Pippi asked in a panic while arranging her clothes.

"What about people?"

The little assistant saw that Pippi had misunderstood, and she immediately explained.

"Zhou always came to see the chairman, and now he is in the chairman's office."

Hearing the little assistant's words, Pippi sat down regretfully, and didn't want to say a word.

"Miss, I heard that Mr. Zhou is here because of your marriage, do you know?"


When Pippi heard this, he stood up from his seat in shock.

"About marriage? I don't know anything..."

Pippi thought about it for a while, and thought it was over!It must be because of what happened at the Zhou family reception yesterday.

Zhang Jiuhui's mother mentioned that she wanted to announce the marriage, but she couldn't say it in the end.

It must be because of regret or unwillingness that Zhang Jiuhui came to the company to meet his father today.

Pippi thinks she can't just sit idly by.

Then, she rushed directly to her father's office.

As soon as Pippi entered, he talked about his thoughts on marriage without asking why, "I don't want to get married for the time being, and I won't get married if anyone asks."

Pippi knew that the elders of the two families had a tacit agreement on the matter of marriage, and they had the same idea, so she directly refuted it.

It's just that Pippi didn't realize that Zhang Jiuhui was speaking for her and blocking things for her.

She said these words so impulsively, and Zhang Jiuhui's good words for her were instantly shattered.

"Pippi, you are so uneducated!"

Pippi's father glared at Pippi, and then patted the table.

"This is in the company, if you rush in like this, it's fine if you have something urgent.

But with your current appearance, you just say a word without asking indiscriminately, we really spoil you too much! "

Pippi looked at her father apologetically, and Zhang Jiuhui got up instantly and walked to her side.

Zhang Jiuhui hugged Pippi's shoulder to comfort her, and then explained for Pippi.

"Uncle, Pippi's character is very good."

"She speaks frankly, is warm and kind without any sinister intentions, and this is the best upbringing."

Pippi's father pointed at Pippi angrily, "Listen to how he speaks for you?!"

"Pippi, let me tell you.

Our two families have a tacit understanding about getting married, and we all understand his intentions for you, but you make a lot of things over and over again, spending time with those friends, have you ever cared about others? "


Pippi was speechless.

But these things were not her fault, many things happened unintentionally, and she was not prepared.

"Dad, I..."

"Okay, don't talk anymore, I don't want to hear your explanation."

"Your interpersonal relationship is too messy, I'm afraid I won't understand what you said, so go out."

Pippi's father raised his hand and asked her to go out. She reacted for a few seconds and left without stopping any longer.

Not long after leaving the chairman's office, Zhang Jiuhui chased him out.

Zhang Jiuhui quickly grabbed Pippi who was about to leave the company.

"Pippi, wait a minute."

Pippi can't calm down now, she just wants to be alone.

After being told this by her family, she really felt defeated and didn't want to face anything for a moment.

Pippi shook off Zhang Jiuhui's hand abruptly.

She looked at him expressionlessly, "Don't follow me, and don't comfort me, I can do it alone."

Zhang Jiuhui looked worried, but Pippi insisted that if he kept following her, it would affect her mood.

"be careful."

These are the last words Zhang Jiuhui said to Pippi.

Then, he watched Pippi leave.

Since he can't follow Pippi, he needs to go to Pippi's father first to explain his misunderstanding of Pippi.

Zhang Jiuhui returned to the chairman's office.

Pippi's father explained that what he said just now was impulsive, but things have already happened, and it is hard to recover.

"Of course I understand my own daughter, but I can't change what I said impulsively. You can go and see her for me and comfort her."

"Uncle, I'm afraid this matter needs your comfort. My comfort is useless."

"You denied her, this is the root cause, so the comfort she needs most is your affirmation."

Pippi's father thought for a few seconds and then said to Zhang Jiuhui, "Then you go and stay with her, the two of you go home together tonight, and I will talk about it calmly."


After having a tacit understanding with Pippi's father, Zhang Jiuhui immediately went after Pippi.

Although it was only ten minutes away, Pippi had long since disappeared.

The staff in the company's parking lot told Zhang Jiuhui Pippi's whereabouts. He guessed and chased him to a place, and he found Pippi who was venting.

In the entertainment club of the Zhou family, Pipi stayed alone in the private room, drinking and singing.

Pippi didn't even look at Zhang Jiuhui when he pushed the door in.

She wasn't angry with Zhang Jiuhui, she was just in a bad mood and didn't want to face anyone for the time being.


Hearing Zhang Jiuhui's address, she just pretended not to hear it.

Pippi turned up the volume of the microphone on purpose, and only the accompaniment music and her singing could be heard in the entire private room.

Seeing this, Zhang Jiuhui quietly accompanied him without saying anything.

Pippi kept singing, kept singing, and didn't want to pay attention.

But seeing Zhang Jiuhui sitting silently by himself, staring at him non-stop, Pippi felt a little soft-hearted.

She couldn't help but look in Zhang Jiuhui's direction, "You..."

Before Pippi could finish his words, a waiter opened the door and came in.

"Mr. Zhou, Mr. Yu is here. I saw you here, so I want to meet you."

Zhang Jiuhui looked in Pippi's direction hesitantly, and she quickly turned her head, pretending that she never paid attention to him.


Afterwards, Zhang Jiuhui got up and left the private room.

Pippi watched Zhang Jiuhui leave and felt a little lonely in his heart. He was used to having someone staring at him, and then that person left again. It would be better to be alone all the time.

She called the waiter and refilled another bottle of wine.

Pippi felt a little nauseous after drinking... She quickly ran out of the private room and went to the bathroom.

After coming out of the bathroom, Pippi passed a private room and vaguely heard Zhang Jiuhui's voice.

She stopped immediately and listened to the conversation inside.

"It's really been a long time, Mr. Zhou."

"Yes, the last time we met was when we got engaged."

At this time, Mr. Yu beckoned a woman to sit beside Zhang Jiuhui.

"Mr. Zhou, I heard that you and your fiancee are not happy..."

Zhang Jiuhui stood up immediately, and the woman who had just sat down beside her was a little embarrassed.

She immediately stood up and moved to the side.

"Mr. Zhou, I may have taken your seat, I'll move to the side, please sit down."

The woman said politely, and the movements of sitting together fully showed the curves of her figure.

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