She suddenly raised her hand and suddenly felt the throbbing pain in the flesh of her stomach, followed by bursts of pain, and she broke out in a cold sweat within a few minutes of the pain.

Pippi fell on the sofa, Zhang Jiuhui was worried and immediately called the doctor.

One second before the doctor arrived, Pippi's body had informed the cause of the stomachache this time, that is, she came to see her aunt, and she ate iced fruit unprepared.

This is due to dysmenorrhea caused by improper diet, and it is not a big deal. The doctor prescribed painkillers and left.

After the doctor left, Pippi's mother immediately released the hot water bottle to warm Pippi, and turned on the air conditioner in the room to the warmest.

"How is it, are you better?"

Pippi nodded with difficulty, "It's a little bit better."

Her face was pale, her lips were pale, and she felt so weak that she didn't even have the strength to speak.

Zhang Jiuhui poured a cup of warm water and brought it to Pippi, and arranged all the medicines.

"Take the painkiller."

Pippi didn't even have the strength to reach for the cup.

Zhang Jiuhui put the cup of warm water aside, sat on the edge of the bed and helped Pippi up, letting her lean against him, then he picked up the cup and fed Pippi the medicine.

Seeing this scene, Pippi's mother felt that the two should be given some space, so she left.

There were only Zhang Jiuhui and Pipi left in the room, she was taking the medicine with her mouth flattened, aggrieved.

"It's so hard..."

Zhang Jiuhui gently wiped off the fine sweat on Pippi's forehead with a tissue, "I'll get you some brown sugar ginger tea later, Auntie prepared it just now."


Pippi sniffed, feeling a hint of care.

"Do you want to continue to lie down and rest, I will put you down."

When Pippi heard this, she shook her head immediately, "No, it's fine just leaning on you like this, you are still quite warm, I don't know why the warm air from the air conditioner makes me feel a little headache."

Zhang Jiuhui turned off the air conditioner as soon as he heard this, and then he hugged Pippi tightly and wrapped her tightly with a quilt.

Pippi didn't even remember when she fell asleep, and when she woke up, she was still in the same state as before going to bed last night. She was in Zhang Jiuhui's warm arms, and the scene hadn't changed at all.

Now Pippi can be regarded as completely letting go of the contradictory incident of last night.

That's right, Zhang Jiuhui doesn't want himself to spend his mind on other people's affairs because he also cares about himself. Maybe he doesn't want to make himself so tired.

If you think about it from this angle, then he is right.

It may be that he was anxious at that moment, so what he said was not so pleasant, but he will definitely not intentionally make himself unhappy.

Pippi analyzed this matter, unconsciously raised the corners of his mouth.

Then she couldn't help laughing again, her body twitched when she laughed, Zhang Jiuhui was woken up by her.

"What are you laughing at?"

Pippi looked smug.

"Laugh at you!"

She answered with an emphatic tone, and Zhang Jiuhui, who woke up early in the morning, was a little dazed by her playful smile.

"Laughing at me?"

Pippi nodded vigorously, "That's right, I just laughed at you, don't doubt it."

"Then why?"

Pippi deliberately extended the time for answering, creating Zhang Jiuhui's anticipation and anxiety.

Suddenly, Pippi raised his head and kissed Zhang Jiuhui's cheek.

"Laugh at you for being so kind to me, I'm happy."

Zhang Jiuhui was stunned for a few seconds before gradually relaxing his facial muscles and raising the corners of his mouth.

He thought that Pippi was joking or something, the kind of laugh that made fun of himself, but he didn't expect this answer at all.

The sudden sweetness made Zhang Jiuhui's little heart a little uncomfortable.

After reacting for a while, Zhang Jiuhui put Pippi in his arms with a backhand, "Why are you so skinny."

"I'm Pippi."

She looked at Zhang Jiuhui with a smile, with a naive look on her face.

The cheeks that just woke up are plump, pink and tender, very cute, like a little baby.

Just as Zhang Jiuhui was about to lean over to kiss Pippi, there was a knock on the door.

"Mr. Zhou, miss, breakfast is ready, are you going downstairs to eat or shall I bring it up?"

After a moment of hesitation, Pippi immediately replied, "We're going downstairs, we'll be going downstairs right away."

After Pippi finished speaking, he pushed Zhang Jiuhui away neatly, got out of bed and ran towards the bathroom in big strides.

She really didn't care about her body, she ran into the bathroom with bare feet and didn't even wear slippers...

Pippi, who was brushing her teeth, saw Zhang Jiuhui in the mirror. She hummed to express her thoughts, her mouth was covered with toothpaste, and she couldn't explain clearly.

Zhang Jiuhui calmly walked to Pippi and squatted down, and Pippi looked down suspiciously.

She saw Zhang Jiuhui helping her put on slippers, one after another.

At this time, his actions were like soft light slowing down. She stared intently at the man she had liked for so long, and the man who became her fiancé was so caring to her, she was about to explode with happiness!After helping Pippi put on his slippers, Zhang Jiuhui stood up.

He touched Pippi's head, "It's better not to open your mouth, or you'll be spouting like a hippopotamus, brush your teeth obediently."

Hippopotamus... such a tall, wet and not too cute animal, he actually used it to describe himself.

Pippi stared at Zhang Jiuhui, and finally resisted the urge to complain about his description.

After all, remembering his actions just now, Pippi is still very sweet, so sweet that he can ignore everything else.

After brushing her teeth and washing her face, Pippi found that Zhang Jiuhui was no longer in the room.

After simply tidying up and changing her clothes, she went downstairs.

At this time, Zhang Jiuhui was sitting and having breakfast with his parents, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

When Pippi's mother saw Pippi stopped on the stairs, she immediately reminded, "Why did you stop, go downstairs and eat something hot, your stomach will feel better."


Pippi went downstairs in response and walked to the dining table.

Zhang Jiuhui opened the seat next to her and let Pippi sit down. She looked at him suspiciously.

"Obviously I went to tidy up first, why are you so fast?"

"I went to the room to tidy up. Men are generally faster than girls."

As Zhang Jiuhui said, he brought the porridge that Auntie had just filled in front of Pippi, "It's been left to dry for a few minutes, and it's just right to drink now."

"Okay, thank you."

Pippi was drinking sweet porridge when her father suddenly asked a question about work. Fortunately, she answered it well, otherwise the person who worked hard would collapse.

"That's right, it's really hard work."

Pippi responded with a smile, "Of course, I am your successor, and I will definitely work hard to not let you down."

She stood up imposingly as she spoke, and promised her father the contributions and changes she would make for the company as if shouting a slogan.

Zhang Jiuhui felt a little distressed when he saw it, but if this was something Pippi had to go through, he couldn't do it for her, he could only accompany her.

After breakfast, Zhang Jiuhui and Pippi went to the company respectively.

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