The paranoid boss lightly favors

Chapter 1292 Infidelity


Pippi was almost driven crazy by these words!Who is shameless?He is the most shameless! "I'll warn you one last time, let me go immediately, otherwise your life will not be easy in the future."

"I know a lot of people, so don't even think about messing around!"

The man looked at Pippi pretending to be pitiful, "Okay, then I beg you to forgive me."

He pretended to let go and gave Pippi a moment of freedom.

But Pippi was caught by him again before he took two steps.

The man quickly pushed Pippi onto the bed and pressed it under him.

At this time, a lot of people suddenly rushed in the room, they were the staff and reporters who raided the major hotels for a temporary inspection.

The reporter photographed the man pressing Pippi under him, leaning over and preparing to do something.

At this time, He Sheng also appeared.

He Sheng pulled the man away and knocked him down with a few bang bang bang bang bang punches. At this time, the man could no longer stand up.

Because of the violence involved, and He Sheng disagreed, finally, the police showed up.

Pippi and He Sheng were taken away by the police together with the man.

...In the police station, Pippi explained what happened today.

She completely narrated everything from entering the hotel to the police station.

"What about Ah Xuan?"

Pippi was suddenly taken aback when asked by the police.

Yes, Ah Xuan didn't show up after that, obviously she was the one who asked him out.

The man said that when he came, there was no one else at the elevator entrance, which proved that Ah Xuan lied about at least one thing. 
Then, the incident became so big that even He Sheng who was in the lobby on the first floor followed, but she never showed up, which was so strange.

This is the room she booked. If something goes wrong, is she not responsible?She doesn't even want to look at it?Unless, she is not in the hotel, she left herself.

"She...should have left..."

"You contact her now."

Hearing the police's request, Pippi hesitated for a moment.

"I have a little conflict with Ah Xuan now, I want to borrow your mobile phone to contact her, maybe it will be easier to contact her this way."

The police agreed and gave Pippi his mobile phone.

Afterwards, Ah Xuan answered the phone.

"I'm Pippi, I'm at the police station now."

Ah Xuan hesitated for a moment when he heard this, and was a little flustered when he answered again.

"Police station? Why are you in the police station?"

This incident was designed by Ah Xuan from the beginning to the end. She actually wanted to make Pippi embarrassing and embarrassing, and to prove the fact that Pippi, who was walking in front of others before, was unfaithful, messy, playful, and a man.

The reporter was notified by Ah Xuan, but these are people whom Ah Xuan can control, why did they finally... enter the police station?She was very puzzled.

"If you want to know, you come to the police station now, and the police will make it clear to you."

As soon as Ah Xuan heard this, he panicked, "Why do you want me to go to the police station, I didn't do anything wrong."

Pippi snorted coldly.

"Then tell me, where did you go after you left, didn't you mean your male partner at the elevator entrance?"

Ah Xuan blurted out, "I was going to pick him up at the elevator, but later he said that he had some problems on the way, so I went to him and helped him deal with it."

"What went wrong?"

Pippi pressed questions sentence by sentence, not wanting to let Ah Xuan go.

Ah Xuan said awkwardly, "Well, I don't think I need to explain it to you."


"Ah Xuan, I remember you telling me that he got on the elevator, why did he have an accident on the way? Is there something wrong with your mind if you are so confused, do you want me to contact the doctor to help you treat it?"

"You are sick!"

After hearing this, Ah Xuan hung up the phone.

In fact, Ah Xuan was also very flustered.

After all, making trouble at the police station is no small matter.

On the way here, Pippi and He Sheng were in the same car, the man was in another police car, and they were separated.

After that, Pippi told He Sheng about today's incident.

In fact, He Sheng felt that Pippi was designed by someone from the moment he entered the room.

After Pippi went upstairs, He Sheng asked the staff and confirmed that it was A Xuan who booked the room, but after he went upstairs it was a man who wanted to cheat on Pippi.

There was no one else in the room except Pippi and this man.

He Sheng has an impression of Ah Xuan because of the previous incident.

So, she was motivated to design Pippi.

He deliberately brought the matter to the police station and wanted to investigate the matter through legal means.

Because media reporters will soon appear in the newspapers, Pippi's reputation will be criticized and tested one after another, and the company will follow others' arguments, so the only solution is the law.

The police questioned Pippi and also He Sheng.

There is reason to suspect that Ah Xuan intentionally framed her and violated her body and reputation.

In this matter, He Sheng took his part. He beat someone, and he was fully responsible, of course he didn't shirk his responsibility.

He Sheng paid for that man's medical expenses.

The only requirement is that the police should investigate the matter and give Pippi a clean slate.

"In the recent period, we will keep an eye on the suspect's movements, and we will notify you in time if there is any news, and we need your cooperation."

"no problem."

This matter has only completed the first step here.

The investigation will take time, but the ugliness and news will be published in the newspapers tomorrow. Without evidence to prove that Pippi is innocent and Ah Xuan is the designer, no one can organize media reporters to publish articles.

After leaving the police station, Pippi couldn't help but sighed.

"It's so sad, friends are getting fewer and fewer, and enemies are getting more and more."

He Sheng patted Pippi on the shoulder to comfort her, "You used to be too innocent, always thinking that others are so nice, but in fact, few people are as sincere as you.

So if you inadvertently touch a little bit of their interests, they will come to retaliate against you. "

"In the future, you have to be careful."

Pippi shrugged, "Okay, I'll try.

But really... to be honest, I'm so disappointed. "

"Disappointed for what?"

Pippi looked at He Sheng with a tired face, "I'm just disappointed in them."

After speaking, she forced a smile and looked at He Sheng again, "However, I have a good impression of you, so I'm not too disappointed."

He Sheng followed Pippi with a helpless smile.

"I worked so hard to survive by your side, but you actually said that I'm not too disappointed. How bad was I before?"

Pippi thought for a while, but didn't answer.

She walked towards the road, and He Sheng followed her.

"Pippi, you haven't answered my question yet."

Pippi looked at He Sheng intentionally, but still didn't answer.

Not only did she not answer, but she also asked He Sheng why under such circumstances, He Sheng's first reaction was that she was designed by someone, not voluntarily.

In fact, this kind of thing of spending money to find a man is also done by many people in daily life.

This is the same as a man spending money to find a woman, there is no difference.

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