The paranoid boss lightly favors

Chapter 1285 Listen to Me Explain

But she only forgot one thing, forgot to put down Shi Wei's business card she was holding.

Wen Yuan noticed, and his mood fluctuated instantly.

"Did you meet him today?"

Pippi immediately put the business card back on the table vigilantly, "I met by chance, and he gave me a business card."

As soon as Wen Yuan heard this, he reminded Pippi in an attitude of a victim, "He is terrible, don't be contaminated with such a man."

"Of course not, I'm Zhang Jiuhui's fiancée."

Wen Yuan was kind enough to remind her, but Pippi hurt her again unintentionally.

This kind of atmosphere is not very good, Pippi took the initiative to adjust.

"What do you have to do with me?"

After hearing this, Wen Yuan gradually recovered and looked at Pippi, "I contacted Zhang Jiuhui today, and he said that maybe you have a solution, so I'll ask you."

"Actually, I figured out a solution early in the morning, but you only wanted to accept Zhang Jiuhui's help early in the morning, so I didn't say anything."

"Then you tell me now, thank you."

Wen Yuan looked at Pippi eagerly, she really wanted to find a solution as soon as possible.

Otherwise, she would become a big drag on Zhang Jiuhui, even if she compromised with her rival, she didn't care, she had to deal with this matter first and maintain her image in front of Zhang Jiuhui.

Pippi spoke about the solution, and Wen Yuan recorded the whole process of her dictation.

This approach made Pippi a little uncomfortable, she was helping, why did Wen Yuan act like a lawyer collecting evidence.

"If you can't remember, I can make a document for you, you record... Weird..."

Wen Yuan explained with a smile, "Oh, it's convenient for me to listen, and you don't have to bother."

"OK then."

"Then do you have anything else to do?"

Wen Yuan got up, "No more, I'll go first, so I won't bother you."

Seeing Wen Yuan leave, Pippi let out a sigh of relief and collapsed on the sofa.

That recording always made Pippi faintly uneasy, even so uneasy that she had a nightmare at night.

Pippi, who was awakened by the nightmare, could no longer fall asleep, and became hungry after suffering.

She then went downstairs to the kitchen to cook noodles for supper.

It was late at night, and my aunt had rested, and Pippi didn't want to bother her anymore, so she decided to do it herself.

Following the cooking show on TV, she stir-fried chopped green onion and garlic in a cooking pot, and then poured soy sauce.

With a stab, the fire suddenly passed through the bottom of the pot, and the open flame burst out, and Pippi ran out of the kitchen in fright.

This time, everyone in the villa was awakened.

Thick smoke was billowing in the kitchen, and Pippi's face was blackened several times by the smoke. Looking at the fire that had been dealt with, she was still in shock.

Auntie hugged Pippi's shoulder comfortingly and comforted her.

"It's alright, it's alright."

Pippi was still too scared to look in the direction of the kitchen. The fire that burst out just now seemed to be swallowed up by others.

She was so scared that she couldn't stop panting, her chest heaving violently.

"Miss Pippi, it's all right, the fire has been put out, it's really all right."

She was really frightened, she only listened to what the aunt said.


Pippi asked the aunt dubiously, and the aunt answered quickly.

"Really, it's all right."

She stroked Pippi's shoulder, trying to make her relax.

"Miss Pippi, I'll prepare some food for you later, and you can go upstairs to rest after eating."

After the aunt finished speaking, she helped Pippi to walk towards the living room, but as she walked, Pippi stopped abruptly.

"No, I won't eat."

Looking at the position of the sofa in the living room, Pippi suddenly remembered Wen Yuan's recording incident, and that nightmare came before him again.

"Auntie, please take me upstairs."

The aunt responded, and hurriedly helped Pippi upstairs. The driver at home watched the cleaning staff called in to deal with the downstairs.

Pippi was sent to the bedroom, feeling a little more at ease.

Seeing that her aunt was about to leave, Pippi stopped her.

"I'm a little scared tonight, otherwise? You stay with me, okay? Can you?"

Auntie looked at the sofa opposite the bed in the bedroom, "Okay, Miss Pippi, I will rest on the sofa directly opposite you, don't be afraid."


Afterwards, Pippi took out a blanket from the cabinet and gave it to the aunt.

"Auntie, can you wait until I fall asleep? I'm really scared."

"Okay, I'll watch you sleep."

At this time, Pippi was like a child of a few years old, overly frightened.

The aunt watched Pippi fall asleep before she fell asleep in peace.

Early the next morning, this matter reached Zhang Jiuhui's ears, and he immediately contacted Pippi.

At this time, Pippi was eating breakfast, and was startled again when he heard the phone ringing suddenly.

After a few seconds of reaction, she took a closer look and saw that it was Zhang Jiuhui calling, and she immediately answered the phone aggrieved.

On the phone, Pippi felt wronged and acted like a baby, and Zhang Jiuhui also comforted her for a long time.

"Okay, don't touch these in the future. If you are hungry, ask auntie to get up and help prepare."

"But... I don't want to bother my aunt at night."

For Pippi's appetite in the middle of the night, Zhang Jiuhui thought of a good way.

He arranged another aunt in the villa, and the two took turns taking care of Pippi.

Although Zhang Jiuhui didn't like too many people, but in order to meet Pippi's needs, he didn't mind having one more person.

On the day when the new aunt came, Pippi always looked a little familiar, but she couldn't remember where she saw it, and she wasn't even sure if she had seen it.

Moreover, although the new auntie is quite neat in doing things, she does not seem to be as kind as the original auntie, and sometimes feels quite serious.

When Pippi wants to add supper at night, she hesitates.

On this day, Pippi's busy mind was empty, and she was waiting for the new aunt to prepare a supper for herself.

Pippi was sitting at the dining table and was still working on the computer to handle things. At this time, the new aunt came out of the kitchen and asked Pippi's taste.

"Miss, do you like it salty or light?"

"Just enough, but don't fade away."


After the new aunt asked, she returned to the kitchen, and Pippi couldn't help but look at her back with emotion.

She is really a very serious aunt. Generally, aunts answer themselves like, okay, I see, and so on. This aunt just said, "Well", I don't know, but I thought it was the owner of the villa.

After being distracted by the new aunt for a few minutes, Pippi continued to deal with work.

At a certain moment, Pipi was making a plan full of ideas, and the new aunt suddenly brought up the supper without saying a word, which really surprised him.

Pippi calmed down and looked at the new aunt, "There's nothing else to do here after midnight snacks, go and rest."


Another hum, and then left.

It's not that Pippi pays attention to status and hierarchy, she just thinks that among the aunts she has met, this person is the most exceptional and the most respectful.

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