The paranoid boss lightly favors

Chapter 174 The Embarrassing Scene

Su Yan plucked up her courage, tightly held Zhang Jiuhui's hand, and walked into the restaurant.

In this Chinese-style restaurant, each private room has a porch, which is faintly visible, and it is not easy for people to pry into the private environment.

After entering the private room, two women sat in the middle.

One looks to be in his thirties, the other looks to be in his sixties, with a flushed face, a person who pays great attention to maintenance and has a radiant complexion.

Zhang Jiuhui led Su Yan to sit down, and then walked behind the two ladies.

First, he walked behind the big man, hugged her, and said, "Grandma, let me introduce you, this is Xiaoyan."

There should be Zhang Jiuhui's mother next to her. After an introduction, she realized that this was true.

Su Yan stood up and shouted, "Grandma, Auntie."

Zhang Jiuhui's mother was very kind: "Well, sit down, don't stand."

Zhang Jiuhui's father is abroad, so there is no chance to meet him this time, but there is no rush, there will be another time.

Then Zhang Jiuhui's mother looked at him and asked the waiter to hand over the menu, "Choose some who like vapes."

This kind of behavior made Su Yan relax a lot, at least her mother was very talkative and kind, instead of pretending like Liang Yumei.

Su Yan felt that she was taking care of herself like she would take care of her future daughter-in-law.

After the meal, Su Yan suddenly felt sick and covered her mouth, Zhang Jiuhui's mother immediately became worried, "What's wrong with Xiaoyan, is it uncomfortable? Is there something wrong?"

When Zhang Jiuhui's mother said this, he immediately subconsciously asked the waiter, "Are there any dishes that pregnant women can't eat?"

The waiter quickly replied that there is no fasting for pregnant women, but at the same time Su Yan's pregnancy was naturally revealed.

Before Zhang Jiuhui's mother could speak, his grandmother looked at Su Yan in surprise, "Girl, are you pregnant?"

Su Yan nodded in a daze, and Zhang Jiuhui immediately took over the conversation, "It's mine."

At this moment, Zhang Jiuhui was obviously relieved.

"Understood, don't be so active, you think you have made a great contribution, don't you?"

In fact, Zhang Jiuhui's mother didn't mean to be sarcastic, but she was not married yet, so Zhang Yang always felt a little too calm when she came out.

"Mom, I will take good care of Xiaoyan and the child."

Zhang Jiuhui said seriously.

Mom smiled and said to Zhang Jiuhui: "It's natural."

"How many months old is the baby?"
Grandma looked at Su Yan very seriously and asked this question.

Su Yan said seriously: "It's been four months."

In an instant, grandma breathed a sigh of relief, "Hey, you are pregnant like this, you really..."

Su Yan suddenly became nervous, Zhang Jiuhui held her hand tightly and brought it to her ear, "Grandma's thinking is more traditional, it's nothing, don't worry, just give her a little time."

Su Yan nodded, with a smile on her face.

Grandma Zhang Jiuhui didn't let go of her prejudice against Su Yan this time, "You are a girl, even if you are with Jiuhui, you can't just casually have a child before marriage. This time, you are really... shameless."

Zhang Jiuhui has already seen Su Yan's embarrassing expression, "Grandma, there are many pregnancies before marriage, don't you watch all the stars on TV like this, there is nothing wrong with it."

Grandma replied sternly: "That's an actor! Are they comparable to our family?"

Zhang Jiuhui looked at grandma helplessly, "Well, you're right."

"Xiaoyan is a good girl, you have to accept her, in the final analysis it is my fault, otherwise Xiaoyan would not have a child."

Grandma was so angry that she patted the table, "Shameless!

Zhang Jiuhui, with a calm face, said in a coquettish tone, "Grandma, this is the girl I like, and she is right, I hope you will like her like me in the future."

After saying this, Grandma Zhang Jiuhui didn't say much, "Let's eat."

When eating, Su Yan ate tremblingly, not knowing what to do.

When the restaurant was about to end, Zhang Jiuhui's grandmother glanced at his mother, and her mother walked up to Zhang Jiuhui immediately, "You accompany me to the shopping mall opposite."

Zhang Jiuhui looked at Su Yan worriedly, "What's the matter?"

"Go and choose a gift for Xiao Yan, I don't have time to prepare, but a gift is a must."
At this time Su Yan said politely, "No need, auntie, I haven't prepared anything..."

Finally, Su Yan lowered her voice in embarrassment.

At that time, Zhang Jiuhui's mother pulled Zhang Jiuhui up, "It's a rule to be polite when meeting each other. Besides, Jiuhui's girlfriend is also my future daughter-in-law."

Grandma stared at this scene and asked Zhang Jiuhui to prepare with her mother.

Zhang Jiuhui had no choice but to accompany him.

Before leaving, he said to Su Yan: "Don't worry, we will be back soon."

Now there are only Su Yan and grandma left in the restaurant, and grandma is very dissatisfied with getting pregnant out of wedlock.

She is very nervous.

Every word of grandma's words, she could feel that her thinking was very traditional. Su Yan hadn't had much contact with the elderly, so she didn't know how to deal with it.

"Grandma, I..."
Su Yan just wanted to explain the child's matter, and wanted grandma not to pay too much attention.

So grandma immediately took the lead, "Xiaoyan, our Zhang family is very strict in choosing a daughter-in-law."

"Yes, grandma."


Grandma didn't give Su Yan a chance to speak at all, "Our family is a respectable family, it's really hard to hear the news of this kind of pregnancy out of wedlock."

Su Yan could only lower her head and listen quietly, speechless.

"Jiuhui brought you to see us this time, are you ready to get married?"
Su Yan didn't know what to say.

Grandma snorted, and said angrily: "Your body is obviously a little conspicuous, and the more you go back, the more conspicuous you are. You plan to get married, won't others say anything?"

Su Yan could feel from grandma's words that she was very dissatisfied with her further relationship with Zhang Jiuhui.

She didn't want her grandma to misunderstand that she felt forced to marry, "It's not grandma, getting married... We haven't thought about getting married so soon, but the relationship is relatively stable. I want to pay homage to the elders first."

After Su Yan finished speaking, grandma responded indifferently, becoming a little more indifferent.

At this time, the atmosphere was very tense, and Su Yan wanted to find a place to hide.

Because you can't talk, so act.

Su Yan sat up slightly, saw that the tea in grandma's cup had bottomed out, and stood up to pour tea.

Just took two steps towards grandma, grandma saw it, and immediately stopped her, "Don't move if you are pregnant, sit properly."

At this moment, Su Yan stopped, turned around and sat down, and the waiter next to her also deftly poured tea for grandma.

Seeing the waiter pouring tea, grandma smiled, and immediately spoke about Zhang Jiuhui.

"Our family, Jiuhui, is very good. He has been clever and assertive since he was a child."

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