The paranoid boss lightly favors

Chapter 226 Bringing the Baby to Work

"Will others agree? And where to put the child?"

Knowing that her mother disagreed with her contacting Gu Mingchen, she deliberately concealed it.

"Just let me tell the store manager. We have a rest room. They are all mothers and have more experience than me. You can take a look at it for me when you are resting in the store. Don't worry, take a good rest. Remember Take your medicine on time and don't work too hard."
Mother Su nodded without thinking.

Su Yan left with the child in her arms. She took the bus back to Gu Mingchen's house. Gu Mingchen was very excited when he saw Su Yan carrying the child. He hadn't seen the child for several days. He secretly thought about it and looked forward to it. Pass.

Gu Mingchen said: "Let me give you a hug."

Su Yan hesitated for a moment, but still handed the child to Gu Mingchen. She hugged her all the way, her hands were sore.

Gu Mingchen didn't hold him for long, the child fell asleep, and he sent the child directly to the bedroom to rest.

Su Yan originally thought that Gu Mingchen would be unhappy and dissatisfied, but unexpectedly he cared about the child very much.

"How did you get here?"

Gu Mingchen seemed to be asking casually, but he actually cared from the bottom of his heart.

While answering, Su Yan turned on the vacuum cleaner and said, "We came here by bus."

"Wait a minute, I'll ask the driver to pick you up on time."

Su Yan immediately rejected Gu Mingchen's suggestion, so that sooner or later she would be seen by her mother when picking up and dropping off every day. At that time, this job would be gone. She said, "No need, it's still very convenient to take the bus to your house."

Gu Mingchen took the vacuum cleaner from Su Yan and put it aside.

Looking serious, he said, "It's hard work for you and the kids on the bus."

At this moment, Su Yan was relieved, and she said: "Today is an unexpected situation. Normally, I would not bring children here. Don't worry, I will only disturb you this time."

Su Yan took the vacuum cleaner, and Gu Mingchen continued, "I don't feel disturbed."

Su Yan pretended not to hear Gu Mingchen's words.

After cleaning, she started to prepare lunch. Because of what happened last time, Gu Mingchen was really worried, so he stayed in the kitchen to watch Su Yan and direct her.

When directing Su Yan, he looked very serious, but he didn't waste any time, "Okay, put the vegetables in now, and put it lightly, don't let the oil splash."

Su Yan listened to Gu Mingchen's words and put it in, but for some reason, the sound of the pot was still very loud, which shocked her a lot. She dodged suddenly and leaned directly on Gu Mingchen.

Gu Mingchen hugged Su Yan's shoulder instantly, and said with a smile, "Although your cooking skills are not very good, it's still very interesting."

Su Yan immediately took a few steps forward.

"Is your shoulder okay? I just hit it hard."

She opened her mouth to change the subject, wanting to hurry up what happened just now.

Hearing Su Yan's question, Gu Mingchen immediately stared at the position of the shoulder subconsciously, and said, "It's not good at all, you hurt me."

But when he spoke, with a relaxed expression on his face, Su Yan knew that he must be lying to her, she said: "Oh... okay, then you can go to the room and change the medicine yourself."

Gu Mingchen looked at Su Yan suspiciously, "Aren't you coming?"

Su Yan shook her head and said, "I'm going, what about the food here? What if the kitchen catches fire again?"

Gu Mingchen nodded and went straight back to the bedroom.

I didn't expect Gu Mingchen to be so obedient and act so realistic... After a while, Su Yan suddenly became a little uneasy. She turned off the fire and came to Gu Mingchen's bedroom.

She wanted to expose Gu Mingchen's lies, so she opened the door and went in without knocking, but she saw Gu Mingchen's shoulder bleeding.

He was bare-chested, with bloody bandages on his body.

Su Yan walked over immediately, took the bandage from Gu Mingchen's hand, and said, "I'll do it."

She wrapped Gu Mingchen's wound carefully, and said, "Why didn't you tell me, I thought you were lying to me."

Su Yan looked at Gu Mingchen worriedly.

Gu Mingchen smiled at Su Yan and said, "I don't know that I would do bad things with good intentions, maybe this injury requires you to take more care of me."

Hearing this sentence, Su Yan blushed and didn't speak. She continued to help Gu Mingchen wrap the bandage, and quickly wrapped it up for him, so that she could escape back to the kitchen quickly.

Not long after, Su Yan cooked a fairly good meal, and it was already afternoon... After the meal, Su Yan and Gu Mingchen rested in their rooms.

In the guest room, Su Yan wanted to make milk powder for her child, but the inexplicable child kept crying, she coaxed her, but she couldn't care about making milk powder.

Gu Mingchen came to the guest room when he heard the voice, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"It should be because I woke up from sleep, that's why I cried."

Su Yan said!

Gu Mingchen came over, put the child's pacifier into his mouth, and asked, "Is he hungry?"

Su Yan patted herself on the forehead and said, "Yes, I'm going to make milk, he's been crying all the time, and I don't have a clone!"

She looked at the bottle helplessly, and the next moment Gu Mingchen came over and said, "I'm going to make the milk."

When leaving the room with the bottle, Su Yan followed behind him and asked, "Can you do it?"

"I'm not you, clumsy."
He held the bottle and milk powder confidently, and prepared the milk powder in a short while, and the temperature and amount were right.

"Give him a drink quickly."
Gu Mingchen handed the bottle to Su Yan confidently.

The child drank very contentedly, Gu Mingchen unconsciously raised the corners of his mouth, he smiled silently, he really wanted to tease the child, but he was afraid that he would choke from laughing, so he kept watching like this.

The baby was very satisfied after drinking the milk, and soon fell asleep.

Gu Mingchen looked at Su Yan and said, "He's quite obedient."

Su Yan said with a speechless expression: "That's because you haven't seen him yet, this is just superficial."

"the other side?"
Su Yan happily shared the child's affairs with Gu Mingchen, she said: "It's just an ordinary side, it can cry and make trouble."

"It's fine now, the kids love to sleep, so he's in good shape."

After listening, Gu Mingchen pulled Su Yan's wrist and said, "Let's go out."

Just like that, Gu Mingchen brought Su Yan to the living room, and he said, "Let him sleep in a quiet environment, and watch a movie with me for a while."

Su Yan immediately sat up from the sofa, she said: "My job is to clean and cook, so I'll do it."

She reminded herself from time to time not to get too close to Gu Mingchen, so Gu Mingchen didn't say much. Su Yan cleaned Gu Mingchen's house again, and then asked: "My mother is not feeling well today, I want to go back early, can I ?"

Gu Mingchen directly contacted the driver to send Su Yan back.

But the driver was stuck on the way, so he contacted Gu Mingchen anxiously. He said, "Mr. Gu, no, it's raining now, and I'm trapped under the bridge. I'm afraid I won't be able to cross the bridge."

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