The paranoid boss lightly favors

Chapter 1277 I Don't Regret

"No, sir asked me to prepare two. She guessed that you won't be too full if you eat out, and you'll be hungry if you watch him eat supper."

Hearing this, Pippi couldn't help admiring, "His guess is really accurate!"

"Knows me better than I know myself."

Looking at a pot of hot porridge with red dates and brown sugar in it, Pippi drools a little.

"Auntie, is that porridge ready? Can I have a bowl first?"

The aunt smiled and helped Pippi fill a bowl.

"Mr. said that you asked me to prepare it during your menstrual period, and this pot is all yours."

Pippi was very satisfied with the smell of rice boxes and red dates. She put the bowl of porridge on the dining table and went upstairs quickly.

The supper is ready, it's time for Zhang Jiuhui to go downstairs.

At the door of the study, Pippi knocked several times, but no one answered.

She finally chose to push open the door resolutely, only to find that Zhang Jiuhui had fallen asleep inside.

He rested his head and closed his eyes.

Pippi took a closer look and found that the computer was still on. He must have been too tired, so he took a nap.

She closed the computer carefully, fearing that the screen light would affect his short rest.


Just as Pippi was about to leave the study, Zhang Jiuhui woke up.

"Why are you sneaking around?"

After hearing this, Pippi immediately straightened up, turned around and looked at Zhang Jiuhui, "I'm not sneaking around, I'm just reducing the noise, I just don't want to disturb your rest."

As she spoke, she walked to Zhang Jiuhui's side.

"The supper is ready, let's go downstairs together."

"it is good."

Zhang Jiuhui was about to get up as he spoke, but he might have been a little numb from sitting for too long, and accidentally fell back to his seat when he stood up.

Pippi nervously supported Zhang Jiuhui, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's been too long in one position."

Pippi looked at Zhang Jiuhui worriedly, "Otherwise, I will accompany you to the hospital for an examination tomorrow."

"Don't make a fuss, it's fine."

As Zhang Jiuhui spoke, he stood up again, this time steadily, without any problem at all.

"Look, it's okay.

There is chance in everything. "

Pippi was still a little worried, but this was not the right time to dwell on this issue.

The two went downstairs to eat immediately, and the aunt prepared a sumptuous supper.

As Pippi drank the bowl of porridge that was good for menstrual periods, Zhang Jiuhui's eyes fell on her from time to time.

"What do you always see me doing with porridge?"

Pippi asked, and Zhang Jiuhui couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

"I think the way your mouth puffs up when you drink porridge is cute, so I want to keep watching."

Maybe it was because of drinking the hot porridge that his body became hot, or maybe it was because of Zhang Jiuhui's words, Pippi's face suddenly turned red.

She covered her cheeks shyly, "Don't say that, I'm very embarrassed."

"Auntie has left, and now it's just the two of us, what's there to be embarrassed about."

After hearing this, Pippi immediately confessed her thoughts, "People say that the secret to keeping love fresh is to maintain the feeling when you are in love. At that time, if you praise me, I will be shy."

"Then are you really shy now, or are you shy according to the atmosphere?"

Pippi cut off in displeasure, "Of course I'm really shy, I didn't learn acting, so I still act to you."

Zhang Jiuhui couldn't help recalling the small theaters that Pippi played in when he was chasing him.

"Although you didn't study acting, it's quite good to deliberately provoke me a lot of times."

When Pippi heard this, he burst into laughter instantly. Is this a warm supper or a reminiscence drama meeting.

The two couldn't help but began to recall when they first met, and compared their growth and changes from each other's current situation.

"At that time, you were very self-willed, proactive, and domineering, and no one dared to provoke you."

Pippi looked at Zhang Jiuhui unhappy, "That's because I didn't have you to protect me at that time, so I relied on myself so much. If you agreed earlier, I would have been a spoiled baby."

Pippi always felt that the saying that a coquettish woman is the best life is true.

Love is the balance between two people. If you act like a baby and show weakness, he will become stronger and protect you from wind and rain.

This is the result of many times of practice, but those practices are not as real as the relationship with Zhang Jiuhui.

At the moment of reminiscing, Pippi suddenly thought of half of his studies that he had put on hold.

"At that time, my father asked me to come back, but I couldn't help it."

She was very sorry when she said this, but she didn't regret it either.

"I am now taking over the company's affairs, and I also find the fun in it."

Seeing how Pippi worked so hard to change for his family, Zhang Jiuhui really felt distressed.

"Before, I thought that the pressure was given to you by my uncle. I even asked my uncle, but I didn't expect it to be your own hard work. I admire it."

It was a pleasant surprise to hear a word of admiration from the almighty Zhang Jiuhui.

In Pippi's impression, he never said this word to himself.

She looked at Zhang Jiuhui with a smile, "Then why do you admire me, please be more specific."

Zhang Jiuhui thought for a while before speaking.

"I feel that you are faster than me in accepting and changing in the face of things."

However, Pippi didn't have a deep feeling for the two points Zhang Jiuhui said.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because of Xie Jian's matter."

The sudden mention of Xie Jian made Pippi feel a little sudden, but he didn't mind.

These two points were discovered by Zhang Jiuhui from his relationship, and he felt it from his relationship with Xie Jian at the very beginning.

"At that time, I couldn't love, and it was difficult for me to struggle out of that environment, but you are different."

"Oh? Why is it different?"

Zhang Jiuhui looked at Pippi with a smile, and he stood up suddenly.

Pippi originally thought that he was going to walk in front of her, but never thought that he would walk in front of the wine cabinet.

It seems that tonight is destined to be a time to drink and talk about life.

Zhang Jiuhui opened a bottle of wine and poured himself a glass. Seeing this, Pippi also reached out to pour the wine, but he stopped immediately.

"I drink and you drink porridge, it's the same."

Soon, Pippi heard Xie Jian from Zhang Jiuhui.

Then he said that he didn't want to give up Xie Jian's makeup at that time, as if he was possessed by a demon and was led away by a certain idea.

"Even watching her get better and better with Gu Mingchen, it's hard for me to accept this state."

Pippi glared at Zhang Jiuhui deliberately, and took a sip of porridge, as if venting his dissatisfaction.

He immediately explained, "Of course these things are not important to me now, I can tell you frankly that you just look away."

"I mentioned Xie Jian's incident because I wanted to use my state at that time as an example to compare your handling of things."

Doubt flashed in Pippi's eyes.

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