer, it was just perfunctory.

"Mr. Gu, the number on this check is wrong. If you insist on paying compensation according to the contract, please provide the exact number. Moreover, you don't need to meet, just transfer the money."

Then Xie Jian left directly, Gu Mingchen felt that something was wrong, Xie Jian neither answered nor wanted to talk about the past five years between himself and Bai Chen, obviously he was evading, she must be very afraid that others would find out.

Once his assistant told him that maybe Su Yan didn't want to recognize him, so he acted on purpose.

What about other people?He was not the only person Su Yan knew before. Could it be that Su Yan would stop acting if he was not in front of him?Thinking of this, Gu Mingchen thought of Tingting.

Soon he got in touch with Su Yan's best friend Tingting.

When Tingting heard that Gu Mingchen was still thinking about Su Yan, she was also very moved, and she directly agreed to help him. Gu Mingchen sent someone to watch Xie Jian, and then asked Tingting to come out to meet her at the right time, but the result was the same.

Just now Tingting reported the contact with Xie Jian to Gu Mingchen, she said: "It looks like Xiaoyan, but it shouldn't be..."

"I saw her and called her Su Yan, but she didn't respond to me. I walked over to introduce myself to her, but she directly said that she didn't need it, and used me as a sales product."

"I told her that I knew her and was her good friend, and she almost thought I was crazy and wanted to be sent to the hospital."

Gu Mingchen was very disappointed by Tingting's words. Xie Jian's behavior was completely against strangers, and he was very vigilant.

The previous Su Yan was not so clever. Apart from appearance, there is really no other similar appearance, especially in IQ and EQ, which is simply a world of difference.

Xie Jian naturally became suspicious of the girl who suddenly struck up a conversation. Although she threatened to call her to take her to the hospital, she felt that there was nothing wrong with that girl.

She also heard Su Yan, but she didn't turn her head, because she was Xie Jian, not because she didn't notice the voice, and for a moment, she guessed that it was Gu Mingchen's idea.

Only he cares most about whether he is Su Yan or not, this person must be Su Yan's former friend, and the words that strike up a conversation are so natural.

Sure enough, well designed...

Xie Jian went directly to Gu's place to find Gu Mingchen, and she said, "Gu Mingchen, I warn you, don't pester me whether I am Su Yan or not, I am Xie Jian, and I don't like to see your expectations of me, as if I am a A stand-in for someone, and I'm just myself."

Gu Mingchen looked at the agitated Xie Jian, and stretched out his hand to ask her to sit down first, Xie Jian pushed him directly, and said, "Don't think about so many ideas, to prove that I am Su Yan, I am not!"

Then, Xie Jian turned around and was about to leave. Just as she walked to the door of Gu Mingchen's office, when she was about to open the door, she felt a fever in her heart and passed out all of a sudden.

Gu Mingchen saw that Xie Jian had a bad complexion just now, and he was too emotional, so he immediately went over to hug Xie Jian, and shouted: "Xie Jian, Xie Jian."

No one answered, so he sent Xie Jian to the hospital directly.

After the doctor's examination, he explained the situation to Gu Mingchen. She was so excited that she fainted.

Hearing these words, Gu Mingchen blamed himself a little, maybe he shouldn't expect others to be his beloved Su Yan, this is indeed unfair to others, no wonder Xie Jianhui is so dissatisfied.

But there was one thing the doctor mentioned, "The patient had a head injury before. Although there is no major problem, more attention is needed."

Once again, Gu Mingchen had doubts about Xie Jian's identity. Isn't she really Su Yan?head hurt...

Gu Mingchen immediately asked the doctor, and he said, "If you get a head injury, will you not remember the past?"

"You mean amnesia?"
The doctor said.

Gu Mingchen nodded.

The doctor shook his head and said, "I can't tell whether I'm in a state of amnesia."

Gu Mingchen returned to Xie Jian's ward, waited for her to wake up, and then wanted to ask her about her head injury.

Not long after, Xie Jian woke up, opened his eyes, and felt bored seeing Gu Mingchen. He turned his back with difficulty and looked out the window. She said, "I don't want to see you, you can go."

Gu Mingchen replied lightly: "I'll take you to the hospital, you must make sure you're okay before you can leave."

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